This is our first blog in over a year, and I can't wait to pick up where we left off. It will be hard because I have to give myself a refresher course on company terms, as well as read through the last 3-4 posts which cover our investigations. A lot to catch up on but I can do it! I've got a lot to share with you all. The most exciting news is that there is a new legitimate DIY company, which I will now introduce you to. This company is Flex Marketing Group, LLC. and their gift program is Dealzingo. Read on to learn more...
I was searching through my old notes and found I had jotted down "Dealzingo" and "Flex Marketing Group" a while back. However, I wasn't entirely sure that Flex Marketing Group was connected to the nationalrewardsurveys.com (Dealzingo) sites. Someone, however, sent me an e-mail stating that they were paid on one of the nationalrewardsurveys.com sites. In that e-mail, they posted the company's name, address, and telephone number, which confirms that Flex Marketing Group, LLC. are the company behind the nationalrewardsurveys.com sites.
Anonymous person who wrote in:
"Good news! I just received a $1000 check from FLEX Marketing group, LLC with the memo on it: $1000 Visa Gift Card Cash Equivalent!
Flex Marketing Group LLC
Address: 1841 Broadway, Suite 600
New York, NY 10023
Phone: (212) 228-6340"
This makes me so happy! A new paying DIY company for us. Since most of you aren't familiar with this company, I have taken some screen shots of one of their sites so we can do a site review. We will start with the front page...
Gift site:

url: http://nationalrewardsurveys.com/?session_id=07f9de746a7c11e68de0825fc67c7d5d
Registration page:

Survey pages:

Starts off with the question above then goes into a series of more surveys...

View Offers pages:

The "View Offers" pages offer you things like the "free diabetes-friendly cookbook" shown above. You don't have to sign up for these offers, just view them to advance to the offer pages.
Offer page:

This is what the offer pages look like. There is a Bronze, Silver, and Gold offer page.
Status page:

The offer categories look like I-Deal except I-Deal's are Silver, Gold, and Platinum. There are also no "Registration," "Survey" and "View Offers" point requirements on I-Deal's sites.
Dealzingo gift site address:
P.O. Box #85919
New York, NY 10163-4668
Dealzingo phone number: 1-646-543-1795
Dealzingo e-mail address: dealzingocustomerservice@gmail.com
Flex Marketing Group address:
1841 Broadway, Suite 600
New York, NY 10023
Flex Marketing Group phone number: 212-228-6340
Flex Marketing Group: info@flexmg.com
web site: www.flexmg.com
I must point out that the P.O. Box #85919 address for Dealzingo is used by what seems like hundreds of sites. So either that P.O. Box is provided by a Registered Agent that Flex Marketing Group uses for their gift program, Dealzingo, or Flex Marketing Group is the Registered Agent for thousands of companies which offers mail forwarding. Remember we saw the same thing with Incorp Services, Inc. 3 years ago: http://wozniack.blogspot.com/2013/10/rewardzone-usa-proven-legit-payment.html
This company does respond to e-mails, though they can be slow. They have a working telephone number that at least goes to voicemail if nobody answers. That's one of the things I look for when doing a site. If somebody responds to my e-mails, then that means somebody can help me if a problem arises. If they offer phone support, that's even better! Another thing I look for is a status page so I can log in to my account. If there is no way to check my offer status, how will I know if I'm making progress? Let's say I-Deal had no status page link on their gift sites. How would I know if I needed to do any replacement offers unless I-Deal sent me some sort of alert via e-mail?
Before I do any site I register first, then log in through the status page so that I am locked in for sure. I don't sign up and start doing offers. With RewardZone USA and Dealzingo, your account becomes active when you sign up for your first offer. So I guess with RewardZone USA it's a little different for me since I do an offer with them upon sign up. I haven't done Dealzingo yet but I am planning on giving them a try as soon as I get time.

Michael Held.
In 2004, Flex Marketing Group, LLC. was founded, and has remained a part of the sales and marketing industry ever since. Flex Marketing Group offers marketing and advertising solutions to companies seeking to acquire new customers on a performance-basis. Michael Held has led this business since January 2008 in New York, NY. He also owns and manages Brick Run Media, LLC., a privately held company which he established in 2007. Brick Run Media has an annual revenue of $160,000 and has just two people on staff. In 2011, Michael Held became principal employer of Ad1 Media Group, LLC., an advertising company with an annual revenue of $100,000 to $499,000. Then in February of 2015, he started up Consumer Promotions Media, LLC. Michael Held earned a BS in Marketing in 1999 from the University of Maryland. In 2004, he earned an MS in Information Systems from the Stevens Institute of Technology in New York City.
Dealzingo-- Your account becomes active once you sign up for your first offer. All offers must be completed within 30 days of completing your first offer. Limit of 1 reward per household, per calendar year. Any accounts that share either: the same name, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number, credit card, or IP address will be considered the same household. Accounts in violation of this rule will be placed on holds or disqualified. Credit card offers may require you to activate the card by making a purchase, transferring a balance and/or taking a cash advance. You must remain a card holder for at least 60 days from the time of activation, purchase, or balance transfer.
I knew RewardZone USA would accept a bill as proof of address, but I wanted to know if they would accept an invoice. Below is what I asked them in regards to the site my dad was working on.
My e-mail:
"from: me
to: Reward Zone USA
date: Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 2:06 PM
subject: Re: Question about driver's license and address
mailed-by: gmail.com
I told him that he could only do one site per year.
As for proof of address, the problem is he just moved so it may take a little time for something to show up in the mail under his new address. Do you accept credit card or debit card applications as well? Or if he bought something online and had it shipped there, would you accept an invoice showing his name and new address? I figured that might be faster.
RewardZone USA's reply:
"from: Reward Zone USA
to: me
date: Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 11:17 AM
subject: RE: Question about driver's license and address
mailed-by: rewardzoneusa.com
signed-by: rewardzoneusa.com
An invoice for something purchased online is acceptable for your dad.
RewardZone USA"
I had no idea! So if your photo I.D. doesn't have your current address, you can just buy something online, have it shipped to your home, and send them the invoice. It works if you don't receive a lot of mail, or if you pay your bills online. Thought I'd pass that information along. Next we will talk about RMM Media, LLC. To refresh your memory, please read these posts first: "Rewardzone USA proven legit + payment reports..." Santa's workshop, Part 1. RMM Media, LLC warning..." DIYfreebies 7th annual anniversary blog..."
Let's look at the old Secretary of State file for RMM Media, LLC....

This old Secretary of State file shows that RMM Media, LLC is active. Now look at the new Secretary of State file...

The status on file now shows "Inactive - Administratively Dissolved (Tax)" with "08/09/2016" under Inactive Date. That means whoever owns this limited liability company didn't file an annual report or they failed to maintain a Wyoming Registered Agent. Under Standing - Tax of this report shows "Delinquent," which may mean they didn't pay the annual license tax. This LLC became inactive on August 8, 2016, and I am not seeing anymore RMM Media gift sites anywhere. I wonder if they are gone for good, or if they will reinstate their corporate status and put more sites out? In this case I guess time will tell. I just hope I can contact them if they return...
Since my last blog I have earned a $1,000.00 Visa gift card from RewardZone USA and a $500.00 Visa gift card from I-Deal. Proof pics are below...

Thanks for the gift cards RewardZone USA and I-Deal!!
My earnings: $85.00 in amazon codes, $50.00 Paypal, and a $5.00 Starbucks e-card from Media Insiders; $250.00 in Wal-Mart e-cards, and $30.00 in Target eGiftCards from Toluna; $150.00 in Paypal from SurveySpot; $129.95 in Paypal from Quickrewards.net; $275.00 in Visa gift cards from MyView; $50.00 Paypal from Mindspay; $75.00 check for a 1 1/2 hour-long moderated chat study from SMARI; $300.00 virtual Visa from Gongos Research; $60.00 amazon from C+R Research; $100.00 check for soda study; $150.00 virtual Visa for beverage diary study; $10.00 cash for marinade test.

This concludes our summer blog. I hope you all enjoyed it! I am, however, sorry for the time that elapsed since my last entry. Just had a lot going on personally and I took a break. I'm ready to dive back in to the freebie scene though~! I really cannot wait for the months ahead... September-January is my favorite time to do freebie sites. I like the extra spending money during the holiday season. My next site will be Dealzingo and possibly another I-Deal site until I can do RewardZone USA again in January.
I will work on our link list over the next few days. With a new month is approaching, I will update it throughout September as well. So please check back often for new links. Also, my inbox is full, and I am backed up on my e-mails. Please bear with me as I've got quite a few to answer. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Take care,
i wish producttestpanel would revive itself! was never able to get in on that one back in the heyday, dangit
Dealzingo lists that you must complete the offers in 30 days to qualify, but yet, you cant email their support on offers that didnt go green until 30 days.. confused?
I have two offers that didnt go green yet.. i ended up trying two more just to try to "fix" it quickly, they also are still pending..
I'm wondering if i should just go ahead and email them asking about forwarding confirmations if its ok at this point, worst they can say is to wait another 20 days i guess?
Did the dealzingo offers credit and/or did the alternate two ever go green? ALso - if you did email them what was their response? Thanks
Actually they didnt.. the status page vanished (blank) and if i clicked on the 1000 offer link it now says expired.. I had done all required offers too.. so i have no way of knowing.. i emailed them twice.. i also called and left voice messages.. in either case no one has got back to me.
Have you all gotten any responses on how to check status?! I email and call everyday.
No responses via email or phone.. i've called three times already and left messages.. feeling like a lost cause here.
Fyi.. the email for contacting i used was info AT nationalrewardsurveys dot com
Did they ever get back to you guys?
No they didnt.. I wont waste my time with DealZingo again.
My dealzingo went through - although one of the "free" signups never went green so I replaced. But what I replaced it with went green w/in <a week (checked next weekend). Of course, I did mostly paid offers, ended up spending more than $100, but got the $500 reward.
Can't get to any of the Nuitech sites though, are they still around?
Does anyone know how to trigger the $1000 page? I prefer that over the $500 gift card
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