Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Caivis complaint and discussion-- is the company still active? Nuitech payouts + WinHundred, Ace Brands Online, Inc. introduced and site review, and more!

For May we have Ace Brands Online, Inc. introduction and site review; Nuitech payouts and DIY company rundown + WinHundred; Caivis gift site complaint and discussion-- are they back? Read on...

Caivis and mfl-center.com will be our first topic. Before proceeding, please read my entry from July 2011: "The night explodes..." -- Scroll down to what ARG Insider said, then read what I responded with. I will repost ARG Insider's informative comment for our review.

ARG Insider "You will be happy to know that Caivis closed down their Colorado office last month and has laid off all the people who worked in that office, including the VP of Technology for the promotional marketing/freebies division."

As happy as I was, I knew the gift program could still function no matter how many people got laid off and how many offices were closed. Especially with several ex-ARGers under David Steinberg's leadership. Former COO at ARG, Steven Gerber, is now President at Caivis and is COO at XL Marketing. Former Senior IT Engineer at Active Response Group, and former VP of Technology at XL Marketing, Keith Larson, holds a position at Oracle as an MySQL Community Manager. He was one of many who got laid off. Has the Director of Technology at XL Marketing, Yesenia Rodriguez, been fulfilling the operations of the promotional marketing/freebies division ever since Keith Larson's exit? And what about these three? Geoffrey Mott, VP of Strategy at Caivis, was a Senior Director at InPhonic; Phong Tran, VP of Operations at Caivis, was a Director at InPhonic; and Christopher Spring, CFO at Caivis and CFO of Xl Marketing, served as the SVP-Divisional CFO at InPhonic. Anyone related to InPhonic or ARG are a high risk to this industry. We remember the events of ARG, but what happened with InPhonic? See this entry for more: "May Mayhem..." - It is important to realize the severity of a company's actions, and the steps we must take to prevent future destruction.

A reader wrote in with this, "btw as of beginning of march a morefromlife rewards link for a samsung hdtv was being marketed, MFL-center is steinberg. so he is still at it."

How could this be? I just had to investigate this, so I started with a simple whois report.


As you can see, mfl-center.com was created on February 10, 2009, and it expires February 11, 2013. If Caivis' gift program ended in the summer of 2011, then why did someone spot an advertisement for a Samsung television? I searched the web for this promotion since my reader lost the link but came up empty-handed. So I went directly to mfl-center.com to get results...

mfl-center.com front page:

"That offer is expired" means the original promotion is down; however, they still offered a reward so I kept going...

Survey pages:

You will notice the last two pages say "OnDemand Research." OnDemand Research is owned by Caivis/XL Marketing, and is a provider of data solutions for organizations and consumers. Through OnDemand Research, Caivis offered rewards opportunities for those interested in offers and surveys. Was their gift program actually called OnDemand Research? Or was it that OnDemand Research only powered their sites?

Step 2. Confirming information:

That was a breeze. So what's the next step?

I'm lost. Why is a ShopAtHome toolbar required to complete an offer?? ShopAtHome.com is a web site offering online coupons, grocery coupons, cash back rewards, free samples, restaurant coupons and contests. The installation page stated, "Prize will not be awarded by ShopAtHome.com" and "Claim Your $20 Best Buy Gift Card", so I was probably still locked into the gift site. I was not comfortable going any further so I closed the page. There WAS someone who completed two offers on a Caivis site. You can read about their experience below.

url: http://www.scaminformer.com/scam-report/mfl-center-com-mfl-center-com-more-from-life-rewards-for-all-those-who-c8193.html

The author of this complaint is no stranger to incentive programs, so I don't think it was inexperience that cost them their reward. If they were disqualified, it might have been over the 30/60-day rule. BUT this person was right because the 30/60-day rule was not present in the EULA, policy or the gift rules. This member probably pointed that out which is why Caivis stopped responding. What could they say to that? Caivis, "Oh, hold on... We'll add that to our Gift Rules. Once we're done, sign up for another site and remain a customer for 30-60 days." If a rule is missing from a company's T&C, policy, Gift/Program Rules, or EULA, then the member should be able to contest it, IMO. Doesn't take much to put it in writing. This is why we CANNOT have Caivis running anymore gift sites. I think they have been stealthily generating sites through OnDemand Research well after their Colorado doors slammed shut. And if I am right, perhaps the reason for that is so they could manage the gift program from their New York office.

My job now is finding out if Caivis' gift program is still active. In spite of everything I said, mfl-center.com, as well as all their other gift sites could be inoperative, and just the domains are active until they expire. But because OnDemand Research is very much alive at Caivis, we can't know that for certain. Their sites seem to depend on OnDemand Research's substructure, and as long as OnDemand Research remains, they could effortlessly build new sites upon it. I don't like that they quit answering the individual who complained. I responded to the complaint, and I hope the author sees my comment so I can help them. Caivis could have at least restated the 30/60-day rule instead of ignoring all other e-mails. Caivis/XL Marketing are back on my radar, and my eyes won't be off them anytime soon.

We have a new site to examine, popularproductsonline.com. Let's look at the gift site and offer pages...

gift site:

url: http://www.popularproductsonline.com/gift/?src_key=84x2e4u223x213c433y2641343e4d454c4c4x2y2z254t244g4a4u2x2

Like Nuitech, you cannot cancel more than two offers within 30 days, and the remaining program requirements must be met within 180 days of registration. But is this Nuitech? I'd like to compare this site's offer page to an offer page on a Nuitech site.

offer page:

The bottom of this page has the same "Check Gift Status - Help - Privacy Policy - Terms & Conditions - Unsubscribe - Contact Us" links, and copyright like Nuitech has on their sites. And the gift box and house at the top-- aren't those Nuitech's graphics? Hm...

Nuitech's offer page:

Entirely different look and feel of offer page. And the "SUMMARY OF PROMOTION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS" wording on the front page and offer page of www.popularproductsonline.com isn't anywhere on Nuitech's sites.

Nuitech gift site:

url: http://yourrewardstoday.com/rd_p?p=207753&t=18432

See? It's not there. Even the policies and terms and conditions pages are not alike.

popularproductsonline.com's policy:

popularproductsonline.com's T&C:

Nuitech's policy:

Nuitech's T&C:

Now, I want you all to think back to what Nuitech said about servicing other companies. They said, "Our company provides customer service for multiple companies." This statement can be found in this blog: DIY rose bouquet delivery, Part 2. -- They also told a member over the phone that with rewards aisle and cool premiums, two promotional sites, that they only handled their fulfillment processes. Below is that member's discovery.

"As for NT I have a question that maybe you know the answer to. I have two links listed below. Their DBA's are rewards aisle and cool premiums. On the freeipod forum I asked if anyone had done either of these. One person posted stating they were a NT look alike out of canada and I should stay away. I called NT myself and the rep stated they only handled their fulfillment process and everything else was separate. Soooooo now I am not sure if I should proceed or not. Give me your thoughts."

Could it be that Nuitech alters a company's gift site since they handle their fulfillment/customer service? It would explain why parts of these sites mimic Nuitech while other areas do not. Its important to remember that just because a company's site is similar to another, the gift program may not be run by the same company. Now please look at the bottom of the terms and conditions page for popularproductsonline.com.

bottom of popularproductsonline.com's terms and conditions:

Meet Ace Brands Online, Inc., a company out of Southern Ontario, Canada. I found other sites with the company name and Richmond Hill address, however, I ignored them because I assumed Nuitech handled their Fulfillment; the Ace Brands Online sites I found were similar to ones by rewards-aisle, sites proven to be managed--but not owned--by Nuitech. And I am almost certain rewards-aisle had a Canadian location like Ace Brands Online. Are Nuitech providing customer service to Ace Brands Online, Inc.? Below is what I asked them.

My e-mail:

"from: xxxx@xx.com xxxx@xx.com to: contact@oglogistics.net date: Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 4:40 PM subject: Ace Brands Online, Inc and Nuitech... mailed-by: xxxx.com


In the past your company has said that they offer service to multiple companies. Do you provide service to Ace Brands Online, Inc.? Below is the location for this company as well as their web sites if you need more information.

Business: Ace Brands Online, Inc.


24-155 East Beaver Creek Road Suite 233, Richmond Hill, L4B 3J9

Main web site: http://www.popularproductsonline.com/

Gift sites: http://www.popularproductsonline.com/gift/?src_key=84x2e4u223x213c433y2641343e4d454c4c4x2y2z254t244g4a4u2x2 - http://www.acebrandsonline.com



Nuitech's reply:

"from: Onlinerewardcenter Support usersupport-648889@oglogistics.net to: xxxx@xxxx.com date: Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:22 AM subject: In response to your inquiry


Thank you for your inquiry.

In order to contact the appropriate department, please submit your request through below link. We appreciate your interest.


*** DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. THIS MAILBOX IS NOT MONITORED *** Please use the contact form provided at our website if you have further questions.

Thank you,


For confirmation I inquired about Ace Brands Online, Inc. I expected them to respond with, "No, we do not offer our services to Ace Brands Online, Inc."; instead, they directed me to www.qinteractive.com, a site operated by Q Interactive, Inc., an online direct marketing and media company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Q Interactive, Inc. are Nuitech, btw. I don't think they own Ace Brands Online, Inc., but they may handle their customer support. I have since resent the same e-mail to Q Interactive and OG Logistics. Until they respond, Ace Brands Online, Inc. will be regarded as a separate entity. Next we'll look at more sites by Ace Brands Online, Inc....

Both popularproductsonline.com and popularproductsonline.ca link to this page:

urls: http://www.popularproductsonline.com - http://www.popularproductsonline.ca

url: http://www.acebrandsonline.com/

I thought www.acebrandsonline.com was the company web site until the page loaded but it was a gift site. So there is no company web site for Ace Brands Online, Inc., though their gift program's portal seems to be popularproductsonline.com/ca The terms and conditions states that Ace Brands Online carries on business as popularproductsonline, but is Popular Products Online the name for their entire program? Like how Product Test Panel is the name for Consumer Resource Corporation's gift program. Sometimes a gift program will be the company's name like I-Deal Direct Interactive is I-Deal, and Consumers Reward Solutions is, well, Consumers Reward Solutions (CRS). I just sent Ace Brands Online a message through popularproductsonline.com. I'm hoping they can answer some questions about their company.

As for freeverizonipad.com, the site is gone, but the domain has caused quite a stir. Here are some complaints:

"Got a call at 10am Pacific time (Feb. 1,2012) where a recoded message came on and told me "..For being a valued Verizon customer you have won a free iPad. Type in your phone number or go to our website www.verizonfreeipad.com and enter your cell phone number at your redeem code." I was busy, hung up and the next day I typed in the web address, it didn't exist. Then I typed in www.verizonfreeipad.com into google and it came up with a lot of comments about these people posing as Verizon and scamming them to gain information. I'm sure they were looking for me to type in my number to authorize them to sell it. :/ A CELL PHONE COSTS MONEY BY THE ABOUT OF MINUTES YOU USE!!! Like I want to PAY for a solicitation."

source of complaint: http://www.callercenter.com/801-803-6858.html

"Voicemail left about a free ipad2 because I was a "valued Verizon customer." wants you to go to a website and enter your phone number to redeem. Sounds like a scam." "Lot the message last night on my voice mail. They said I was a Verizon customer, I'm not. They said to go to www.freeverizonipad.com to claim my ipad2.

Doesn't look to me like it would be free. Long, long, long list of things that I'd have to do in order to even be put into the running for the ipad. Looks like I'd have a dozen companies all of the sudden emailing and calling me trying to sell me their products (which I don't want or need)."

"Recorded message claims that you, a valued Verizon Wireless customer have won a free iPad. Go to www.freeverizonipad.com and enter your info to claim prize.

I called the number back and got a similar message after which the call went to a voice mail box. The domain name is not one of the domains owned by Verizon Wireless.

This is defiantly a scam so I am reporting it as such to the National Do Not Call Registry."

source of complaints: http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-801-803-6858

"it has only been one so far. but it said, "Since you have been such a good version wireless customer, you have won a free ipad 2. please go to {cant remember the sight name} enter your version wireless number and claim your prize"

source of complaint: http://mrnumber.com/1-801-803?page=9

Anytime a company has a "cell phone" field on their gift site's front page it is bad news. Those sites are usually sent to people through text messages. If someone clicks the link, they're taken to a site like popularproductsonline.com/ca which asks for a cell phone number and e-mail. All the front page should ever ask you for is an e-mail address or else there is some serious textspamming going on! The problem I have with text spam is, depending on one's carrier and monthly plan, people may be charged for incoming text messages. Computer users don't pay for site spam, so why should cell phone users? I suppose they shouldn't open the text messages, but the fact remains that we aren't paying to view DIY sites online. Text spam is a little impersonal to me anyway, because it's going to someone's cell phone. It should stay where it belongs-- on the internet! This is like the Nick Brown case except the domains registered to Nick Brown pointed to other DIY companies, because he never had his own freebie site. He only had a site for Best World Media, Inc., his lead generation company. Ace Brands Online have their own promotional web sites. Here's a wild thought. What if Ace Brands Online, Inc. WERE Nuitech. Nuitech would be just as guilty as Nick Brown for spamming! But I can't picture Nuitech doing that.

Back to the “SUMMARY OF PROMOTION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS” wording on Ace Brands Online's site, www.popularproductsonline.com WinHundred has similar wording on their gift sites...

WinHundred site:

url: http://www.happyholidayrewards.com/aseg-864?trkSessID=200710037&dLID=4004&pRdrTrkID=698090837&skipExit=[skipExit]&pLeadEmailAddress=[pLeadEmailAddress]

However, on the WinHundred site it is, "SUMMARY OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS" just like I-Deal. But Ace Brands Online added "promotion" to their gift site, making the sentence "SUMMARY OF PROMOTION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS." What if Ace Brands Online are WinHundred? If they are, then WinHundred are textspammers. The main graphic for certain WinHundred sites cover the whole page and are narrow. Please study the WinHundred site below and my search results.

WinHundred site:

url: http://www.giftcarddealsonline.com/aseg-759?trkSessID=200710037&dLID=4318&pRdrTrkID=698442914&skipExit=1&pLeadEmailAddress=test@test.com

Search results:

The bottom links read "1000 Best Buy Gift Card - Mobile [Pre-Pop]" and "1000 Walmart Gift Card Mobile [Pre-Pop]" Both links point to two narrow WinHundred sites, with one of them being the above $1,000.00 Best Buy gift card site. The "Mobile" part may mean these promotions are used for text spam. Ace Brands Online, Inc. have textspammed, but I need more proof for WinHundred. Ace Brands Online and WinHundred have something else in common. Can you guess what that is? Their sites are privately registered. If I had to choose which company might be affiliated with Ace Brands Online, Inc., it would be CoverClicks, LLC. which manages WinHundred. Not Nuitech.

I have an update on our Nuitech member, but if you need to read up on this member's experience first, please see these entries: "DIY rose bouquet is delivered, Part 2." - "Lucky shamrocks"

Nuitech member:

"from: member xxxx@xx.com to: diyfreebies@gmail.com date: Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:42 AM subject: Hey mailed-by: xxxx.com signed-by: xxxx.com

I finally received my Macbook Pro last night after five long months since I started this whole process.

I might do a DIYFreebie offer again, but I doubt I'll be doing it through this same company. Unless that's the standard time it takes to go through the entire process. I would prefer working with a company who has telephone support, and who communicates much better during the whole process or getting sponsors to confirm memberships, etc.

Did you ever find some websites for I-Deal that will work? Or, are there any companies around now who offer telephone support?"

My reply:

"From: diyfreebies@gmail.com diyfreebies@gmail.com to: member date: Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:19 PM subject: Re: Hey mailed-by: gmail.com

Hi member,

Congratulations on your reward! That is fantastic. I am so happy your Macbook Pro finally arrived. :)

I-Deal and Nuitech are the main DIY companies right now. I would suggest Consumer Gain, but the last time I checked in on them I couldn't get through to their customer service department. I had questioned them as to why their sites' T&C pages had Nuitech's DBA in them. Nuitech said they provided service to multiple companies after I asked them about it; I asked them as well since I got no response from Consumer Gain. I don't think Nuitech acquired the company, but its strange for Consumer Gain to not answer their main e-mail... Does Nuitech answer Consumer Gain's support tickets? I'll send one through a Consumer Gain site to see who answers. Anyway, that is where we are with Consumer Gain. I wouldn't do them until we find out exactly what is going on. If you need to refresh your memory on this topic, please read DIY rose bouquet delivery,Part 2.: http://www.diyfreebies.com/diy-rose-bouquet-is-delivered-part-2-nuitech-sponsor-reporting-issues-members-experience-popular-diy-company-sold-to-nuitech-misc-freebie-proof-pics/

Another company is Product Test Panel. There have been some issues, BUT they offer phone support and pay out. You may want to check out some of their links in my blog: http://www.diyfreebies.com We may have a new company soon-- LeaderDirect. They are supposed to e-mail me back once they fix their gift site. If the individual who offered to test their site is still willing after they contact me, then hopefully that person can report something positive back and that'll give us another company. How do you feel about Consumers Reward Solutions? They sent me a $3,000.00 check last year: http://www.diyfreebies.com/lucky-shamrocks-scattered-over-ptps-incorrect-1099-forms-new-nuitech-dba-letter-to-company-and-member-update-crs-releases-contact-info/ <--- CRS hired a third-party company after they dismissed Dave, the former customer service rep. An address was given for us to mail in our documentation for approval. Although we have no e-mail, at least we have a location to send our paperwork to. Our anonymous source never said if they received a reply from CRS through their ticket system. I hoped they would so we could have gotten an e-mail address that way. You may want to hold off on CRS until someone has had success with the Las Vegas, Nevada address.

As for I-Deal, they don't offer phone support, however, they have excellent customer service. I highly recommend them. You don't have to worry about communication when it comes to I-Deal. They will take care of you. Unfortunately, there are no good deals by them right now. But I will let you know if that changes.

Thanks for updating me on your gift status with Nuitech. Enjoy your new Macbook!



My reply is a complete rundown of our companies' affairs. I still cannot get in touch with Consumer Gain. Product Test Panel are still around. I'm waiting for LeaderDirect to contact me back. No word yet on Consumers Reward Solutions' Las Vegas, Nevada address, so we don't know if it's successful. And I-Deal and Nuitech are the current top-paying DIY companies. The only thing that's changed is we have Ace Brands Online and Caivis to investigate.

Another person wrote in with the following...


"from: member xxxx@xx.com to: "diyfreebies@gmail.com" date: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 12:12 PM subject: Re: Inquiry mailed-by: xxxx.com signed-by: xxxx.com

Hi wozniack,

Thanks for reply! I just qualified for an Apple iPad 2 and $250 Apple G/c from ConsumerIncentiveRewards, they gave me a hard time at first but approved everything last week.


My reply:

"from: diyfreebies@gmail.com diyfreebies@gmail.com to: member date: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 12:35 PM subject: Re: Inquiry mailed-by: gmail.com


Congratulations on qualifying for an iPad2 and $250.00 Apple gift card! That's terrific. If its alright by you, may I share your positive experience with my readers? I can make you anonymous on my blog.



"from: member xxxx@xx.com to: "diyfreebies@gmail.com" date: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 12:38 PM subject: Re: Inquiry mailed-by: xxxx.com signed-by: xxxx.com

Yes, no problem!


Congrats to these members! I always like hearing when someone gets paid. :)

So I contacted LeaderDirect last month since I hadn't heard back. Below is our brief exchange.

My e-mail:

"From: xxxx@xx.com Date: Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 1:52 PM Subject: Re: LeaderDirect/TheFreeLaptop.com offer... To: main@membershelpdesk1.com

Hello again,

I haven't heard back so I thought I would ask. Is the site properly functioning now? And if not, about how much longer will it be until it is repaired? Because I am still very interested in doing it, and would like to start the site sometime soon.



LeaderDirect's reply:

"from: main@membershelpdesk1.com to: xxxx@xx.com date: Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 9:09 PM subject: RE: LeaderDirect/TheFreeLaptop.com offer...

Thanks for your email.

We’re sorry, but the offers for completion are not yet populated into the system, so there are no advertisers offers to complete.

We’ll email you back when ready – may be a few more weeks, sorry.

Best regards,


We'll have to be patient. It does take time to add offers to a gift site, so I completely understand. Will let everyone know on this as soon as I hear back!

Got another $25.00 to Target after cashing out on a Tango Card from Toluna. My balance is 58,150, so I only need 16,850 more points to redeem my next Tango Card.

*links 'n such*


http://www.rewardingpromos.com/?oid=ur03y65j&clk=e60605238333041f568e4e2222bcab4c&s=1717 - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Visa gc

http://cpaalpha.com/offerpreview/display.php?k=ad0abdf587cdb15f5f894750994df54290f75b0c - 10 offers, no refs/$1,000.00 Best Buy gc


http://myrewardadvantage.com/vegas/index.php?lid=vegas_14380_100400&add_offerid=7915999&addomain=avcounter10.com&addomain_id=67&uniclk=true - 13 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 Las Vegas vacation + misc. gifts

http://branddealsonline.com/cabelas/index.php?lid=cabelas_13326_[=afid=]&add_offerid=1757369&addomain=avcounter10.com&addomain_id=67&uniclk=true - 13 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 Cabela's gc + misc. gifts

http://branddealsonline.com/kyzls/index.php?lid=kyzls_3156_CD1&add_offerid=53493247&addomain=avgauge10.com&addomain_id=63&uniclk=true - 13 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 Kay or Zales gc + misc. gifts

http://retailreportcard.producttestpanel.com/rrc1000/register.kohls.php?lid=rrckohls_3156_CD1&add_offerid=165829&addomain=ileadztracker.com&addomain_id=8&uniclk=true - 6 offers, no refs/$1,000.00 Kohl's gc + misc. gifts

http://tjmaxxgiftcard.giftcertificatedelivery.com/form/iframe/36149/9503/?&sid=affiliate_id&ref=36149 - 13 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 TJ Maxx gc + misc. gifts

http://branddealsonline.com/wm/index.php?lid=wm_14281_168&add_offerid=676547&addomain=avcounter10.com&addomain_id=67&uniclk=true - 13 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 Wal-Mart gc + misc. gifts

http://mysterymallshopper1.com/secretzas/index.php?lid=secretzas_15029_{affiliate_id}&aff_sub={aff_sub}&add_offerid=4562611&addomain=avcounter10.com&addomain_id=67&uniclk=true - 13 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 merchant gc of your choice + misc. gifts

http://www.claimhotdeals.com/amex.php?sid=135&aid=1043&subid=57967&subid2=&subid3=139299006 - 10 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 AmEx gc + misc. gifts

http://www.claimhotdeals.com/walmart.php?sid=136&aid=1043&subid=57969&subid2=&subid3=139299076 - 10 offers, 3 refs/$1,000.00 Wal-Mart gc + misc. gifts

Much to do between now and June; further investigate Caivis/XL Marketing, gather more info on Ace Brands Online, Inc., and prepare for our anniversary blog! It will be a celebration for sure. You may notice the images are smaller when they're enlarged. That's because Photobucket resizes them after the images are uploaded. However, I did not know that until after I uploaded our images. This bothers me because our policy and terms and conditions are now smaller, which makes it difficult for us to compare company info. And the worst part is, I still haven't modified our blogs with the new links, so now we have images linking from two locations! I have to upgrade my Photobucket membership, or find another photo storage site as soon as I can. Enjoy the links and blog everyone...

Take care,



Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz offers, DealZingo payments and account issues, new DIY network, and more!

Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes and possible computer glitches, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz gift sites and...


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