We'll kick off our holiday blog by examining a new gift site. This is what arrived in my mailbox...
Incoming message:
Here is what it said:
I don't believe just anything, but I had been waiting on a $1,000.00 gift card from I-Deal, so I thought it might have been about my gift. The 'Please See this and confirm' link directed me to the site below.
gift page:
url: http://walmart.mygiftcarddeal.com/
There is no address in the policy, and the domain is privately registered. No status or contact page on the front of the site either. So I went through the registration and survey process to get results...
registration page:
survey pages:
offer page:
Who is this? Don't know yet? Let's keep going...
bonus page:
The company with the famous "Bullseye Bonus" is Product Test Panel, and the Bullseye Bonus wording is clearly displayed in the browser tab's left corner. Also, the 'Member Support' and 'Gift Status' pop-ups at the bottom of the offer page are like Product Test Panel. I will post them now.
Bottom of offer page:
Member support:
Gift status:
Review the rules for each page.
Bottom of front page:
Bottom of registration page:
Bottom of offer page:
The front page states, "(4) not cancel your participation in more than a total of 2 Reward Offers within 30 days of any Reward Offer Sign-Up Date as outlined in the Terms & Conditions (the Cancellation Limit)." -- This isn't explained anywhere in the terms and conditions. And, as long as you don't cancel the OODs (Offers of Doom = expensive offers), you shouldn't be in violation of their cancellation limitation. So I don't know why it says you can't cancel no more than 2 offers, as there will most likely be more regular offers available. Another problem is the front page states you must, "(3) complete a total of 10 Reward Offers as stated in the Terms & Conditions", while the offer page requires 13, "(3) complete a total of 13 Reward Offers as stated in the Terms & Conditions." The status page should have the correct offer count. The domains associated with this site are site4giftcards.com, bigbrandrewards.com, mywebrewards.com. All but one is privately registered.
whois info:
I would say this is a Product Test Panel site despite the dodgy name and e-mail in the whois: Andrzej Z jjzz7171@aol.com.
It has been said that you can only do one Product Test Panel site per lifetime, though it has also been said that you can... One member has proven just how possible it is, and delivers some important news straight from Product Test Panel's customer support rep, Daniel. Below is their DIY earnings report and our correspondence.
Member's earnings report:
"from xxxx@xx.com
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:13 PM
subject Re: Product Test Panel
mailed-by xxxx.com
Hello Woz,
I just wanted to give you a quick update on a couple of sites. First of all, I am SO happy to hear that I finally was approved for the 2freelaptops site. I still can't believe how easy the actual verification and documentation portion went - I guess I shouldn't count my money before I have it hand but it definitely looks very promising. About how long did you have to wait? I'm guessing they sent a check rather than 2 laptops correct? I have to give you major credit for helping me through that site (providing phone numbers, the link etc.). Also, I am VERY close to finishing my second Product Test Panel site. It is for $2,000 Apple gift card plus all those bonus things. It is actually run by the same company as PTP but I guess it is not their direct company so I was able to complete the site (even though I did a PTP site a couple years ago). I recently received an Ipad2 from a Nuitech site and just completed another Nuitech site (different DBA) for a $500 Chili's gift card. I'm hoping they will let me exchange that gift card for something else but I guess we'll see. Anyway, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your website, your insight and your time that you put into this. I would definitely like to donate some more money to keep your site running and keep you motivated to find more opportunities. As soon as my "stuff" starts rolling in, I will gladly donate.
Thanks again,
My questions to this member about Product Test Panel:
"from [Offline] diyfreebies@gmail.com diyfreebies@gmail.com
to xxxx@xx.com
date Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 4:39 PM
subject Re: Product Test Panel
mailed-by xxxx.com
hide details Nov 19 (10 days ago)
Hi member,
I am trying to gather more information on Product Test Panel's subsidiary company that you did your site through. Do you still happen to have the link for the second Product Test Panel site you did? If it's still around, I can start there and hopefully find the name of the sub-company, and then ask their support some questions. This information would really help my readers. I'm in the process of writing my blog, and am piecing my material together as I go. I hope to have it published by early December. :)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Member's reply:
"from xxxx@xx.com
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 6:10 PM
subject Re: Product Test Panel
mailed-by xxxx.com
signed-by xxxx.aol.com
Hello Woz,
The site I did was http://www.giftcardrewardzone.com/ but now it says it's "down for maintenance". I did recently receive my gifts though!! I got a $3,500 Apple store gift card and an Ipad 2. Daniel, the main support person for Product Test Panel aka Consumer Resource Corporation is very nice to work with. He told me the company was steering away from DIY sites and was moving more into the referral process. I hope I can still do one more DIY site from them before they end it all. Let me know if you have any other questions. On another note.... I'm still waiting on my check from CRS. I just received an email from Dave that the check should have been mailed earlier this week - nothing yet. Do you know if the check was mailed just through the USPS?
My response:
"from [Offline] diyfreebies@gmail.com diyfreebies@gmail.com
to xxxx@xx.com
date Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 1:27 PM
subject Re: Product Test Panel
mailed-by gmail.com
Thanks for the link. I will check it again to see if the site comes back. Would you happen to have their e-mail? I can't find it. I even registered for a PTP site and never received a password, so I couldn't log in to send them a support ticket. That is great that you were able to do more than one Product Test Panel site! I hope you've been enjoying your profit. Do you mind if I share your positive news with my readers regarding your success with Product Test Panel and CRS? :)
The check should come by USPS but it requires a signature. Its good that Dave is responsive again, hopefully that means they will continue paying out...
Member's reply:
"from xxxx@xx.com
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 5:41 PM
subject Re: Product Test Panel
mailed-by xxxx.com
signed-by xxxx.com
Hello Woz,
AWESOME NEWS!! I just got a $3,000 check today for CRS!!!! I'm so excited - I haven't tried to cash it yet but I hope all goes well. You can share the news on your board - would you want a picture of the check as well? The best way to contact PTP is via phone at (803) 782-0957. Let me know if you need anything else. I will be making a donation to your site again soon!!
My reply:
"from [Offline] diyfreebies@gmail.com diyfreebies@gmail.com
to xxxx@xx.com
date Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:32 PM
subject Re: Product Test Panel
mailed-by xxxx.com
Hi again,
CONGRATS!! I'm sure you won't have any problems cashing that check, but I would do it soon as you never know with these companies. Sure! Send me a picture of your check. :)) Thanks for allowing me to share your good news with my readers. They will love this bit of information, and it will restore their faith in CRS after all this time.
Thank you for your continued support of DIYfreebies! Your donations mean so much to all of us in the DIY community.
Between site maintenance and the gift site errors, I was unable to send them a support ticket. A good friend of mine tried getting through to them for me but had the same results. I don't communicate by phone as I need my company response in writing, so I can't call. If the site this member did was under another DBA, is that why Consumer Research Corporation, the company sponsoring Product Test Panel, let them do another? Or is it that ALL their sites are under the direct company, Consumer Research Corporation, and you can do as many as you want provided the domains are unique? There are other divisions of Consumer Research Corporation, such as ReachSmart Interactive, Inc. and SubscriberbaseHoldings, Inc., which may be used to manage more gift sites. But so far there isn't a definite answer as to which DBAs their other gift sites belong to, if not their main corp.
The important news from Daniel was them steering away from DIY. Their gift program is now transient, and one day their gift sites will all be gone. Get in on Product Test Panel now if you're wanting to do them...
Next is a rather dreary outcome for one Product Test Panel member. The PM below speaks for itself.
This member's message to me:
"Hi wozniack,
I couldn't locate your e-mail address, so I'm hopeful I can track you down through here.
I recently completed a PTP site. When I signed up, one of the gifts I was to received was the white MacBook, which was, of course, valued at $999. However, as you may know, the white MacBook was discontinued. As such, when fulfillment time came, CS told me that substituting the MacBook Air would not be a problem. When I received the MacBook Air, it was an older version - specifically, a late 2010 model that retails for $834.00, which is obviously less than the $999 item I would've gotten. So what, you say? It's only a $165 difference. Normally, I would agree.
But when I called CS to inquire about receiving the older model and that not being what I expected, CS, who was otherwise great, became very snippy and condescending. He kept saying stuff like, "We never discussed the model" and "This isn't a Best Buy; you can't expect to receive the latest model." Then he told me that I should be OK with it, as it will help me on taxes. Being a law student with no income, I don't really think that an extra $165 on my taxes will kill me.
Regardless, because of that conversation, I've decided to fight back and file a small claims suit against PTP. Honestly, it's more about principle than anything else. The company cut corners to fulfill my gifts when I had no reason to expect I would receive an almost year-old model.
As a law student, I'm not going to pretend that I know everything about the law. But I do know at least two or three grounds on which I know I can successfully prevail in a suit against PTP. I don't really want to be pushed around by a freebie site, especially when I know I don't have to take it. After travel time and everything, I know I'll probably come out losing more than the $165, but I really don't care. I just want to get my point across.
Unfortunately, I'm having trouble locating something that I thought you, as a freebie connoisseur, may know. At least one of the freebie sites that I've done has a clause in their T&C stating that gift substitutions will be for an equal or greater value. I haven't found any T&C so far that state that and was wondering if perhaps may you knew. This isn't the foundation of my case by any means, but I'm basically going to throw everything at them. And I figured that you would probably know where to look. Thanks for your help!
Nothing in PTP's TOS says that"
Okay, here are my thoughts. First off, Product Test Panel should have pulled the Macbook site since the item was discontinued. They were right in substituting a MacBook Air for the white MacBook, however, the value of the MacBook Air fell under the amount of the advertised white MacBook. Regardless of the $165.00 difference, he was sent a laptop for a lesser amount and it was a 2010 model. What they should have done was send this member a $999.00-$1,000.00 check or gift card. Or they could have sent him a $165.00 check or gift card to make up for the loss. But no. In return he lost money, got an outdated PC, and a few snide remarks; "This isn't a Best Buy; you can't expect to receive the latest model." And here comes the cherry on top: Product Test Panel to member, "Oh, you should be fine with it... It'll help you on taxes. Haha!" Somehow that makes it all better. Consumer Research Corporation, please act on your customer support's behavior. This isn't how you communicate with your members, because without them you would have no business.
Anyway, I checked in on this member to see how things turned out. Below is my PM.
My PM:
"Hi member,
I was just checking in to see how your small claims suit against Product Test Panel went? I am terribly sorry that you received the 2010 Macbook Air. I still cannot believe the attitude of their customer support! I am guessing you talked to Daniel? They should have given you a laptop that was the same value of the one you signed up for, even if it wasn't a Macbook Air. They could have done that.
I have some new information on Product Test Panel that I will discuss in December's blog... And if you don't mind, I'd like to share your experience with my readers in addition to what I have. The outcome of your PTP site may serve as a warning to others, as to not register for a discontinued gift so they don't potentially receive an item of lesser value.
I really hope you won your suit to prove a point to Product Test Panel. Good luck with everything.
Member's reply:
"Hi woz,
You're more than welcome to share what PTP did to me on your website. It still irks me and especially how snobby Daniel acted when I called (and I did so in a non-confrontational manner).
Unfortunately, I ended up not pursuing the small claims case. The amount I ultimately got for the MBA on Amazon was made the differential inconsequential, especially taking a filing fee into account. I would have loved to pursue a small claims case on principle alone, but like I think I said before, I'm a law student who was dealing with school and interviews with full-time job interviews during August-October. So I simply just didn't have the time to deal with it.
It's very frustrating, just because PTP has a business model that seems conducive to making a lot of profit and Daniel simply cut corners with me to save a mere $160. It's pathetic. Other than the end, my experience with PTP was great, but it really left a sour taste in my mouth.
If you need any other info from me about this, I'd be happy to provide it. Sorry I don't have more exciting details to report."
As much as I like Product Test Panel, they have disappointed me greatly. I can only hope this doesn't carry on to their referral program. I wanted to publicize this member's experience for Consumer Research Corporation in case they're reading. Thanks to this member for letting me post about what happened.
Next comes an inquiry about this I-Deal tractor site:
gift page: http://www.consumergiftcenter.us.com/?session_id=d871fdce090711e18076646ba83e1350
My response to this person, and my correspondence with I-Deal, can be found below. For their protection, I have left this person anonymous.
Person's inquiry about John Deere site:
"from anonymous xxxx@xx.com
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 12:30 AM
subject JD Tractor site with Ideal question...
mailed-by xxxx.com
hide details Nov 7
Hi. My name is anonymous, I am a long time follower of yours, a member of A4F, and I also complete DIY sites. I have found this site and I am curious what the "value" of the tractor would be??? Wondering if it is worth mine and my refs time to complete....10 offers and 2 refs, but my husband says...bare bones JD tractor is 5K...what do you think and is there a way to find out the gift amount? Thanks so much for your time.
My reply:
"from [Busy] diyfreebies@gmail.com diyfreebies@gmail.com
to anonymous
date Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 1:59 PM
subject Re: JD Tractor site with Ideal question...
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Nov 7
Hi anonymous,
Many DIY companies determine the gift amount by the list price given on the manufacturer's web site. For example. Let's say I-Deal had the first iPad model advertised on one of their sites but they were only paying by check for that gift. Since there is now an iPad 2, the first iPad would have gone down in value, so I-Deal would determine the gift amount by the list price on Apple.com. Now, if that iPad dropped to $350.00, you would most likely received a check for $350.00 instead of one for $500.00 if you did a site for an iPad 2.
I checked the value for this particular John Deere model, and it is $3,105.75 on the John Deere web site.
I will ask I-Deal for the gift amount on this site to be sure, and will relay their response to you.
A few days later I shared my I-Deal conversation with anonymous...
"from [Busy] diyfreebies@gmail.com diyfreebies@gmail.com
to anonymous
date Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 4:24 PM
subject Re: JD Tractor site with Ideal question...
mailed-by gmail.com
Images from this sender are always displayed. Don't display from now on.
hide details Nov 10
Hi anonymous,
I will copy and paste my correspondence with I-Deal regarding the gift amount of the tractor. You can find it below.
My first e-mail to I-Deal:
"From: xxxx@xx.com [mailto: xxxx@xx.com]
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 3:09 PM
To: contactus@expertcustomerservice.com
Subject: John Deere tractor site... (Thread:299957)
Could you give me the gift amount for this site? http://www.consumergiftcenter.us.com/?session_id=9f546312097811e1a55da536a83e1266 -- The list price is $3,105.75 for this model as per the John Deere web site: http://www.deere.com/wps/dcom/en_US/products/equipment/riding_mowers/lawn_tractors/select_seriesx300/300-38-inch/x300_38inch_deck.page
I wasn't sure though if you determine the gift's value by the manufacturer's web site or not. I assume you ship the actual tractor with a gift being this high in value, as $3,000.00 would be a lot to payout in gift cards-- unless you send a check.
I-Deal's reply:
"from Customer Service contactus@expertcustomerservice.com
to xxxx@xx.com
date Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 3:07 PM
subject RE: John Deere tractor site... (Thread:299957)
mailed-by expertcustomerservice.com
Dear Customer,
We have no record of your email address registered for this offer. We cannot guarantee that this gift will be fulfilled with a check or the actual tractor.
Customer Service"
My reply to I-Deal:
"from [Available] xxxx@xx.com xxxx@xx.com
to Customer Service
date Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:42 PM
subject Re: John Deere tractor site... (Thread:299957)
mailed-by xxxx.com
hide details Nov 9
I'm sorry, I haven't registered for this offer yet. I was just trying to find out more about it before signing up. I know on the John Deere site that the tractor is above $2,500.00, but what has your company set as the gift amount for this offer? Could you give me an estimate of what you might payout on this offer?
I-Deal's reply:
"from Customer Service contactus@expertcustomerservice.com
to xxxx@xx.com
date Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 1:19 PM
subject RE: John Deere tractor site... (Thread:299957)
mailed-by expertcustomerservice.com
Dear Customer,
Per our terms and conditions:
B. Reward Fulfillment and Delivery
(1.) Top Notch Media, Inc. reserves the right to substitute a check for the reward.
(2.) Top Notch Media, Inc. reserves the right to substitute a gift card for the reward. The amount of the gift card and the merchant shall be determined by Top Notch Media, Inc. in its sole discretion. By accepting the gift card, you agree that you have been made whole and relinquish your rights to pursue any and all claims against this website, Top Notch Media, Inc., its parent, successors, assigns, affiliates, advertisers and employees.
(3.) Top Notch Media, Inc. reserves the right to substitute a product of comparable value for the reward. “Comparable value” shall be determined by Top Notch Media, Inc. in its sole discretion.
I cannot give you a definite answer to your question about how much we MIGHT pay via check for a person who completes this offer. However, if at the time of redemption the tractor is still valued around $2,500, it is safe to say that you would receive compensation somewhere close to that in amount if it is determined that we are going to send a check in lieu of the tractor.
Customer Service"
Then I wrote this for anonymous before signing off:
What they are saying is that if the tractor is still valued around $2,500.00-$3,000.00, then you would receive compensation close to that amount if they're sending a check. So this means that you most likely would be receiving a check instead of the tractor. However, they reserve the right to also reward you with a gift card or the tractor itself.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Anonymous replied:
"from anonymous xxxx@xx.com
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 2:30 PM
subject RE: JD Tractor site with Ideal question...
mailed-by xxxx.com
Thanks so much for your time and help."
Next comes a question about I-Deal's six-month time limit.
"QUOTE (Zags2010 @ Nov 17 2011, 08:46 AM) *
Does anyone know when the six-month time limit for up to $1,000 per DBA starts? Does it start when you sign up for the offers, when your certificate is processed, or when you receive the item?"
I figured it started at the time of registration, but to be absolutely sure I went straight to the source.
My question to I-Deal:
"From: xxxx@xx.com [mailto: xxxx@xx.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 5:13 PM
To: Customer Service
Subject: Question about the six-month time limit per DBA... (Thread:300847)
Do you know when the six-month time limit for up to $1,000 per DBA starts? Does it start when you sign up for the offers, when your certificate is processed, or when you receive the item?
I-Deal's reply:
"from Customer Service contactus@expertcustomerservice.com
to xxxx@xx.com
date Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:45 PM
subject RE: Question about the six-month time limit per DBA... (Thread:300847)
mailed-by expertcustomerservice.com
hide details Nov 21 (7 days ago)
It’s from the date you register."
Another $25.00 Target gift card from ePoll market research. Thanks ePoll!
Reach into your stocking of rewards...
*yuletide link list*
http://shoppingthanet.com/bb8holiday/index.php?lid=bb8holiday_12967_PFTEST&add_offerid=673696&addomain=rscounter10.com&addomain_id=66&uniclk=true - offers unknown/$1000.00 Best Buy gift card + misc. gifts
shoppingthanet.com/holidaygiftcards/index.php?lid=holidaygiftcards_14662_[=AFID=]&add_offerid=754164&addomain=promolnk.com&addomain_id=89&uniclk=true - offers unknown/$1,000.00 merchant gift card of your choice + misc. gifts
http://shoppingthanet.com/jcpenney/index.v1.php?lid=jcpenney_14662_[=AFID=]&add_offerid=441669&addomain=promolnk.com&addomain_id=89&uniclk=true - offers unknown/$1,000.00 JcPenney gift card of your choice + misc. gifts
http://shoppingthanet.com/macys/index.php?lid=macys_14662_[=AFID=]&add_offerid=485841&addomain=promolnk.com&addomain_id=89&uniclk=true - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Macy's gift card of your choice + misc. gifts
http://shoppingthanet.com/costco/index.php?lid=costco_14662_[=AFID=]&add_offerid=589322&addomain=promolnk.com&addomain_id=89&uniclk=true - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Costco gift card of your choice + misc. gifts
http://www.rewardingpromos.com/?c=116&s=4562&s1= - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Best Buy gift card
http://www.rewardingpromos.com/?c=113&s=1717 - offers unknown/$1,000.00 Victoria's Secret gift card
http://www.rewardingpromos.com/?c=127&s=1717 - offers unknown/$1,000.00 JcPenney gift card
http://www.myholidayshoppingspree.com/?session_id=5d371cea1bd411e1a92f42a1a68cb92e - 10 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Kohl's gift card
http://www.holidayrewards.us.com/?session_id=89d4f6041bd511e18a12c68c5407cece - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 JcPenney gift card
http://www.myholidayshoppingspree.com/?session_id=82468bd81bd411e1b428cffc7f685fd3 - 10 offers, 2 refs/$1,000.00 Toys R Us gift card
http://www.myholidayshoppingspree.com/?session_id=950a696a1bd411e1b05726a05407cece - 10 offers, 2 refs/$1,000.00 Best Buy gift card
http://www.holidayrewards.us.com/?session_id=e1e6e0381bd411e1806c2e83a83e1266 - 10 offers, 1 refs/$500.00 Red Lobster gift card
http://www.holidayrewards.us.com/?session_id=f7f624f61bd411e1aa032983a83e1266 - 10 offers, 2 refs/$1,000.00 Visa gift card
http://www.holidayrewards.us.com/?session_id=088ad1a41bd511e1bbea5f05b8df804b - 10 offers, 1 refs/$1,000.00 Visa gift card
http://www.attentionshoppers.us.com/?session_id=1af448341bd511e19d873ffa7f685fd3 - 10 offers, 1 refs/$500.00 Olive Garden gift card
http://www.attentionshoppers.us.com/?session_id=36460c441bd511e1bb2eb1e53a697067 - 10 offers, 1 refs/$500.00 merchant gift card of your choice (Visa option)
http://www.attentionshoppers.us.com/?session_id=4c98d4721bd511e197124183a83e1266 - 10 offers, 1 refs/$500.00 Gap gift card
http://www.restaurantgiftcards.us.com/?session_id=bab4ee501bd511e1ab213305b8df804b - 10 offers, 1 refs/$500.00 Red Lobster gift card
This concludes the holiday edition of DIYfreebies! I'm still waiting for my I-Deal gift. It was supposed to ship last month but it never did... The holiday season may be slowing down their Fulfillment Department, as there was probably an increase of activity on their sites due to Christmas. With luck, mine should arrive before December 20th. This is my last I-Deal site as I need new offers with them, but I will do one that needs testing: WinHundread, Brightfire, Ifficient, LeaderDirect. I feel better doing Ifficient or LeaderDirect though because they are responsive. Anyway, enjoy the yuletide link list! There are many great deals right now. :)
Merry Christmas to all! May glad tidings and good cheer, carry on through the New Year. I leave you with this quote: "The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other." - Burton Hillis
Take care,
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