The Consumer Gain search continues. We'll start with the whois for
gift site:
New Consumer Gain address:
4728 63rd St.
San Diego, CA 92115
They used to be at the following location:
4723 63 St.
San Diedo, CA 92115
Did they move down the street? They didn't go far if they actually moved, which is what it looks like.
Member Source Media (Consumer Gain) phone number:
When you call Member Source Media, you get a message that says "Conceptual Media. Please dial an extension number." Conceptual Media is where Chris Sommer, Member Source Media's CEO, has worked since 2005. The fact that the telephone number directs you to a recording for Conceptual Media tells us the phone number still belongs to Chris Sommer. "Member Source Media", however, is no longer in California's Secretary of State business filings. Does that mean Member Source Media is no longer an active entity? If Mr. Sommer dissolved Member Source Media he would have had to file a Certificate of Dissolution and Certificate of Cancellation, or just a Certificate of Cancellation to terminate his business. I cannot yet confirm that Member Source Media has been axed, and their sites are now under Conceptual Media. That very well could have happened though with their sites being under Conceptual Media. OR their sites may be expiring soon with them having no intentions of continuing the gift program.,,,,, and are all set to expire in 2013. We'll know if the gift program is in full swing if new sites emerge after those sites expire.
I bet we see more Consumer Gain sites just like Caivis. Yeah, Steinberg and Company are back after they announced their gift program's termination. Steinberg and "the boys" have been wining and dining in fancy restaurants during their hiatus from freebies-- or did they ever leave?
Boys night out at Lugars in New York:
Were they celebrating the continuation of their gift program over steak and wine? You may notice one of the men sitting down-- Brad Powers. Steinberg said, "At Lugars with the boys. Great night", which tells us he, Powers, and the rest at the table are good friends. Why does Brad spend so much time with the company? Is he working for Caivis, OnDemand Research, or both? I was never convinced that there was no bond between any of them, or that their gift program ended at the time of the announcement. Whether their gift program ended or not, the fact is there are now new sites by them. Below is an e-mail offer I got from Caivis...
This e-mail promises a $25.00 Target gift card for taking a snack survey. So I clicked the link for my "bonus"...
In all its glory it says "OnDemand Research." How could this be if the gift program ended? Either it was and they started it up again, which I doubt, or it never ended. The reason I'm so doubtful is that OnDemand Research is an integral part of Caivis, and with OnDemand Research going strong, the likelihood of the gift program ending is very slim. Why would they demolish a stable, mercenary enterprise under one of their most prized entities? Knowing them like I do, they would want to squeeze the most juice out of that lemon! The bigger question is-- why did they lie? They could have said their promotions were temporarily down instead of telling us it was over. Between their shadiness, and the member complaint made on December 27, 2010 (see here:, I wouldn't do them. I'll look around for more Caivis complaints made since December 27, 2010 as there may be some out there.
In my last entry, I posted a gift site in my link list under this domain: - I put it under Product Test Panel sites in my link list, because it appeared to be a Product Test Panel site. However, a member PMed me to let me know it was not a Product Test Panel site, as the company themselves said it wasn't. I guess I didn't look at it hard enough, and thought it was them. Below is my conversation with that member.
Member's PM:
"Hey I just saw your new blog, it looks good. One thing though, this is not product test panel. I know it appears to be them but you can notice some differences including an actual email to contact support and only 60 days to complete all of the requirements. I emailed PTP because I thought it was them but it wasnt. I am interested in completing the site, but cannot get a response from support and hence, feel a little nervous completing it."
My reply:
"Hi there,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. After looking at it again, I see there are differences between and your usual PTP site. I'll pull this link from our holiday link list, and will investigate the site so we can figure out the company behind it.
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, and have a Happy 2013!
Member's reply:
"Thank you, you too! Also, thanks for looking into this, if anyone can find out which company it is, it's you. If you were wondering, this is the site I was planning on doing: . Superbowl tix are about 2k each"
If Product Test Panel denied ownership of, who does it belong to? Well, I started making my rounds, and while I did not get a definite answer, I did pick up on some clues...
gift site:
Registration page:
Survey pages:
Offer page:
Coolsavings policy:'s front page:
The policy on's survey pages links to the policy for, a site by Q Interactive, which is Nuitech's DBA. I contacted the Nuitech crew, and those working at Q Interactive, and asked if and belong to them. is another site belonging to those behind It is privately registered while is not.
Now let's look at the Member's area for, and Product Test Panel...'s Member's Area:
Product Test Panel's Member's Area:
Both member's areas have the following: "Member Incentive Program", "Action Points Earned", and the same font color. Both member's areas have referral sections, though Product Test Panel's says "Referral Status", not just "Referrals" like the site. Still, the member's area for is close enough to Product Test Panel to be considered Product Test Panel even though they're not.
Product Test Panel offer page:
Something I noticed though... When you get into, there are no bonuses like the one by Product Test Panel above. Along with the $1,000.00 Kohl's gift card, the site throws in another Kohl's gift card for $500.00, an Apple Macbook Pro, and a Sony Alpha and Cybershot camera if you qualify. The address for this unknown DIY company is below.
1350 E. Flamming Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Please remember that this is NOT Product Test Panel as the company has already stated that. There might be a Nuitech connection... However, until that is proven, I cannot say that it is. I have a feeling it could be them though. I will create a case file for to add to my other investigations. I am still working on the CRS and WRS Consultants cases, and am happy I've inched closer in my progress with Consumer Gain. I had hoped to solve the puzzle way before now, but a clue is a clue nonetheless.
We've made some real progress this month, and I am eager to jump back into some good deals. I'll add Greatest-Promotions to my list of DIYs. I want to remind everyone to e-mail me at if you'd like your account approved on our DIYfreebies forum. Once I get your message, I will approve your account. We had to take this measure as spammers had taken over our board. In the meantime, enjoy the double blog and Valentine's link list. See you in April...
Take care,
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