Happy Thanksgiving!! Time to carve the turkey; get the sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and rolls. Oh, and do not forget the stuffing! Dig in to our freebie dinner, there's enough for everyone... mmmm, I smell good deals already; "Big Brand Giveaway" revealed; Nuitech's new precondition; autumn link list and more! Dig in...
*hot new networks*
Progressive Income-- The top 3 members to bring in the most referrals wins the race! 1st place gets $350.00. On your mark. Get set. Go! http://www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=161716
Reward Mouse-- The referral race winners earn $50.00, $35.00, and $20.00 at the end of the month. And the best part is it's totally easy having over 300 offers to choose from! Pick this network: http://www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=161689
Paradise Freebies-- Don't miss the ho ho ho's of the holiday season! Paradise Freebies is throwing a "holiday season" promo with free DIY greens. Sign up unreferred, do the offers yourself without referrals, and be PAID the FULL referral value! What a deal: http://www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=161613
First, let's talk about Nuitech's rule change and refer-a-friend program. Originally, you kept the set number of offers for 60 days, then it was 30. Now... *drumroll* 6 days! That's fantastic. The least amount of days, the more money you save, and 6 days isn't even a week! By doing this, are they competing with I-Deal? I-Deal have advertised 8 offer/$1,000.00 profits since September. If this puzzles you, click below, then mosey over to the 2008 Nuitech write up.
Popular Media LLC’s chronicle exposed, Part 1. Nuitech on the rise, ARG’s last overture, new links…
Nuitech's refer-a-friend program--
On your account, you may choose to invite friend(s) who must complete the required number of offers given in the refer-a-friend e-mail sent to your friend(s) which will earn you a credit towards your gift. refer-a-friend offers may require multiple friends to satisfy the required number of offers in order to earn a credit as stated on the silver, gold, and platinum refer-a-friend offer pages. Referred friends must register using the provided link in the refer-a-friend automated e-mail. Your friend’s name, address and e-mail should be different than yours, although your friend(s) may use an e-mail that is not the same as that initially provided by you. Your friend(s) can only be invited once by you from either the silver, gold, or platinum categories. They must not have previously generated refer-a-friend offer completions on the same freebie site. They cannot cancel participation in trial offers within the specified number of days of friend(s) offer transaction dates.
If anyone is confused by that, e-mail or PM me. It's pretty simple once you get it down. I asked Nuitech support about the referral program to which they replied,
"Dear me,
Thank you for your inquiry. According to our records you completed an
offer from \"Earn Money with Google\" on Mediancs.com on 10/25/2009 in
order to assist your friend qualify for a gift. Please be informed that
you are not able to participate on this site to qualify for a gift
yourself. But you are welcome to sign up through another one of our
sites and participate to qualify for a gift.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Please do not reply to this email as the account this is sent from is
not monitored for incoming mail and you will not receive a reply.
Please use the contact form provided at our website.
Thank you,
Strange. Why wouldn't I be able to complete the site I registered under a friend on?? While I am no stranger to Nuitech, I am to their refer-a-friend program. I wasn't aware of this. It's good to make note of this if you don't know it already. I was about to finish the rest of my offers before viewing that message! Hmmm...
How it looks in all categories. Click to enlarge images.
Click the refer-a-friend offer to open the following page...
This is where you enter your referral(s) e-mail address(es). Not shown is a big blue "submit" button. Click it, and you're done. It's up to your friends now to do their part. For Nuitech links, see my autumn link list within this blog!
Regarding Big Brand Giveaway, I found some information that may aid in our investigation. The new title for Big Brand Giveaway is GCBP Media, LLC. though their sites reflect "GCBP Media, Inc."; both are registered. Commit that to memory. The duties of GCBP Media, LLC. are officiated by Roy Ferman and Lawrence D. Frutkin. Since 2008, GCBP Media LLC. has flounced around the web with trial offers and rewards for consumers. Their offers are Grant Funding Source, Hydro-derm, 36hrfunding, GoFreeCredit.com, Elite-CashWire.com, DeColon Ex, Decolontox, MP-Tree, amongst others. Does offering a gift program while distributing products mean a company is calculating? I don't think so. It just means they're raking more leaves. The more business the merrier, right? Unfortunately, no chapter and verse exists on Roy and Lawrence, nor much news on GCBP Media, LLC. to do a decent write up, so this will be a conglomerate of sorts.
reward-city.com is a GCNP Media, LLC. domain. So why is it pointing to Beijing, China? Click to enlarge.
Well, I investigated Green Tea Purity, because the offer comes from Shanghai, China. The fact it came from China says something IF GCNP Media, LLC. is distributing Green Tea Purity as well. That alone proves no link to I-Deal. If GCNP Media, LLC. is shipping products in China, I doubt it's I-Deal, because they've never done that. Now, I-Deal can operate in a foreign country while having locations in the U.S., because that is what RewardStream is doing, but they have no ties to China. I cannot confirm that GCNP Media, LLC. is the purveyor of Green Tea Purity, this is is all conjecture until I can. Locations are of interest with any network as they bring you closer to the facts. Businesses can have an incomputable sum of companies. So I-Deal or YFD could own GCNP Media, LLC. as well as any other dreamt up name. This newfound information pulls me back into disbelief. I would believe YFD managed GCNP Media, LLC. before I-Deal., and I don't think they are either. Sure, I had my suspicions, but anybody can use someone else's template and/or idea for their web site(s), even down to copying their terms and policy! How likely is it for networks to hire a specific company for their services? Would it explain the same "look and feel" on every site ran by completely different networks? If so, why flock to the same web design biz?
Anything is possible until actual proof is presented. I feel that after I find something I reach the edge, and that is all. Even if we cannot form connections at least we discover these networks in the process. Like with RewardStream, Inc. and Popular Media, LLC. No sibling relation between the two, but we learned about them. Before our journey, we only knew them as "The Canadian Company", lol. We needed a name, and we got one!
More on locations...
GCNP Media
8391 Beverly Blvd #273
Los Angeles, CA 90048
GCNP Media
711 S. Carson St., Suite 4
Carson City NV 89701
::domain inserted here::
ECM# 51602
P.O. Box 37635
Philadelphia, PA 19101-0635
GCNP Media Inc.
6399 Wilshire Blvd PH7
Los Angeles, CA 90069
The last two are "gift center" addresses, which appear on GCNP Media trial offer and misc sites. However, they may use the first and second address at any time in their gift program. I'm hoping they aren't another scam. I have heard "Big Brand Giveaway" so much last year, so they've been around. So far all we know are the locations. I've only been able to find points-related info on them. See below.
This is from points2shop.com. Click to enlarge.
Whether you earn the actual gift from the network or not while earning points from points2shop.com is unknown. It seems like you would for completing the network's sponsor offers, hm. If this company is legit, you could earn points for pursuing their sites! Another site that does this is rewards1.com. Kinda like Memolink, a points incentive program. I get paid in gift cards and Paypal for online shopping. The most I earned from Memolink all at once was $750.00 to amazon.com 4 years ago. If you're interested in joining, e-mail me at diyfreebies@gmail.com, and I'll refer you to Memolink. Sorry, had to advertise myself a bit there! Oh yes, I will continue to investigate GCNP Media, LLC's gift program, because the only prizes people are receiving are points, not freebies, and there aren't any complaints, lol. What gives?
More locations... I found the other address for RewardStream, and have another for Acquisis. I will update the Labor Day entry with the Darmouth location.
P.O. Box 24017
Darmouth, NS B3A4T4
14525 SW Milikan Way Suite 21170
Beaverton, OR 97005
*links 'n such*
http://www.holidayrewards.us.com/?config=5520&src=WC-263493aaaats_1256994502_81_606_531_959130_33856:227834: - 12 offers, 2 refs/$1,000.00 Visa
http://www.gadgetcenter.us.com/?config=6575 - 12 offers, 2 refs/50" Samsung Plasma
http://www.gadgetcenter.us.com/?config=6570 - 8 offers, no refs/Nikon Coolpix S1000pj
http://www.gadgetcenter.us.com/?config=6573 - 8 offers, no refs/Garmin Nuvi 1390T GPS
http://www.gadgetcenter.us.com/?config=6607 - 12 offers, 2 refs/laptop of your choice
http://www.gadgetcenter.us.com/?config=6610 - 12 offers, 2 refs/Dell Studio 15 laptop
http://www.consumerincentivenetwork.com/rd_p?p=181564&c=34517-cin_nikadi500gc_emc_t01&a=29885 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 gc of your choice
http://www.computersncs.com/rd_p?p=193001&t=9544&a=23975-sD40&gift=23975 - 8 offers, no refs/Nikon D40 Digital Camera
http://www.computersncs.com/rd_p?p=186122&t=9544&a=13097-snikon&gift=13097 - 10 offers, no refs/Nikon D50 Digital SLR Camera
http://www.computersncs.com/rd_p?p=186122&t=9544&a=20623-snikon&gift=20623 - 14 offers, no refs/Nikon D80 Digital Camera
http://www.computersncs.com/rd_p?p=193001&t=9544&a=23975-sD40&gift=23976 - 12 offers, no refs/Nikon D200 Digital SLR Camera
Starting my holiday link shopping, so check back in! lol. I will try to get it up tonight. Busy Monday... I have another company I've been dying to investigate; I will start now, and write about them next month. I'm still nonplussed by Nuitech, but oh well. Also, I had a topic I wanted to discuss, but could not due to a missing screen shot. Ugh. Perhaps next month...
Before departing, I would like to say what I'm thankful for. First and foremost, my family and friends. Without their boundless love and support I'd be lost. Next, my blog readers. Your allegiance to this blog's cause is stellar, and I appreciate it. You're helping thousands of newcomers bypass the dangers of scams, and be led to reputable networks. And I CAN say thousands, because of how much traffic this site receives. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Have a joyous holiday,
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