First off, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has stuck with this blog over the years and to the new readers. I am grateful for all the support I have received, and to those who have helped me. Since I took a year off, there was no anniversary blog last year. This year's anniversary blog arrived a little late; it has always been published on June 16th, the day it began. I feel that 2015 is a time of change for the freebie industry and this blog. A few years ago, I wondered when that "change" would set in, and that is now. But I'd rather things be as they are instead of this industry ending for good. I'm glad I got involved in freebies in 2006, and registered an account on anything4free.com in 2007. From there, I joined other DIY forums, and started studying DIY extensively. The idea for a blog didn't come to mind until June 13, 2008. 3 days later, 'DIYfreebies' was born, and DIY school was in "now in session": wozniack.blogspot.com/2008/06/school-is-now-in-session.html -- My I-Deal Rulesheet and early DIY lessons on I-Deal, Product Test Panel, Nuitech, Brandarama, and Adteractive were just the beginning to something really spectacular. As time went on, this blog grew beyond belief, giving me more contacts, and making it possible to reach out to so many more people. I was put on the map and companies and individuals knew right where to come. I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. It has been great!
New details have emerged in RMM Media case. A discussion between members of JLA Forums and a Google group have led to a possible name and address discovery. Please read the forum topic to begin.
Post Link Posted: Wed Aug 28 2013 7:46 pm
Post subject: ???????
"I saw this on Facebook.
I have no idea if it is true or not.
Celebrating A Whopping $2.1 Billion in revenue so far in 2013 we at
Disney have decided to end your summer vacation off with a bang
by giving away 120 Tickets To Disney Land or Disney World to you our fans !
To be entered to win all you have to do is the following:
1. LIKE and SHARE this photo!
2. To Claim Your Free Tickets Click the following link -->
and that's it!
Good Luck, DisneyLand!
"I should have added this: https://www.facebook.com/wallldisnennylllaa
Posted: Thu Aug 29 2013 10:31 am
Post subject: Re: ???????
"An obvious scam (see the non-Disney related ownership of that website below). Remember that anything you share or like on FB gives the owner of that content full access rights to see all of your personal info, just as a "friend" would. These scammers pay FB (and FB gladly accepts their money) to do these "ads" and the result is they get your personal info. They may not do anything with it except use it for target ads, or, they may sell it to hackers who will then try to use the info for more nefarious purposes. This is one reason I really don't do much on FB.
Registrar URL: www.godaddy....
Updated Date: 2013-07-22 14:20:11
Creation Date: 2013-07-22 14:20:11
Registrar Expiration Date: 2014-07-22 14:20:11
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
Registrant Name: Arnold Rucker
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 18345 NW 925 St
Registrant City: charlotte
Registrant State/Province: FG
Registrant Postal Code: 27566
Registrant Country: Curacao
DisneyWizard the Fantasmi:
Posted: Mon Sep 02 2013 3:24 pm
Post subject: SCAM! ???????
"Should be titled "How to waste endless inbox hours daily, deleting crap you were lured into a vague prize that only took 15 minutes to completely ruin your life."
My ISP offers a single use email address precisely for situations such as these. If your ISP makes single-use addresses available, set it up before plunging in here there be dragons. One of the perks of owning my own domain, disneywizard.co, is the ability to process infinite e-mail addresses (or ignore the catch-all dump bucket, or auto reply with "does not exist"), so RMMcrap@disnwz is close to what I used to 'enlist' in this draft. It doesn't show up in any important daily messaging but it all gets shunted to a dungeon. The fodder cheers my dragon the same "Wow, I got mail? Someone cares!" way I routinely fill the sales-lead slips at the movie theater, shopping mall and theme park entrance for the free car and free vacation. It's better than a pen-pal, where you may exchange one or two personal letters a month because it fills my snailmailbox daily with colorful attractive and even exotic variety of enticements. Perfect for the lonely child paper mache addict.
WARNING: After a thousand "qualifying rounds" and purchase required from at least two "products you already use" you "may be entered to win" two tickets to DL or WDW.
"Participation Required. To qualify for the prize, you must complete two Silver offers and two Gold offers from among the options on the respective Silver and Gold offer pages and for prizes with a value of $100 or less, three Platinum offers, and for prizes with a value of more than $100, eight Platinum offers from among the options on the Platinum offer page within one calendar day (12:00:00 AM, EST to 11:59:59 PM, EST). Completion of rewards offers usually requires a purchase, subscription or filing a credit application and being accepted for a financial product such as a credit card or consumer loan. The following link illustrates a Representative Sample awardhotspot..../....psample of offers by group along with the monetary and non-monetary obligations required to complete the offer. U.S. residents 18 years or older only. Limit of one prize issued by RMM Media, LLC per person per household per calendar year. Failure to submit accurate registration information or comply with claim verification process will result in loss of eligibility.
"By participating, you agree to the Terms & Conditions awardhotspot..../common/terms which includes mandatory arbitration and Privacy Policy awardhotspot..../common/privacy which includes your consent to our sharing your personally identifiable information with our Marketing Partners awardhotspot..../....rketing .
"RMM Media administers this website and does not claim to represent or own any of the trademarks, tradenames or rights associated with any of the prizes which are the property of their respective owners who do not own, endorse, or promote RMM Media or this promotion."
My reply to ??????? topic:
Posted: Thu Jun 11 2015 8:13 pm
Post subject: Re: ???????
"So the company behind the Disney World site is RMM Media, LLC.? Was the name of the corporation at the bottom of the page? I just need someone to confirm this for me please.
You may contact me at diyfreebies@gmail.com
Posted: Wed Jun 17 2015 8:21 pm
Post subject: Re: ???????
"Here's some good advice on these contests:
My reply to ??????? topic:
Posted: Wed Jun 17 2015 8:21 pm
Post subject: Re: ???????
Before the Disney World sites when down, did you view them? I ask because I need confirmation that the company behind these sites is really RMM Media, LLC. If it is, then the name Arnold Rucker and the address holds some value.
I run a blog that warns people about online scams. There are some good companies, however, that do pay. I received 2 $500.00 Visa gift cards in the mail back in January, which you can read about here: DIYfreebies.com (my blog). But RMM Media, LLC. failed to pay a friend of mine, and some of their sites have malware; my Norton detected the malware after I clicked the "X" button on the download.exe file that popped up.
Anyway, if one of you could confirm this for me, I would greatly appreciate it. I will mention you in my blog if you'd like, and can even post a link you may have to help you out.
Posted: Wed Jun 17 2015 8:30 pm
Post subject: Re: ???????
"Hi W,
I'm so sorry but I don't have other info to share. I just happened to see Jerry's post here, then later saw the link and posted it. I don't know anything further but thought DisneyDining gave some good advice.
Sorry I can't be of any help!
(I don't work for DisneyDining but like their little lists and articles.)
Good luck! Pam"
My reply to ??????? topic:
Posted: Wed Jun 17 2015 8:35 pm
Post subject: Re: ???????
Thanks for the site. Very informative. I may add it to my blog, and send it to a few people I know. :)
Have a great day!
Sources for thread-- Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.arts.disney.parks/8_UrfH1MNeI - JLA FORUMS: http://www.jlaforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=221113793
The JLA Forums and Google group member DisneyWizard the Fantasmi copied the "ACTUAL SMALL PRINT," which are the front page requirements for RMM Media's gift sites. But I cannot confirm that he/she copied those requirements from a RMM Media, LLC. site without proof. They would have to tell me they copied the text from the front page for BESTJULYCOUPON.COM, the Disney World site. For all I know, DisneyWizard the Fantasmi could have copied those requirements off an RMM Media site other than BESTJULYCOUPON.COM; and what makes BESTJULYCOUPON.com so special is that its registered to an address under Arnold Rucker. The BESTJULYCOUPON.com Disney World site is gone or else I would have checked it myself. Below is the whois info containing the street name "18345 NW 925 St." and another address along with two e-mails for Arnold Rucker.
whois with 18345 NW 925 St. street name:

There are no results for the street address 18345 NW 925 St. Charlotte is a city in North Carolina, and "FG" is a province known as Foggia in the Apulia region of Italy. 27566 is fake according to a zip code search, and Curaçao is an island in the southern Caribbean Sea. Arnold Rucker, or whoever registered these domains, created a nonexistant street name and zip code, then added the Foggia province and Curaçao for good measure. gildathomas30@yahoo.com is a working e-mail address but I am not holding my breath on a response.
whois with another address:

There are no results for the street address 18523 NW 189 St. Charlotte, North Carolina of course is real, but the zip code is for Pine Level, North Carolina. I feel better about this address but both street names aren't showing up. The e-mail on file for this domain is jessikafugate801@yahoo.com, which gave me a mailer damon message. Please note that the domain for the first whois report is "premiungiftcards.com." That is, the word premium spelled with an 'N.' I almost missed that! I had visited "premiumgiftcards.com," which looked too professional. So I checked the whois report again and saw that the word premium was misspelled. None of the current domains under Arnold Rucker are DIY-oriented. So it will be hard for me to tie Arnold Rucker and the addresses to RMM Media, LLC. unless one of the JLA Forum and Google group members confirm that the RMM Media front page requirements were on the Disney World site.
There is a RMM Media link floating around that I wanted to warn you all about. I discovered it on an affiliate offer site while looking for RMM Media gift sites. A box appeared that looked similar to this...

The red "click here" button took me to a page with a "download.exe" file pop-up window. I clicked the "X" because I didn't want to download the file. After I did that, the page started blinking and my Norton anti-virus appeared; it detected malware. I ended up reformatting my computer due to issues I was having after visiting this site. If this happens to any of you, please check out this Virus Removal Guide: http://malwaretips.com/blogs/awardhotspot-com-removal/ -- This Virus Removal Guide was made especially for the awardhotspot.com pop-ups ads. Taken from this site: "awardhotspot.com is not a malicious domain itself, however cyber criminals are using malicious programs to display ads from this domain, and thus getting pay-per-click revenue." RMM Media may or may not be to blame for this. Who knows who these "criminals" are. It could be anyone. Avoid "awardhotspot.com" as someone was scammed on one of the RMM Media (awardhotspot.com) gift sites, and now there is adware associated with the domain. I hope this new information leads to something. Arnold Rucker, the e-mails and the two addresses are what I'm working with.
Now let's talk about RewardZone USA and Amped Media. A member sent me an e-mail inquiring about Amped Media, RewardZone USA, and Nuitech. One of their questions--perhaps the most important one about IPs--was answered by RewardZone USA. Their response can be found below as well as the information I provided on Amped Media and Nuitech.
from: member
to: diyfreebies@gmail.com
date: Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 10:13 PM
subject: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
signed-by: gmail.com
Hi there..
From your blog site, you said to shoot you an email on this one..
If you could send that, that would be great..
How trustworthy is Amped Media and also Nuitecj/YR Central for their offers (which you had on your site as well.. I was hoping to do all 3 in time)..
Thanks again
My reply:
from: diyfreebies@gmail.com
date: Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 1:54 AM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
My reply:
Hi there,
I have spoken directly to Amped Media's CEO Jonathan Gies in the past. He was always friendly and answered all my DIY-related questions. His company is not a scam as there are payment reports from several members. From what I understand, Nuitech own the domains and handles Fulfillment; and because of that, Amped Media links to them from their survey properties because they handle Fulfillment. But your reward is coming from Amped Media since they are offering the incentive, I hope that makes sense.
As for Nuitech, they have been around for years and are reputable, however, you may experience some difficulties. Below is my back and forth exchange with a member who did them last year just to give you an idea.
"Hey Wozniack, I regularly read your blog, when updated, & have followed the stories of many who write regarding their horrible issues w/payouts from these companies. Although I always wished I'd never have to go through what they did, alas, I am here now with my own issue w/Nuitech. I started their $1000 Visa promotion on x/xx/xx & completed all offers that day. However, it is now Jan. & I still have received nothing, even though my offers have been verified & they sent me the W9. W/the offers, they prolonged the process as long as they possibly could, asking for foolish things such as cancellation proof for offers I explicitly stated I canceled, "clearer" copies of bank statements, & often re-requesting evidence of me staying on offers past 1 month when I clearly faxed them earlier. This charade literally lasted 24 days from when they initially asked me for proof of completion, around xx/xx. After this, they provided me the link for the W9 & I signed & faxed. They said they never received the fax & asked me to resend it. Now, it has been 5 days since I refaxed the sheet, notarized, & since saying the same excuse repeatedly seems deeply suspicious, they simply have decided to not reply at all. This is infuriating & if they are doing this to me, who else may they be ringing around? I'm looking at legal options & plan to get my money one way or another."
"Hi member,
So they are still requesting your w9 even though you sent it again 6 days ago? Did they respond today or no? This is something that should have been taken care of 3 months ago, and you should have your gift in hand as their terms clearly state: "Upon our receipt of your properly completed Gift Redemption Voucher, it will take six (6) to eight (8) weeks to ship your Gift."
One member I had helped get approved by Nuitech back in October is still waiting on his gift. They sent him the following reply.
"On Monday, December 30, 2013 6:53 AM, Rewarding-promos Support
Dear member,
Thank you for your inquiry. I am sorry to hear you are dissatisfied with our promotions. As stated in previous emails, this process can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks, however, IN SOME EXTREME CASES IT MAY TAKE LONGER.
We apologize for any inconvenience and will notify you when the gift is ordered.
*** DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. THIS MAILBOX IS NOT MONITORED *** Please use the contact form provided at our website if you have further questions.
Thank you,
Nuitech's terms and conditions state the following: "Upon our receipt of your properly completed Gift Redemption Voucher, it will take six (6) to eight (8) weeks to ship your Gift." I feel that the company should add an additional line to that sentence that states "In some rare cases a reward may take longer than 6 to 8 weeks," or "A reward may take longer than 6 to 8 weeks to ship depending on ::such and such reason inserted here::"
I've always found Nuitech to be a pain to deal with which is why I don't do them anymore. Contact them again and tell them you are re-faxing it, and if they still don't get it you may take it up with Florida's Attorney General. That may be enough to get them moving as they will not want to answer to the AG.
Please keep me posted on this issue.
"No, they requested my w9 again on 12/10/13 & they have not responded to me at all today. I think that is the next reasonable step because this can't continue.""
"I was paid by Nuitech, I got the check on Thursday."
Although they eventually paid her, she had to work for it. Nuitech always puts people through the wringer and they sometimes ignore e-mails. When DIY was more active back in 2007-2012, people were having so many issues with the company that I had to step in and deal with them directly and it was a nightmare. I could hardly keep up with the other companies I was dealing with for spending so much time on them. They no longer offer phone support, so you can only e-mail them. Their sites have 30/60-day cancellation limitations.
Taken from my Official T&C and DBA list:
You are required to keep all but two offers for 30/60 days. Be prepared to have ALL your “documentation”, i.e. confirmation e-mails, billing statements and/or invoices, but one of those per offer will do, to mail off. Also, all offers must be completed within 60 days upon sign up. Only one gift per DBA per person and/or household for one year after your registration date. Their offer categories are much like I-Deal’s offering a silver, gold, and platinum page per site. Please note that all of these steps, including mailing in your voucher(s), must be accomplished within 180 days of signing up. Once approved, your account will be updated accordingly, enabling you to print your “gift redemption voucher.” Upon your voucher’s arrival, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for shipment. You have to give Nuitech what they ask for and be patient with them, but they do pay out.
RewardZone USA site: http://www.electronicspromotionsusa.com/Flow.aspx
I think the site I did was for a $1,000.00 Wal-Mart gift card" and they sent me 2 $500.00 Visa gift cards. You will most likely get 2 $500.00 Visa gift cards as well.
If you have any questions, just let me know!

from: member
to: "diyfreebies@gmail.com"
date: Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 10:39 AM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
signed-by: gmail.com
The link for the $1000 seems to only take me to a $100 in products offer? Doesnt seem like the right one..
Thanks for the details on the other companies... interesting.. maybe ill stick with Amped Media as the second option then.. Nuitech sounds a bit more difficult, plus the part of keeping the services for up to 60 days.. not so grand i guess.. with Rewardzone i didnt go beyond 30 days.. it was easy on the first one i did..
That brings me to a question if you know.. Since I already did the $500 rewardzone, i know i cant do the next one, however my girl friend can.. i assume it has to be under her credit/debit card.. her home address (not mine).. and i'm assuming the IP matters, where its done on the PC.. I ran into an issue with Innovus.net once, as i did offers via my work machine and since the name on the bill at work didnt match me, they blocked the account.. wondering if Rewardzone is that strict.. i mean what if you did them from a coffee shop afterall.. the bill wont match up.. Just want to make sure its done right..
Thanks for the help,
My reply:
from: diyfreebies@gmail.com
to: member
date: Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 3:28 PM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
Sorry about the RewardZone USA site. It was working when I sent it to you but it now shows "expired." As for your question, I sent RewardZone USA an e-mail asking about IPs and locations. I didn't mention you or what you said, I just simply asked them about it. I'm interested in their response as I would like to know myself.
I will let you know how they respond, and will try to find you another site.
My reply:
from: diyfreebies@gmail.com
to: member
date: Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:28 AM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
Hi again,
RewardZone USA replied to my e-mail. You can find their response to my e-mail below.
My e-mail:
I had a question. Does the IP matter? When I go to do my next RewardZone USA site, must I do them from the same computer I used the first time? Or can I do them from a library, cyber cafe, anywhere else? I didn't know if my information (name, address) had to match the location's information I would be doing the offers from. Also, if I were to buy a new computer, must I inform your company beforehand? Because I will most likely acquire a new computer next year.
Thank you so much,
Their reply:
"Hi me,
No, IP address does not matter. We will ask for proof of identity and address before we ship your prize, but you can purchase your prize from wherever you’d like, as long as it’s one year from the last time you earned one!
RewardZone USA"
So IP does not matter. And since they request identity and address proof before shipping, everything must be in your girlfriend's name. Going to look for that RewardZone USA site now...
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
from: member
to: "diyfreebies@gmail.com"
date: Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:14 AM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
signed-by: gmail.com
Very interesting to know, saves some hassle.. thanks for that info.. I'm assuming this question is obvious.. but like the other regular freebie offer sites.. you cant use a prepaid visa card for doing the offers with Rewardzone and Amped? Also i cant recall, but is amped the same as rewardzone where you have to do the offers within 30 days to get the credit i assume?
Yeah i had previously been given a $1000 rewardzone link by "Member" from anything 4 free.. but their site went belly up and i cant access the private message she sent with the link back in april. Seems there arent that many good trading forums left except maybe the freebie exchange one.
My reply:
from: diyfreebies@gmail.com
to: member
date: Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 9:38 PM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
Hi member,
You are not supposed to use a prepaid card on any DIY site.
I asked someone who did Amped Media about offers and they said: "For Amped Media they gave me the usual 60 days to complete offers. You could cancel 2 within 30 days. Nuitech handles the proofs and all of that so it is a typical Nuitech website to the person receiving the free gift. I say do it especially if the gift is $1000 or more and the offers provide the emails or invoices you need for proof. They also let you download apps on your phone now. You take a screenshot of your app, print and mail it as proof. If your phone cannot take a screenshot you download a screenshot app that will take it. This reduces the cost of your offers by a lot."
I logged into The Freebie Exchange the other night and I got this message: "Welcome, wozniack. You last visited: 07-17-2010 at 04:33 AM" -- Obviously has been a while since I was there!! I poked around a bit, and may drop in from time to time since it is active. What's your username on The Freebie Exchange?
from: member
to: "diyfreebies@gmail.com"
date: Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 3:00 PM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
signed-by: gmail.com
Ok thanks for the info.. for the first rewardzone i did under my name.. i think i cancelled all of the 10 offers within about 25 days.. they had also shipped the "gift card" by then as well though.. i had just assumed once i had notification of it being shipped that i was "safe". Ill try to hold out longer with the Amped one.
On freebie i believe my userid is rapidprofits.. i never got very far there.. wasnt sure what to do to be able to post a cash for ref post.. i think i had to do something with the banks, which i thought i did but it never allowed me to post..
On anything4free i am (or more likely was, since its about dead) username
I want to get back into a forum somewhere.. i have about 4 train sites i'd like to finish off in addition to doing 1-3 more of these DIY..
curious though.. where does everyone find the links for these DIY offers? Is it only word of mouth, as i've never really found them except for the ones you have on your blog :)
My reply:
from: diyfreebies@gmail.com
to: member
date: Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:45 PM
subject: Re: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
Word of mouth or ofree.net. But the best places are through affiliate sites like offervault.com. :)) Is it okay if I share our e-mails in my next blog as they answer our RewardZone USA IP questions. I will make you anonymous and omit parts of our e-mails. There are a few sentences that I feel should be removed for our protection.
from: member
to: "diyfreebies@gmail.com"
date: Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 4:02 PM
subject: RE: Rewardszone USA $1000 link
mailed-by: gmail.com
signed-by: gmail.com
Sorry on the delay. Yea its fine to post the info. No worries. I'm replying from my regular email. Just easier this way:)
RewardZone USA said IPs don't matter. So you can do your site from any location. As for Nuitech, my exchange with an anonymous member above shows just how difficult the company can be. While not everyone has had that experience, many have. It takes patience when dealing with Nuitech's processing proceedures. Please remember that Nuitech owns Amped Media's domains and handles Fulfillment. That is why their rules are the same as Nuitech. Since I never did a write up on Amped Media's terms and conditions, I have written one for your review. Please see below.
Amped Media-- You are required to keep all but two offers for 30 days. All offers must be completed within 60 days upon sign up. Only one gift per DBA per person and/or household for one year after your registration date. For phone app offers, take a screenshot of your app, print and mail it as proof. If your phone cannot take a screenshot, download a screenshot app that will take it. Please note that all of these steps, including mailing in your voucher(s), must be accomplished within 180 days of signing up. Once approved, your account will be updated accordingly, enabling you to print your “gift redemption voucher.” Upon your voucher’s arrival, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for shipment. Nuitech handles processing and fulfillment for Amped Media's gift program.
As mentioned in Amped Media's write up, Amped Media, as well as Nuitech, have phone app offers. These offers are visible by visiting your account page from your phone. Once you have signed up for an app offer(s), you have to take screen shots of the app within the app and print the screen shot as documentation of those offer(s). Next, print your screen shot(s) and mail them in as proof. If your phone cannot take a screen shot, download a screen shot app that will. Thank you, stickerz (kinneylamb), for the information on the phone app offers. That was news to me!
My earnings: $55.00 in Paypal, $25.00 Visa gift card, $25.00 amazon gift card, and $75.00 in Wal-Mart gift cards from MyView; $10.00 CVS e-certificate, $5.00 Brinker restaurant card, $15.00 amazon code from Media Insiders; $45.00 in Target eGiftCards, $10.00 Brinker restaurant card, $25.00 amazon code, and $100.00 in Wal-Mart e-cards from Toluna; $16.50 in amazon codes, and $99.50 in Paypal from SurveySpot; $68.50 in amazon codes, and $175.90 in Paypal from Opinion Outpost.
Has anyone tried the Smart Panel app? Its a mobile app that pays you to share experiences about how you use the internet. You get $15.00 just for downloading the mobile app and keeping it installed for one week. Sounds good to me! I will check it out when I have time. I hope you guys enjoyed the anniversary blog. I'm happy it has lasted this long, and hope it continues to do well. It has been a great ride. If I find anymore links I will add them here. Please check back often. This will be the last blog I write until Christmas. I'm taking a break to pursue other hobbies and interests, but that won't stop me from checking out DIY sites and answering e-mails. By then, there should be new material and, hopefully, sites for us. In the meantime, you may contact me at diyfreebies@gmail.com
Take care,
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