Friday, December 12, 2014

Wintry mix, Part 2. The Popcorn Factory order issues and resolution, Credit Sesame payment and promotion, National Consumer Panel, $2,191.04 in survey panel payments...

Wintry mix, Part 2. The Popcorn Factory resolves order problems with free popcorn tins and refund; Credit Sesame payment and promotion; Wozniack selected by the National Consumer Panel; $2,191.04 in survey panel payments-- let me show you how! Read on...

This holiday season I placed several orders with The Popcorn Factory. Below are the order issues that I had and what The Popcorn Factory did to resolve them. This could possibly be the best customer service I have ever received!

My first e-mail:

Your question is below and was sent to us on 11/15/14 at 1:50:32 PM:


This is in regards to an order I placed on the 7th. I ordered two popcorn tins. The one that was for me has been shipped and is on its way. However, the one that was for my friend arrived at my address yesterday instead of going straight to her. During the ordering process, I entered her shipping address so something is wrong somewhere. Some way, somehow, it got sent to me. Now I am stuck with a 10-pound popcorn tin that is going to cost me a fortune to ship, and my friend has no Christmas gift.

She was supposed to receive the brown tin with the "falling leaves" design. The item number for this tin is: #UWP41030. Her shipping address is below.

::my friend's address goes here::

What do I do? Any help is appreciated.



On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 1:53 PM, The Popcorn Factory wrote:

Dear me,

Thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry that you received both popcorn tins to your address! I reviewed your order and added Mary's address to our system. I am having a replacement sent to Mary's address for you at no additional charge. Enjoy the popcorn that arrives to your house or maybe you can give it away if it's too much for you. We do want you to keep it though, no need to send it back. Again, we are sorry for this misunderstanding and any frustration this may have caused. Our customers satisfaction is of the upmost importance to us here at The Popcorn Factory and we appreciate your business, we hope you will allow us to serve you again in the future.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address listed below.


Jessica Hannon
The Popcorn Factory

Your question is below and was sent to us on 11/15/14 at 3:38:21 PM:


Thank you so much for resolving this issue. I didn't know what I was going to do because I really cannot spend tons of money on shipping right now due to bills and the holidays. Since you are sending my friend Mary a replacement, could you please delay the shipment until December 17th as I forgot to schedule that shipping time. Also, if you could include a free gift message that says, "Merry Christmas to Mary and Debra ::their last name goes here::. From, ::my name::" on the box it would be greatly appreciated.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for you doing this... Thank you so much!! :)



On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 6:31 PM, The Popcorn Factory wrote:

Dear me,

Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, because your replacement order was shipped today, 11/15/14, I am unable to change the delivery date. I sincerely apologize if this causes you an inconvenience. Thank you for your continued patience.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address listed below.


Lora Stevens
The Popcorn Factory

Your question is below and was sent to us on 11/17/14 at 6:10:25 PM:

Hi again,

The tin I was expecting arrived today but was dented when I opened the box. The box is in perfect condition so I don't think it was damaged by USPS, the carrier your company uses. I have included pictures of the popcorn tin as well as the box for you to see. This was meant to be a gift for my mother, but I don't want to send her something that is damaged. Can I have this replaced?



Dear me,

Thank you for contacting us.

The Popcorn Factory maintains high standards for quality and any tin showing the slightest quality issue is taken off the production line at our facility. However, sometimes in the shipping process the package can be damaged; the box will flex back to its original shape but the tin can not.

We have issued a replacement order for your item, at no expense to you. This will be delivered on or before December 17, and includes your gift message. Thank you for letting us know of the quality issue with the tin, and for allowing The Popcorn Factory the opportunity to provide you with the 100% customer satisfaction that you deserve.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address listed below.


Greg Davis
The Popcorn Factory

Your question is below and was sent to us on 11/17/14 at 11:24:42 PM:


Thank you for your help in this matter. To make sure you have the correct address, please send the replacement tin to the following:

::my address goes here::

Thanks again!


P.S.-- I forgot to add #xxx to the address in my previous e-mail. Please include the #xxx number after the street name.

Dear me,

Thank you for contacting us.

I have reviewed your order and updated it with the changes that you requested, as follows:

::my address goes here::

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address listed below.


Greg Davis
The Popcorn Factory

The Popcorn Factory takes good care of their customers. It started off with a voicemail from them telling me to call them back. One of the two items I ordered was out of stock. So they replaced it with a 6 1/2 gallon popcorn tin which cost more than the out of stock item. The other item I ordered was my friend's gift that got sent to me and it went on from there... But they made it right and my replacement tin should sometime next week. I was overcharged $6.00 on another item and they are issuing me a refund as well! Couldn't be happier with The Popcorn Factory, and I wanted to give them credit for their excellent customer service. Thank you, Popcorn Factory!

Credit Sesame are a credit reporting company out of Mountain View, California. I participated in their November promotion for a $150.00 amazon gift card with the chance to win a $500.00 bonus. While I didn't qualify for the bonus, I DID get the $150.00 amazon card!

Enlarged photos: -

When you sign up for their service you are NOT required to put up a credit card. It is totally free unless you upgrade to a paid subscription. A few days ago somebody said, "Looks like the promotion is no longer good. They told me that it was only for November." So I'm not sure when they will start another promotion. They had well over 1,000 eligible customers, meaning they gave out at least $150,000 in amazon gift cards. That could explain there being no promotion this month, and possibly in the months that follow. Now let's discuss National Consumer Panel...

Enlarged photo:

Can't believe I am officially a member of the National Consumer Panel after years of applying. You earn points for scanning purchased products and taking surveys. Those points can be used on gift catalog items, or put toward sweepstakes. I'm saving up for a tablet. Now survey panel earnings since last December.

Progress since December 2013: $40.00 in checks from Clorox; $65.00 amazon gift card from InSites Consulting; $50.00 amazon gift card for Good Morning America study; $5.00 check, $50.00 cash to buy ingredients for testing products from MarketTools; $100.00 Tango Card, $150.00 Wal-Mart eCard, $40.00 in virtual Visas, $10.00 Chili's restaurant card, $35.00 Target eCard from Toluna; $20.00 loaded to Payoneer Mastercard, $20.00 in amazon gift cards from SurveyScoutResearch; $375.00 in Visa gift cards, $100.00 in amazon gift cards, $50.00 in Wal-Mart gift cards from MyView; $45.00 Webshop gift certificate, $90.00 in amazon gift cards, $427.15 in Paypal from SurveySpot; $143.50 in amazon gift cards, $130.00 in Paypal from Opinion Outpost; $150.00 amazon gift card from Credit Sesame promotion; $75.00 in Paypal, $5.00 amazon gift card from Media Insiders; $5.39 Paypal payment from ebates; $10.00 JcPenney eGiftCard from Memolink. Grand total = $2,191.04!

You know what? I didn't do ANY surveys for 6 months out of the year, so no telling what I would have earned in addition to my $2,191.04!! The company that owns SurveySpot and Opinion Outpost is Survey Sampling International, LLC. Once you make $600.00+ with them you have to fill out a w9, and they combine payments between their sites. So if you make $400.00 on SurveySpot and $200.00 on Opinion Outpost you must turn in a w9 form. They're my favorite though as their Paypal payments are instantaneous. Please let me know if you'd like to learn more about these exciting panels! I can accept Paypal donations, btw. I still have my Serve account but I only take donations via Paypal now.

I need to fix the thumbnail pics in both blogs. The images should open up in another window after you click on them, but you can't click on them. I think its Blogger because the code works on forums and Wordpress. Until its fixed, I will post a link under each image to enlarge the photos. Also, please bear with me on our holiday link list. I am looking at a LONG list of links, and I need more time to sort through them. Feels good to be writing again. I'm reflecting back on all the happy moments, and how much I earned this year. Looking forward to Christmas in 12 days! I hope next year is as prosperous and joyful as this one has been.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, if you celebrate, and a very Happy New Year!

Take care,



Unknown on January 15, 2018 at 9:00 AM said...

it is really nice post about "Wintry mix, Part 2. The Popcorn Factory order issues and resolution, Credit Sesame payment and promotion, National Consumer Panel, $2,191.04 in survey panel payments..."

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