A Christmas filled with exciting I-Deal promotions and new DBA, new DIY company; PrimeRewardSpot and American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co.; Inquire Network answers referral question; I-Deal and DealZingo freebie payments...
For quite a while now, I've been getting promotions from PrimeRewardSpot, so I decided to find out who they are. Let's take a look at one of the e-mails I received and the gift site...
PrimeRewardSpot e-mail:
Gift site:
Survey page:
Registration page:
Wheel spin:
Offer page:
Searching for PrimeRewardSpot's address, I came across American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co, however, the address for American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co did not match PrimeRewardSpot's. American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co also denied any affiliation with PrimeRewardSpot. Below is my correspondence with them.
My e-mail to American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co:
Do the gift sites under the name PrimeRewardsSpot belong to your company? I have been getting some interesting advertisements to my e-mail for $500.00 and $1,000.00 gift cards from Prime Reward Spot but I had a question before registering for one of them. :)
My question is, once you have completed all offers, are you required to submit a bank or credit card statement showing your offer charges, or do you just mail in a redemption form and w9 form?
A link to one of the Prime Reward Spot gift sites: https://primerewardspot.com/flow/linkout/prs-linkout-v10.html?flow=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvcHJpbWVyZXdhcmRzcG90LmNvbVwvYXBpXC8iLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvcHJpbWVyZXdhcmRzcG90LmNvbVwvIiwiaWF0IjoxNjY2ODAwMjUwLCJuYmYiOjE2NjY4MDAyNTAsImV4cCI6MTY2Njg3MjI1MCwidWlkIjoiZjVhZWQzMDAtODg5MC00NWUwLThiZDktMGU5NDQ0N2E2ZmMzIiwiY3VycmVudHBhZ2UiOiJsaW5rb3V0IiwiY3VycmVudGh0bWwiOiJmbG93XC9saW5rb3V0XC9wcnMtbGlua291dC12MTAuaHRtbCIsInN1Ym1pdFBhdGgiOiJzdXJ2ZXlcL2xpbmtvdXQtY29tcGxldGUifQ.hClbriNMlmYNAOzJ8cO5lqD8Sa7YUnuH2GVufSAhCnQ
American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co:
This looks like a spam link so I’m not gonna click it. I have no idea what this is and we have nothing to do with it. I don’t know why you think our company is involved. Also it is a Saturday and we’re off.
My response:
I have been receiving many promotional offers to my e-mail from PrimeRewardSpot and I have been trying to track down the company who is managing their sites. At the bottom of their e-mails, and when I search "Prime Reward Spot" on Google, is an address that links to TheAmericanSweepstakes. The address is: 85 Denison Pkwy, E #190, Corning, NY 14830.
So, I take it you have no affiliation with theamericansweepstakes.com either? There are several web sites with "American Sweepstakes" wording, and I am just trying to clear up any confusion surrounding these websites for my blog readers. Also, I will let them know your company is not tied to PrimeRewardSpot.
I'm sorry to bother you over the weekend. I appreciate your reply!
American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co:
Our company is American Sweepstakes & Promotion Company. Our website is American-sweeps.com.
The company link that you sent me is a fraud. Scammers have been copying our website for the past 20 years or more. So don’t refer anyone to them.
We now know American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co is not affiliated with PrimeRewardSpot. I wanted to mention that in case anyone ran into their company name on Google or social media and confused it with PrimeRewardSpot. Now, I do not know for sure if PrimeRewardSpot are scammers. When American Sweepstakes & Promotion Company called them scammers, I don't think they were referring to the actual site process where you register on a gift site, take a survey, and complete offers to get a reward. As they stated, scammers have been "copying" their website for years, which aggravates them (you can't blame them!). However, until there is proof of a scam, I cannot comment further.
When I clicked through their gift site, it looked pretty normal. The only thing that stood out was that you had to click the word Guide next to Reward Status to know how many offers your gift site needed. It was a 10 offer, $1,000.00 gift site that I registered for. My status page did not have links to the offer pages when I logged in. Therefore, I would not be able to return to my status page at any time and complete more offers.
Taken from PrimeRewardSpot's Program Requirements page:
"On each Deals page, there is a Reward Status feature where you can check the status of your Reward based on your completed actions. Once you have completed all three pages of the Deals, you will see a final Reward Status tool which allows you to verify your email address and will display the total number of Deals you have completed. It will let you know if you have completed enough Deals for the Reward or if you need to go back and complete more Deals to qualify."
On the website, I noticed another Reward Status link. It was next to the word Guide. The two offers I viewed were displayed when I clicked on it. After closing the site out and logging back into the Reward Status page next to the word Guide, I no longer saw the offers I viewed. Makes me wonder whether my offer credit(s) would have been properly recorded. The offer page has two links for Reward Status. The first one I clicked on was at the bottom. If the company answered e-mails, I would have done an offer just to see if it appeared. However, since there is no way to contact the company and they are unresponsive, it is too risky.
It says that when you complete all three pages of deals, you see a Reward Status tool where you can verify your email address and view your total number of completed offers. My concern is being able to go back and complete more offers. I need customer support to tell me if links to the offers appear on the Reward Status page once you verify your e-mail address.
PrimeRewardSpot's address:
85 Denison Pkwy E
Corning, NY 14830
E-mail address: contact@primerewardspot.com
My only option is to sit on this one until I can get in touch with them. My e-mails are not being answered and I have too many questions. I haven't heard back from Survey Premium either. Until these two companies respond, it's probably best to leave them alone. Inquire Network, the company with the giftcardquiz.com, gift sites finally responded! Below is my quick exchange with them regarding their referral requirement.
Quick question. Do all your gift sites require referrals? I would love to do one, but I cannot find a referral.
Hi me,
We only have one site. In fact you can check out, if you're able to complete the offers then anyone can. So your friends will be interested in the opportunity if you let them know that you did it.
Olena Chornoivan
Customer Support Representative
You have the ability to earn cash and gift cards through Inquire Network's makesurveymoney.com website. I might sign up for that since I take surveys, and I may consider doing them if I can get a referral and the offers are good. There were some issues with the status page that need to be ironed out first before doing them though. CEO of Inquire Network, Inc., Scott Brown, also has another corporation called Union Street Enterprises, Inc.
Inquire Network, Inc. business addresses:
Inquire Network, Inc.
409 Eastern Parkway
Apt 416
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Union Street Enterprises, Inc.
1 Dock 72 Way
7th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11205
We have a new DIY company! The company is called National Digital Brands, Inc., and they manage sites under the name RewardSurveyUSA. There is a lot of similarity between RewardsSurveyUSA and RewardZoneUSA, so please do not confuse them. Let's check out one of their gift sites. Since we are only reviewing RewardSurveyUSA's gift site, we can use a $100.00 link since I cannot locate my $1,000.00 link. :)
Gift site:
Confirm e-mail:
Registration page:
Survey page:
Confirm your information page:
More survey pages:
Offer page:
The survey and offer pages are laid out pretty standard for gift sites. There's a cancellation limitation on their front page, stating, "4) adhere to our 30-day cancellation policy." No big deal. Nuitech had that, as did others. Additionally, they require a utility bill, which is to be expected with some DIY sites. When I start out with a new company, I like to read everything and ask questions. The following are my questions regarding proof of residential address, followed by their responses.
Quick question, on the proof of current residential address, the utility bills and lease are not in my name. Will you accept my Capital One credit card statement?
RewardSurveyUSA's reply:
Dear me,
Thank you for contacting RewardSurveyUSA.
We are unable to accept a credit card statement as a proof of address.
Thank you,
Customer Support
My reply:
So what will you accept if I cannot give you a utility bill? Will you accept a bank statement?
RewardSurveyUSA's reply:
Dear me,
Thank you for contacting RewardSurveyUSA.
You will need to provide an official document in your name, and also fill out an affidavit and get it signed and notarized by the person who owns/leases/pays the bills of the household you are currently living.
Thank you,
Customer Support
Years ago, when working on an Acquisis site, members were required to sign and notarize an affidavit. But that had nothing to do with a utility bill or lease, it was something everyone had to do to get paid. Since the person I'm staying with may not feel comfortable signing an affidavit, I most likely will wait until after the 1st of January when I move to do them. Possibly longer since there is a cancellation limitation, which I cannot commit to anyway right now. The good thing about this company is that if your offers don't credit within two weeks, they provide manual credit. Make sure you save your order confirmations! Below is a write up on RewardSurveyUSA for everyone's review.
National Digital Brands, Inc. (RewardSurveyUSA)-- In accordance with RewardSurveyUSA's 30-day cancellation policy, members must complete all offers within 30 days of registering. When making purchases, you must use the same personal contact information you provided during registration. Do not enter a P.O. Box for your mailing address. Rewards will not be sent to a P.O. Box. Sponsor notification may take up to 2 weeks. Contact RewardSurveyUSA if one or more offers have not credited. Each completed offer should be documented with receipts, order confirmations, and proof of payments. Failure to produce the required documents when requested may result in you not receiving completion credit for your offer(s). Tier 1 Rewards are not subject to the cancellation limitation. You cannot cancel more than four trial offers within a 30-day period if you've signed up for a Tier 2 or Tier 3 reward.
As soon as all your documents are checked and verified, you will receive a Reward Redemption Voucher you can print out, complete, notarize, and mail in along with a government-issued, unexpired photo ID (you can cover your ID number), and a proof of your current residence (e.g., a utility bill, lease, mortgage statement). If you don't have a utility bill, lease, or mortgage statement in your name, you must provide an official document in your name, and also fill out an affidavit and get it signed and notarized by the person who owns, leases, or pays the bills of the household where you are living. Keep a copy of your Reward Redemption Voucher.
All the steps in the Program Requirements (including the mailing-in of your Reward Redemption Voucher and supporting documents) must be completed within 150 days of your Program Sign-up Date. Rewards are shipped within four to six weeks. You can choose between a virtual gift card or a physical gift card. Only one gift is permitted per household during the one-year period following your registration on the website.
RewardSurveyUSA gift site address:
1000 N. West Street
Suite 1200
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
RewardSurveyUSA phone number: (833) 940-1487
RewardSurveyUSA e-mail address: support@nationaldigitalbrands.com
National Digital Brands, Inc. address:
838 Walker Road
Suite 21-2
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
The addresses for RewardSurveyUSA and National Digital Brands, Inc are registered agents for a bunch of other businesses. Their website, nationaldigitalbrands.com, is still under construction, which makes since since their incorporation date was only last year on 2/24/2021.
I'd rather do another non-referral I-Deal site, to be honest. Yes, you heard that right. There are now non-referral $750.00+ I-Deal gift sites!! This is big news as there haven't been any good I-Deal sites in years. I-Deal also has a new DBA called Progress Tech, LLC, which will be added to our Official T&C and DBA list. Below is my $750.00 gift card I-Deal site I did over the summer. I have just been waiting for I-Deal to put out some new offers before diving into a $1,000.00 gift site. I am also waiting on my $1,000.00 check from Dealzingo which ships this week, btw! It's like a Christmas gift every year as they always pay me in November-December. :)
$750.00 I-Deal gift card:
Hi me,
I apologize for the delay, but I have great news! We will be mailing you your reward next week with the December batch!
Brian Beck
Junior Accountant
Flex Marketing Group
My reply:
Hi Brian,
Thanks for letting me know! I will watch for it in the mail. :)
Happy holidays!
My freebie earnings: $200.00 in PayPal from OneOpinion; $30.00 in Target eGiftcards from HerRazorTalk; $161.13 in checks from SurveySavvy; $285.00 in Amazon.com gift cards from ProductReportCard; $50.00 in PayPal from OpinionSite; $9.16.40 in PayPal from QuickRewards; $30.00 in Amazon.com gift cards from Clearvoice Surveys; $20.00 in Wal-Mart eGiftcards, $86.00 in Amazon.com gift cards, $25.00 Tango card, $25.00 Target eGiftCard, and $260.00 in virtual Visa gift cards from Schlesinger Group; $35.00 virtual Visa gift card from Invoke; $20.00 in PayPal from TapChamps; $8.00 in Amazon.com gift cards, a $10.00 Bath & Body Works gift card, and a $10.00 Target eGiftcard from Fetch Rewards; $12.00 in Amazon.com gift cards from S'mores app; $100.00 gift code to IL Makiage for collagen study; $10.00 Wal-Mart eGiftCard from Verasight.
I enjoy taking these surveys in my free time, especially those through Schlesinger Group. With OneOpinion, you receive your Paypal cash out instantly, or in 20 minutes max. You just need a balance of $25.00 to cash out. With ClearVoice Surveys, you just need $10.00 to redeem, but it's only Amazon.com gift cards. As a survey panelist, I am a member of many other panels, but only the ones listed under "my freebie earnings" are the ones I have time for.
My Schlesinger Group referral link: https://www.focusgroup.com/Account/Join?ref=63OWj5bqVdTUn6UgDd3k3A==&aid=16
My Fetch Rewards referral link. Earn free gift cards just for scanning store receipts! Download Fetch Rewards to your phone, and sign up with code XMVJY. You also receive 2,000 points for registering: https://fetchrewards.onelink.me/vvv3/referralsocial?code=XMVJY
My SurveySavvy referral link: https://www.surveysavvy.com/?m=6827629
My Christmas snowglobe I drew two years ago:
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year~!! Let's make this a holiday to remember. ❄🎄☃️🎅
Thursday, December 08, 2022
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A merry and bright Christmas with RewardZone USA offer change, I-Deal blacklisting accounts? User Interviews, DealZingo and I-Deal payments...
Ready for some summer fun?! Come on down to DIYfreebies' DIY carnival with new legit DIY company + payment report; new RewardZone USA i...
This will be our official company and address list for all DIY networks. I decided to put them together so all the content is on one page. ...
Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz offers, DealZingo payments and account issues, new DIY network, and more!
Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes and possible computer glitches, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz gift sites and...
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