*hot new networks*
GiftMafia-- To celebrate the grand opening of one of their sites, they're offering double payment! Plus their end of the year promo is still ongoing with referral bonuses! Don't miss out: http://www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=161877
Who wants to pull the satiny red ribbon off this gift? Trust me, you'll want to know what's inside! Not one, but TWO paying networks will be announced. Something we have wanted, more options. Is this season the dawning of a plenitudinous 2010? Did we finally hit the lottery? Gee, I really feel like a kid on Christmas morning, lol. What could it be?! *ripping gift wrap paper noise* It's a corporation! *gasp* Now, let's see which one...
In 2004, Member Source Media, LLC., a private company, was established by CEO, Chris Sommer, in San Francisco, CA. They are built on the premise that positive results in the wired marketplace can only come from experience. This company has an annual sales of under $500,000 with 1 to 5 employees. They do business as consumergain.com, retailrewardsgroup.com, premiumperks.com, freeretailrewards.com, and greatamericangiveaways.com, amongst other DBAs. They have shipped an impressive number of gifts over the years, and continue to thrive in sunny California.
I'm sure you all know consumergain.com, right? Freebiers will always call them ConsumerGain, not by their corporation. Kinda like how we have said Big Brand Giveaway instead of GCNP Media, LLC. Easier to type and remember, of course. Who can tell me the last time someone got paid by Member Source Media? Can't remember? A cyclopean settlement could be to blame. In 2008, a $200,000 fine was levied against them for e-mail advertisements. We know why networks spam. To reel in consumers. Spam victims claim they signed up at their domains, thinking they would earn free gifts at no cost to them. When they reached the offer pages, they signed up for free trials, and blew money when the advertisement suggested their gift was free.
After reading the pallid pages of the settlement followed by an author's report, I will descant. Why enter the checkout process with 6 or more offers if you don't want to be charged? Should they put a disclaimer at the bottom of their ad that reads: "FYI, even though we make it seem as if you don't have to pay, you really do, so don't expect anything less. We're just dangling carrots right in front of you! Please do not sign up with the intention of never paying as we not liable for such debts."
Words from the aforecited author,
"Another spammer has settled with the FTC, not wanting to face them in court. Member Source Media, who was accused of being a mass spammer, was one of a very few groups that was targeted under the CAN-SPAM Act in the U.S.. For their transgressions, they've agreed to fork over $200,000 in penalties. On top of being forced to pay, they will also no longer be allowed to send out “deceptive” spam.
It seems, however, they will still be allowed to operate, and since the definition of “deceptive” is up for speculation, odds are they will be up to their same old tricks in no time. We can all hope that companies will clean up their act after facing such penalties, but we all know that isn't true. The FTC has become more aggressive the past few years in going after malicious companies, be it spammers or malware pushers. This is one trend I hope continues."
They don't understand that these "spammers" actually reward consumers, aka their members. There is nothing "deceptive" about it if people satisfy the requirements of the gift program. Member Source Media does pay, and I stand by that. How nescient people get away with slamming these companies I do not know. Not everyone knows the freebie industry. I get that. But can't they do their research before shooting someone in the foot? I mean, this is a $200,000 fine we're talking about! It may be small potatoes to Member Source Media, but it is still big money. Money that could have went towards paying members, which they always have.
The complainers need something to complain about, and I'm talking about authors of such reports, not your average consumer. Their words are strong, without misgivings in people's minds; believing them, they see the FTC settlement as just. Well, I don't. People do what they gotta do to get ahead, and Member Source Media, amongst other companies in this industry, WILL spam. Their prospects live on the web, where else would they turn? What sickens me is they have a C- BBB rating, and I firmly believe that is in part to the settlement. Google it, and you will see the amount of negative reports due to the settlement alone. *sigh*
This harks back to March's discourse on spam, and undesirable jobs that serve a purpose: http://www.diyfreebies.com/?m=200903
Woz enjoys green eggs and spam. It opens up doors for me to bring new freebie networks to light. The only spam I abhor are erotic ads, and the kind that compromises one's own e-mail account or computer, i.e "malware", as stated by the author. Now that I don't agree with. I think we can all trust Member Source Media though. Settlements are a common occurrence among networks these days. And it makes them anything but deceitful. If you play your cards right with a legitimate network you will reap the rewards. Networks wouldn't be losing their riches if people researched their sites beforehand. They would find out it takes money to make money; and the quotation, "Nothing in life is free", couldn't be truer.
Please note these addresses to help identify their sites in the future...
MemberSource Media
San Francisco, California 94107
Member Source Media
204 2ND AVE
San Mateo, CA 94401-3963
Member Source Media
126 West Fir Street
San Diego, CA 92101
links of interest: http://membersourcemedia.com/
I will report back about Member Media Source, LLC. as soon as I hear more. Now, the next present... GCNP Media, LLC., aka Big Brand Giveaway paid a member, and their CS is responsive. They are in Canada, but like so many companies, they have locations outside their country. So this is great news for us. Our options for DIY networks are I-Deal, Nuitech, Member Source Media, and GCNP Media. Neato. What a difference when all we could count on was I-Deal, especially since Brandarama gypped 90% of their members. Of course none of that matters now, and we need to see these changes as a positive sign for things to come.
Who says once a case is closed it can't be reopened? Well, I have decided to resume the Popular Media, LLC., and RewardStream, Inc. investigation. A member sent me a new address for Popular Media in hopes I could prove it. I just need one piece of evidence that validates a connection and case closed. I didn't want to give up on it, because God knows I love researching, but I couldn't drag it our either-- it already had two parts! If you have no clue what this is about, please see the links below.
Popular Media LLC’s chronicle exposed, Part 1. Nuitech on the rise, ARG’s last overture, new links…
Popular Media LLC’s. chronicle exposed, Part 2. Jim Calhoun, Sage Bray, StrongMail Systems, Inc., iMedia’s Brand Summit 2009…
RewardStream, LLC. write up:
Labor Day of love with RewardStream, Inc. and Rich Simons, Harpo Studios shock FWM Labs with stiff suit, Acquisis gifts, Nuitech + I-Deal links…
What I'm working with...
321 10th Avenue
Suite 1806
San Diego, CA 92101
Both companies use "ATTN:" in their addresses. However, I am thinking this is RewardStream because they use "CUSTOMER CARE" instead of "Customer Support." You have to look at everything while investigating, the tiniest detail can say a lot! The customer care/customer support wording may mean nothing, the companies might have just used different words. Why? Either to differ from the other, or matching wasn't a concern, so they used both "care" and "support." Other than that, this address didn't connect PopularMedia to RewardStream, but I will continue investigating anyhow. Thanks to my reader for the address! I will let you all know if I find anything. :)
Let's spread a little holiday cheer on this blog! Snuggle up in a blanket, and get the popcorn because you can't miss this, lol... If you look closely, you may find singularities on I-Deal's gift sites. From Obama chia pets to a ginormous unemployed construction worker, I-Deal has it. Their sites also offer heartfelt messages in times of distress. Let's look at some of them...
Click to enlarge.
Link: http://www.e-researchcouncil.com/?config=5955
Props to ninjareaper14 for finding me the link!
This is my favourite because it shows I-Deal's concern for the economy. I know we all care, but whoever designed this site was 100% into this project. He/she did great on the paragraph! It's funny they added a depressed man though, lol. Not a drawing, but a real man that just lost his house! I couldn't remember if he had a drink in his hand... He comes off as someone who spent a night out at the bar given his expression.
Link: http://www.theresearchcenter.us.com/?config=6450&src=WC-254839aaa110909aoloc:226431:
Thanks for this one, kinneylamb!
I was roaring over the silliness of this. A wooden unemployed construction worker! I can't say anymore about it... I would like to meet the humourists that build these sites. And no, not the wooden construction worker, lol.

Link: ?
The Obama chia pet site is a popular favourite among the freebie crowd. The message on the site is droll; "See a change in your home." You choose from determined or happy pose, haha. As soon as I find it I'll add it!
Oh, and before I forget! Everyone make note of the new YFD address:
::domain name here:: Gift Center
530 Showers Drive, Ste. 7141
Mountain View, CA 94040-1457
530 Showers Drive, hm. Addresses should be jotted down, even the old ones! In our links 'n such section I'm putting "ConsumerGain", and "Big Brand Giveaway" in parenthesis to help you guys remember company behind the domain.
Let's pull some links out of the stocking...
*links 'n such*
http://www.restaurantgiftcards.us.com/?config=6626 - 8 offers, no refs/$250.00 in Outback Steakhouse gcs
http://www.restaurantgiftcards.us.com/?config=6717 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Carrabba's gc
http://www.gifthouse.us.com/?config=6636&src=WC-87054aaa:231946: - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Kohl's gc
http://www.gifthouse.us.com/?config=6369&src=WC-87054aaa:231946: - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 airline voucher
http://www.gifthouse.us.com/?config=6642&src=WC-87054aaa:231946: - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 JcPenney gc
http://www.internetresearchsurveys.com/?config=6671&src=WC-253351aaa:233414: - 12 offers, 2 refs/$1,000.00 Visa
http://www.e-researchcouncil.com/?config=6697 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 check
http://www.retailsurveycenter.us.com/?config=6661&src=WC-87054aaa:232643: - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 gc of your choice (Visa included)
http://www.retailsurveycenter.us.com/?config=5144 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Gap or Old Navy gc
http://www.retailsurveycenter.us.com/?config=5279 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 pharmacy gc of your choice
http://www.retailsurveycenter.us.com/?config=6711 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Visa
GCNP Media (Big Brand Giveaway)--
http://www.giftcard-bonanza.net/?proid=13011469&gotoid=1650&parid=82&camid=1924&creid=6709&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Costco gc + 1-year membership
http://www.bigbrandgiveaway.com/?proid=12006592&gotoid=1693&parid=82&camid=1976&creid=6877&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$1,000.00 gas card
http://www.bigbrandgiveaway.com/?proid=13011459&gotoid=1731&parid=82&camid=2038&creid=7096&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$500.00 Wal-Mart gc
http://www.bigbrandgiveaway.com/?proid=13011478&gotoid=1730&parid=82&camid=2039&creid=7098&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$500.00 Sam's Club gc
http://www.giftcard-bonanza.net/?proid=13011477&gotoid=1729&parid=82&camid=2037&creid=7094&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$500.00 Sam's Club gc
http://www.bigbrandgiveaway.com/?proid=13011459&gotoid=1689&parid=82&camid=1979&creid=6881&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$500.00 Wal-Mart gc
http://www.electronics-galore.com/?proid=12006596&gotoid=1695&parid=82&camid=1981&creid=6885&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$500.00 Best Buy gc
http://www.bigbrandgiveaway.com/?proid=12005826&gotoid=1701&parid=82&camid=1998&creid=6955&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$500.00 Sears gc
http://www.electronics-galore.com/?proid=13011399&gotoid=1290&parid=82&camid=1341&creid=4875&subid=&email= - offers unknown/DSi Version 2
http://www.giftcard-bonanza.net/?proid=12006648&gotoid=1168&parid=82&camid=1121&creid=3915&subid=&email= - offers unknown/Dell XPS 435 desktop
Member Source Media (ConsumerGain)--
http://marketrewardgroup.com/G/gFlow?_flowId=wall-flow&_flowExecutionKey=e1s1&cid=1274&subcid=1717&sid=70#vid=367 - offers unknown/$500.00 Target gc
http://rewards-net.com/G/gFlow?_flowId=wall-flow&_flowExecutionKey=e2s1&cid=1289&subcid=1717&sid=70#vid=446 - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Costco gc
http://rewards-net.com/G/gFlow?_flowId=wall-flow&_flowExecutionKey=e3s1&cid=1291&subcid=1717&sid=70#vid=489 - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Sam's Club gc
I'll work on the link list and answer messages tomorrow. So much has happened, and I'm exhausted. So happy the holidays are here! I'm finishing my shopping next week, and need to start wrapping presents. I hope you've all been doing well. I'm sorry I cannot be here more, but I'm trying to catch up on everything so I'll have more time. I'm ending this on a dead laptop battery, lol... It could go off at any second. Anyway, I hope this finds you well, and you all have a safe and joyous holiday. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Happy Holidays,
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