Thursday, March 26, 2020

Blog images and donations...

Hi everyone! Due to the image issue, there will not be a blog post this month. I had some ideas in mind for what we could do until this issue is resolved, but it's only temporary and our images on Photobucket would still be blurred out. I don't have a definite date for the new blog, but it shouldn't be too long. I just need more time to resolve this issue. I think that if I can get back into Photobucket, I will have full access to our blog's images and I can try to move them somewhere else. I had a hard time before finding a free service, but perhaps there is a low-cost one somewhere.

I received a donation last month, btw. Thank you to the individual that donated! I appreciate it so much. All donations will go toward Photobucket's annual image storage fee. :)

Before I close this out, I'm sure you are all aware of the coronavirus outbreak. I just wanted to say a few things real quick. Please stay home if you can, especially if you're sick. Social distancing and handwashing help, too. We can get through this if we each do our part. Also, to any doctors and nurses who are reading, thank you for all you do! You put your lives on the line in difficult times like these and it is admirable.

Stay safe and healthy everyone~!



Anonymous said...

Hello are you doing ok?

Can you give a update

Anonymous said...

Unknown on April 3, 2021 at 11:54 PM said...

Hello Wozniak I was really hoping you could give us some updates.

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