Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Valentine’s Day special, Part 1. new DIY company introduced, member shares I-Deal ordeal, Valentine’s link list…

DIY company introduced, and customer support for new DIY answers questions; member shares I-Deal ordeal, hear their story; Valentine's link list. It's a DIY month of love, step right in...

A new DIY company has been found! Customer support for this company confirmed their company name, so they are responsive. We'll start with their gift site, topbabypromotions.com, to learn more about them...

gift site:

url: http://www.topbabypromotions.com/index.cfm?key=290A09080839202A5354455F654502080B20256A585F

Registration page:

Survey pages:

Featured offer page:

Silver, Gold, and Platinum offer pages:

Bonus page button at the bottom of Platinum page:

Greatest-Promotions requires a featured offer just like I-Deal, but they aren't I-Deal because I-Deal denied ownership of topbabypromotions.com. See below.

My e-mail to I-Deal:

"From: xxxx@xx.com [mailto:xxxx@xx.com]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 8:34 PM
To: contactus@expertcustomerservice.com
Subject: topbabypromotions.com... (Thread:319968)


Could you tell me if this is a site by your company? http://www.topbabypromotions.com/index.cfm?key=290A09080839202A5354455F654502080B20256A585F

I ask because some of your sites require a featured offer just like this one.



I-Deal's reply:

"from: Customer Service
to: xxxx@xx.com
date: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 7:24 AM
subject: RE: topbabypromotions.com... (Thread:319968)
mailed-by: expertcustomerservice.com

This is not our company."

After I-Deal confirmed that topbabypromotions.com didn't belong to them, I went straight to the source. I noted the wording on topbabypromotions.com's front page, "This promotion is conducted exclusively by Greatest-Promotions.com.", and "Greatest-Promotions.com is an independent rewards program and is solely responsible for all Gift fulfillments." I knew Greatest-Promotions was probably the company's actual name, but I needed confirmation. So I visited greatest-promotions.com in search of an e-mail address, which I found...

Greatest-Promotions web site:

Greatest-Promotions contact page:

url: www.greatest-promotions.com

This is what I asked customer support:

"from: diyfreebies@gmail.com
to: mygift@greatest-promotions.com
date: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 6:28 PM
subject: Question about Greatest-Promotions...
mailed-by: gmail.com


I am interested in doing your site, topbabypromotions.com, however, I wanted to know your company name-- is it Greatest-Promotions? I always list the gift sites I do by company name so I know which sites I am eligible for.



Greatest-Promotions' reply:

"from: Aaron Joachim
to: diyfreebies@gmail.com
date: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 8:39 AM
subject: RE: Question about Greatest-Promotions...

Good Morning me,

Thank you for your inquiry. To my knowledge, yes Greatest-Promotions is the name of our company.

Aaron J.

Phone: 1-800-516-2609"

So there we have it. This company is called Greatest-Promotions. At least they're responsive, and their sites are doable and without errors. Unfortunately, with so little information I cannot do a company write up, but I did a write up on their terms. Please commit their company name to memory, and read their terms below.

Greatest-Promotions- Only one account per household. Accounts sharing the same name, e-mail, mailing address, telephone number, credit card or IP address is considered the same household. Multiple accounts at more than one address, or under more than one name or e-mail address are also now allowed. If your account is placed on hold or disqualified, you may not create another account on any gift site operated by Greatest-Promotions.com. Promotions expire 60 days from the time of registration, and all program requirements must be satisfied within 75 days. Once you have completed an advertiser’s offer, you will not receive credit for any other offer by that advertiser for six months. In a six-month period, each household may qualify for and receive multiple rewards with a total value of $1,000.00, or one reward with a value that exceeds $1,000.00. An e-mail will be sent to you with instructions on verifying your information. You must follow those instruction to enter the Redemption Center. After verifying your information in the Redemption Center, click “Click here to get your gift” to generate a Redemption Certificate. Print out the certificate and mail it to the address provided in the Redemption Center instructions. Your certificate must be postmarked within 15 days of your final required offer's approval to avoid disqualification.

Their terms are like I'Deal's, though Greatest-Promotions is not I-Deal. We must remember that.

domain information:

hotpromotionsdaily.com, a Greatest-Promotions site, was registered the same day as the company web site on June 18, 2012. topbabypromotions.com was registered 3 months later on September 21, 2012. All domains are privately registered: greatest-promotions.com, hotpromotionsdaily.com, topbabypromotions.com. I wanted the company's address so I sent Greatest-Promotions the e-mail below.

"from: diyfreebies@gmail.com
date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 4:39 PM
subject: Greatest-Promotions mailing address...
mailed-by: gmail.com


I had one more question... Once I complete my offers, where do I send my forms? Could you please supply me with a mailing address? :)



Greatest-Promotion's reply:

"from: mygift@greatest-promotions.com
to: diyfreebies@gmail.com
date: Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:09 AM
subject: FW: Greatest-promotions


After completion of the requirements you will be given the mailing address through the Redemption Center

Redemption Process

Log in to your account when your offer and referral status is “Approved” and a confirmation email will be sent to you with instructions for verifying your information. You must follow the instructions in the “Approval” email to enter the Redemption Center. In the alternative, once your offer and referral status is approved, you can access the Redemption Center by logging in to your account and clicking “Click here to redeem your gift.”

After verifying your information in the Redemption Center, click “Click here to get your gift” to generate a Redemption Certificate. Print out this certificate and mail it to the address provided in the Redemption Center instructions. Certificates sent to any other address may not be processed.

Your Redemption Certificate must be postmarked within 15 days of your final required offer being “Approved” or your account will be disqualified.

Thank you

Customer Service"

My attempt at getting an address failed. But I noticed Greatest-Promotion's reply wasn't signed by Aaron; it was written by "Customer Service" instead. Doesn't I-Deal also end their e-mails with "Customer Service"? Think so, though it can't be them since they denied ownership of topbabypromotions.com. Had to mention that. I may actually do this one since I've never done Greatest-Promotions. They answer e-mails which is a plus, because I am hesitant to test a site that I cannot get a response from.

A member wrote in 4 months ago about their ordeal with I-Deal. They gave me permission to share their correspondence with I-Deal so that my readers will know exactly what they did to get paid. For this member's privacy, I replaced their e-mail addresses with "Member-1@xx.com" and "Member-2@xx.com." Keep in mind these addresses are unique in order to understand the issue. My exchange with this member, and their correspondence with I-Deal is below.


"On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Member wrote:

Woz, I have a BIG problem. I just opened an email from Ideal that has put my status on hold. Quoting the rules regarding using more than 1 email address. I have no idea what they are referring to. I will forward it to you. Please let me know ASAP what to do. They said I can only respond via mail. I dont understand and think they should provide me with more information than that. Otherwise this will take forever to resolve going back and forth. Please, please help. Member"

My reply:

"On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 1:25 PM, diyfreebies@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Member,

I'm VERY sorry about the delay... I found your e-mails in my spam folder this morning, and just now am learning about your I-Deal problem. I don't check my spam folder that often, but did this morning in case I had any DIY spam.

If you haven't already, send them a stern letter to their Legal Department. State that you did not violate their terms and conditions by using more than one e-mail address, as you have only used one e-mail per DBA. Every now and then members are put on hold for things they did not do. When this happens, you respond to them immediately, and fight them on the issue, making the best argument you can against their ruling. If you've already responded, what did they say?

If this matter is still unresolved, I would like to help! Please let me know where you stand with them.




"On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Member wrote:

Hi Woz, I did send them a letter. They signed for it on the 12th, which was friday. I emailed them to be sure they received it and basically they just sent me the same email again, telling me that I had violated the program. I swear they dont even read the emails, they just respond with pre-written responses. So I just emailed back again confirming that they received it and told them the name of the person that signed for it. So I'm waiting to hear from them again. I hope they give me an answer soon. And I certainly hope it's a positive response. Basically I told them that I did not violate the rules and to please show me where I was sppose to have done this. And I pretty much begged them not to penalize me for something that I didn't do or have no knowledge of what I've done. I told them how badly I need this gc and reminded them how much time and money I put into doing this site. So we'll see what happens. I will let you know as soon as I hear something. So please keep an eye out for emails from me. I just might need your help. I'm hoping they rule in favor of me and that this ends right there. Does this type of violation notice usually end positively for the diy'er? I haven't seen too much of this posted anywhere. Member"

My reply:

"Hi Member,

Thank you for your prompt reply. In most cases, it ends very badly. The member, whose experience I posted about in my latest blog: DIY Halloween..., got lucky because I-Deal normally does not reinstate a member's account as a one-time courtesy. You will find the letter that member allowed me to share in my recent post. I'm not sure why they don't offer the one-time courtesy to everyone, it doesn't seem fair. But I think with I-Deal the best approach to take is a forceful one. Let them know you mean business, that you are not backing down, because you are not in violation of anything.

Please let me know how they respond to your e-mail. I'm sure you will get something back if not today, definitely by tomorrow.




"On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Member wrote:

Hi Woz, I can't remember if I told you that they emailed me and said they hadn't received it yet, so I sent them another email to the attention of a supervisor and again told them who signed for the letter, when it was signed for and that I purposely sent it with tracking so that I would have that information. So I'm waiting to hear back again. That's crazy if they're saying they haven't gotten it yet. It was signed for on the 12th. Member"

My reply:

"On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 5:23 PM, diyfreebies@gmail.com wrote:


That IS crazy that they claim to have not gotten your letter. Somebody got it since it was signed for. Please let me know what they say in response to your latest e-mail.




"On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Member wrote:

Hi Woz. Well after 2 emails to the attention of the supervisor, I finally got the response that I was looking for....they got the letter. They said it will take a few days to process though. So now I just have to wait. I'll let you know as soon as I know something. Member"

My reply:

"On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 3:22 PM, diyfreebies@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Member,

Glad they got it. Maybe you'll hear something tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!




"On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 11:30 PM, Member wrote:

Guess what? I went through all my records and I was wrong. I never signed up incorrectly at all. They were all correct. I looked through the Niutech records and found what I did was with one of the offers I only used half of my email address. Instead of Member-1@xx.com, I used -1@xx.com That had nothing to do with Ideal or any offers or any of their e-mediasolutions or whatever it is. I am so glad that I went through every offer and found all were accountd for with the correct email address. I didn't sign up for any before August 5th either. I registered on the 1st I think, but did not complete any until I was ready. There's no way I would lose a credit like that. I wish they had a phone. Ths is vey difficult. I am going to write them a letter and tell them just that. What else should I say? Should I ask for proof to back up what they are saying? Member"

My reply:

"On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 1:10 PM, diyfreebies@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Member,

I have read all of your e-mails. Yes, do just that. Tell them exactly what you told me. Explain the entire issue with your e-mail address, and show them your proof. Any proof you have needs to be sent to them immediately. Let them know that you registered on August 1st, and did not register again on September 13th. Ask them why they are showing that you re-registered on September 13th, as you never re-registered for the site. Then rebut their response to you by showing your proof, and further stating that they are wrong.

Please let me know how they respond.




"On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Member wrote:

Woz, Here is the email I sent this morning. I mailed out the docs this morning, priority mail, as well. So I hope to have an answer from the email within a couple of days. Depending on what the email says, I may or may not get a response to the docs. I'll let you know. Member

Member xxxx@xx.com

to Customer
cc: Attention: Supervisor
Dear Representative for e-consumergift.com;
I apologize for not responding sooner after receiving your email, but I spent most of the day and last night searching through my records to find this offer that you claim I was suppose to have done on August 1, 2012 under the email address Member-2@xx.com. There is no offer to be found anywhere. There are no charges on any credit cards, bank statements, etc. There are no emails confirming any offers signed up for. I received nothing in the mail that I may have ordered either. The fact is I did not sign up for any offers with that email address, just as I have told you before. I didn't think I did anything to violate the rules. Below I have listed the order in which I signed up and completed my offers:

1. On August 1, 2012, I registered for the e-consumergft.com web site gift under the email address of Member-1@xx.com. I did not complete any offers that day.
2. On August 5th and 6th I began completing offers. I completed a total of 10 offers, 8 on the 5th and 2 on the 6th.
3. On September 13th, I did an additional 3 offers as 3 of the original offers did not credit.

I keep very good records of any reward offers that I do. I have dated proof, i.e., August 5th, August 6th and September 13th, of the offers I signed up for, which also shows the email address that I used. I have no clue what you are talking about and would like you to please provide me with proof. You have not even so much as told me what the offer was that I was suppose to have done on August 1st under the email address of Member-2@xx.com. As I stated before, I have no record of such incident, and surely I would have something. Believe me I wouldn't have wasted an offer, not to get credit for it. What purpose would that have served? It doesn't even make any sense to do that. I truly believe that a mistake has been made and I think that this needs to be followed up or investigated. Mistakes do happen, whether it's human error or a computer glitch. But I think if you are going to accuse a person of undesirable behavior by violating the rules and putting a hold on their account ("This behavior is in direct violation of our terms and we regret to inform you that your account with www.E-ConsumerGift.com will not be released from its hold"), you should at least inform them of what exactly they did so that they can respond to such in their initial letter to you. I think that I deserve at least that much. I could have addressed any concerns at that time. You are not even allowing a person to prove themselves innocent before placing the account on hold. I put what I consider a great deal of money and quite a bit of time into this reward program, which I am know you are aware. I am in the process of makng copies and mailing to your legal department, the proof that I have of the offers I've done, showing the email address used and the dates they were completed, so that you can see what I stated above, as to when I registered and the email address used. I truly hope that you don't brush me off, and that you give me the opportunity to earn my reward that I worked so hard to get. I would like to thank you for your time. Sincerely, Member"

My reply:

"On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:32 PM, diyfreebies@gmail.com wrote:


Thank you for sending me your letter. Please let me know how they respond to it and your proof.

Kind regards,





to me Woz, What am I going to do wth these people at Ideal? I have no idea where they are getting this crap from, but I did not do any offer for gamefly on Aug1st, let alone with that mail account. I tried to go back and see if its from another year and I dont find anything. I would have a confirmation email from Gamefly in my Member-2@xx.com email account also, which I dont. Not a trace of them anywhere else except on August 5, when I signed up under my gmail account. Wouldnt that mean that I am also registered then as Member-2@xx.com on the e-consumergift.com offer site, since they claim I completed the offer? Im afraid to log in under that email cause then they'll get me for that. What am I going to do. Thats not right. And why do they wait until now to say something? They are so full of shit. I wish I could sue them, take them to court, or something. They shouldnt be allowed to do this to people after they completed the offers and spent all that money and time. Why would I do an offer, not to get credit for it. I didn't even start my offers until August 5th, though I did register for the e-consujmergift site on Aug. 1st. I always take my time before starting. Please give me some ideas on what I can or should do. Theres got to be something. How can they get away with this, without showing me proof? Member"

Member's forwarded e-mail from I-Deal:



to me
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Customer Service
Date: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Regarding your letter to eSolutionsMedia.net, Inc. (Thread:317200)
To: Member-1@xx.com


We are in receipt of your letter dated October 24, 2012.

Upon registering with www.E-ConsumerGift.com you selected a check box stating: “I certify that I am a U.S. Resident over the age of 18, and I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions” You would not have been able to register with the site had you not selected the box. Your use of the Service signifies your acceptance to the terms.

Thus you agreed to the sections of the terms stating:

“B. Accounts

(1.) Only one account is allowed per household. Any accounts that share the same name, email address, mailing or shipping address, telephone number, credit card, or IP address will be considered the same household. Accounts in violation of this rule will be placed on hold or disqualified.”

You previously completed an offer (Gamefly) for an eSolutionsMedia.net, Inc. site www.E-ConsumerGift.com account on August 1, 2012 with the email address Member-2@xx.com. By registering again on September 13, 2012 for www.E-ConsumerGift.com with the email Member-1@xx.com you are in direct violation of our terms.

This behavior is in direct violation of our terms and we regret to inform you that your account with www.E-ConsumerGift.com will not be released from its hold.

Best Regards,

eSolutionsMedia.net, Inc. Legal Department"




to me Hi Woz, Just an update. I sent a note to esolutionsmedia asking for the President, CEO or General Managers name and the response I got is rediculous. So I sent them another note still requesting the names. Also, in the meantime, I wrote to the BBB and they've already emailed me that they have already sent a letter to them, waiting for a response. So hopefully between BBB, Gamefly and me asking for the President, Ceo or General Manager Maybe this will get their attention. That's the biggest problem I think, getting their attention. They are like robots and cannot handle anything else or they will overload. But here is a copy of the latest note that I wrote them:

In my last email, I asked for the name of the President, CEO or General Manager. Instead you quoted a different portion of the terms & Conditions then what you previously quoted, and directed me to write to your Legal Department, again. It didn't do any good the first or second time I wrote to them. I don't think you all truly know what's going on. By the way, I spoke with GameFly, that's the offer that you said I signed up for on August 1st, 2012 under a different email address. They do not have a record of such an occurrance. They told me someone from the promotions dept. would contact you so that they can get this matter cleared up. I'm sure there would be no problem if you wanted to call them for the sake of saving time, they would confirm for you that I have not had another account with them in the last couple years, besides the recent one with my Member-1@xx.com address, that I opened on August 5th for your e-consumergift.com promotion. So, may I please have the name of President, CEO or General Manager? So we'll see what happens now. Now, I'll probably piss them off. Member
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Customer Service
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 2:31 PM
Subject: RE: Regarding your letter to eSolutionsMedia.net, Inc. (Thread:317200)
To: xxxx@xx.com

Your account has been put on hold because you have violated the following rule from our terms and conditions:

Each household is limited to the use of one (1) e-mail address. Each household must use the same e-mail address throughout all sites owned or operated by E-ConsumerGift.com and related companies. Households who violate this provision will forfeit the right to receive a promotional item from this site, as well as any other site owned or operated by E-ConsumerGift.com and related companies.

Please direct all correspondence to the following address.

eSolutionsMedia.net, Inc.
Attn: Legal Department
eSolutions Media.net, Inc. 4023 Kennett Pike, Suite #527 Greenville, DE 19807

Note: inquiries via email or telephone will not be responded to. Only correspondence sent to this address will get a response.

From: Member [mailto:xxxx@xx.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 12:13 PM
To: Customer Service
Subject: Re: Regarding your letter to eSolutionsMedia.net, Inc. (Thread:317200)

I would like the name of the President, CEO or General Manager. Thank you, Member"

My reply:



to Member

I am in receipt of all your e-mails. I'm glad that Kirk from Gamefly confirmed that you did not open an account on August 1, 2012. Hopefully I-Deal listens to him and this matter is sorted out.

Please let me know what happens next.



to me
Woz, you are not going to believe this but I got ahold of Gamefly (Kirk) and he confirmed that I did not create o open an account on Aug, 1 2012 under Member-2@xx.com, but that I did on Aug 5th under Member-1@xx.com, activated on Aug 6th. I did have an account in march 2008 under the Member-2@xx.com (trial) email acct. I explained everythng to him and he's turned it over to the promotions department so that they can contact esolutionsmedia on my behalf. He said they will be in touch with me via email. I had asked him for proof that I can provide to esolutionsmedia but he thought it better if it came from them directly. Soooo, I hope it works, They have some nerve closing their ears to the customers that help pay their bills, not listening to what we have to say. They refuse to listen, the chance they might be wrong is not a possibility to them. Member"




to me
Hi Woz, I re'd an email from Gamefly requesting info regarding the promotion, such as what the reward was, how much, etc. Seems weird, but they claim they needed that in order to assist me. I explained everything to them and I hope this guy will help. I just cant figure out why they keep ignoring all my emails. The keep sending the same automated type response, telling me how I violated the rules and the fact that its on hold and giving me the legeal department address. I've requested several times the names of the President, CEO or General Manager, and they just ignore that. What is with them? Member"

My reply:



to Member

Hi Member,

Seems like they are being their usual self. Any communication from here on out may need to be done regular mail. Try sending them a handwritten letter requesting the names of the President, CEO, and general manager. There was a "Principal" by the name of Scott Piotroski, but I don't know if he's still with the company.

I will let you know what I find out from my research.



My second reply to member:



to Member

While in the process of finding more information, I found I-Deal's web site which lists a phone number: http://i-dealdirect.com/contact.htm -- You may be able to get somewhere by calling them, and speaking with someone who can give you a name, or direct you to someone of authority.

If I find anything else, I will let you know.






to me
Well I tried that number and there was a voice mail, but afterall it is 2:00 am. But its nice to see that it works. I will be tring that first thing Monday am. I had found a number but it was disconnected. Yeah, I was thinking about it yesterday that regular mail will probably be the best bet. I'm still waiting to hear from GameFly. I hope this person follows through with it. I'll let you know. Thanks, Member"




to me
Hi Woz, Finally. I got my gift card. It took the BBB to contact them. When they responded, they said basically that I violated the rules, but they would still go ahead and give me the reward because I did complete all the offers. Are they something or what? I get this feeling this is how the intend to do business now. Within days of receiving the BBB response, I rec'd the gift card. I'm a little surprised that because of the BBB that they gave it t me. But they stuck to their story, that I violated the rules. They totally ignored my requests for additional information. I'm sure if I had an attorney write a letter, I would have gotten it that way too. But I got it and I'm extremely happy. I think your readers should be warned about them though. Member"

My reply:



to Member
Hi Member, So glad you got your gift card, I was very concerned! Is it fine by you if I share your correspondence with me regarding this matter so that my readers can see how I-Deal handled this situation? I will make you anonymous. I like sharing member experiences because the reader sees how it all began, and they will take caution when doing DIY sites. Seems we have to fight for our rewards these days.

I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday, and a happy New Year...




"Teresa vomSaal


to me
Hi Woz By all means feel free to share my ordeal with the readers. I think it is important as well. I would certainly want to know ahead of time of what could happen, or to see if this a new pattern developing. I have a feeling that they are looking to save money, that the economy has taken its toll on them and they are trying to solve it at the expense of their patrons. I've always looked as diyer's as being customers just as much as those that advertise on their sites. Anyway, feel free. Happy Holidays to you and yours as well. Talk to you soon. Member"

I've earned these prizes since December's post: $55.00 in checks from Clorox; $50.00 in amazon from SurveyScoutResearch; $25.00 to Bath & Body Works, and a $50.00 Wal-Mart gift card from MyPoints; Memolink sent me $225.00 in Wal-Mart eCards, a $25.00 Wal-Mart gift card, and $25.00 in amazon; Toluna sent me $60.00 in virtual prepaid Visas, and $75.00 in Tango Cards, which can be redeemed for Target eCards and amazon. Not bad for just doing points sites, and taking surveys. They're good to do while you wait on DIY gifts to arrive.

Check out these sweet deals...

*Valentine's link list*

Amped Media--

http://premium-promos.net/?oid=nyizcw06&clk=c62187755fb5fbe58022b7a4e38ac6ff&s=10899&s1=1674 - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Kohl's gc

http://www.rewardingpromos.com/?oid=yexa58x3&clk=62dfdfab28952e88fe46f22b24304869&s=10879 - offers unknown/Kindle Fire

http://www.rewardingpromos.com/?oid=355gy6tu&clk=9d031778d61bfb1b29371c158d2bf4d3&s=10879 - offers unknown/$1,000.00 amazon gc

Product Test Panel--

http://branddealonline.com/deptstore/index.php?lid=deptstore_16096_NONE&add_offerid=7747169&addomain=rsmrtlink.com&addomain_id=123&uniclk=true - 12 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 gift card to merchant of your choice


http://www.myrewardscenter.us.com/?session_id=c52a34426a7d11e2b03c9d9a3a697067 - 10 offers, 2 refs/$1,000.00 Lowe's gc

http://www.myholidayshoppingspree.com/?session_id=3c298b1a6a7e11e294325fe6a68cb92e - 10 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Kohl's gc

http://gifthouse.us.com/?session_id=8b64b8c66a7e11e298b0959a3a697067 - 10 offers, 2 refs/$500.00 amazon gc

I want to try our new DIY company, Greatest-Promotions. Greatest-Promotions gives us another option after exhausting other DIYs like Nuitech and I-Deal. I'll add Greatest-Promotions, WRS Consultants, and Consumer Online Rewards to our official company and address and T&C and DBA lists asap. It's taken me some time to pull my content together to execute this month's blog, so please bear with me while I get to your messages. Go to Valentine's Day special, Part 2. for more exciting topics!

See you there...



Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz offers, DealZingo payments and account issues, new DIY network, and more!

Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes and possible computer glitches, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz gift sites and...


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