We have americanprizepanel.com. Are they legit, or are they not? I see similarities between americanprizepanel.com and Consumer Gain, CRS and Nuitech. Did they steal from each company to form their own gift program? No contact information nor a check status page is found, and their sites are unaccomplishable with only one visible offer page. They are a privately registered company which complicates uncovering the truth about them. I have to agree with what a member sent me below regarding americanprizepanel.com
"americanprizepanel - stay away. i signed up to look at it and after 100 survey pages they finally get to the offer page and it looks just like the canadian site but there is no link to get to the rest of the offer pages. the website looks like it stole a little from ideal, consumergain and the canadian websites. no contact info, private info for who.is, program rules look stolen from another website, wozniack i think we here are looking at a classic scam/fraud site. that is my opinion. if this company wants to look legit, um they have a lot of work to do, lol.
see ya
This member is right on target as you have no access to the other offer pages. How and who do you contact for account questions and prize redemption? I registered with americanprizepanel.com, and I will take you on a detour page by page...
americanprizepanel.com gift page:
No "contact us" link at all. This raises a red flag.
americanprizepanel.com registration page:
Look familiar? The registration page is identical to CRS, the Canadian company.
americanprizepanel.com survey pages:
The big "Step 2" button and surveys on all the pages are like CRS, even the progress meter. Anyone remember there being a "Special Offers for ::members name::" on a CRS or Consumer Gain site? I remember seeing it but I've only done CRS once, and it has been 3 months since.
americanprizepanel.com offer pages:
Consumer Gain offer pages:
The offer pages are what resemble Consumer Gain. Where are the buttons for the remaining offer pages? This site can't be completed without them. If this site had offer page buttons, would those buttons mimic Consumer Gain as well? Also, the "Last Steps" image is the same as Consumer Gain.
Wording at the bottom of a CRS registration page:
Wording at the bottom of americanprizepanel.com's registration page. Perfect match?
For further examination, please see our "Cupid's arrow..." entry, as it contains screen captures of CRS sites, which can be compared to americanprizepanel.com. Of course americanprizepanel.com is a "perfect match" for CRS and Consumer Gain, but Nuitech as well. Let's review americanprizepanel.com's terms...
Taken from americanprizepanel.com's Program Rules:
"To obtain the gift for this promotion you must: 1) register with valid information including e-mail address, shipping address, and phone number; 2) complete the survey; 3) complete at least 2 Silver, 2 Gold and 4 Platinum Sponsor Offers (offer availability will vary); 4) be a US resident 18 or older; 5) not cancel your participation in more than a total of 2 Sponsor Offers within 6 days of the Sponsor Offer Initial Transaction Date (the Cancellation Limitation). You can receive the gift at no cost by completing free trial Sponsor Offers and/or by following the Refer-A-Friend program requirements; otherwise some Sponsor Offers may require a purchase to qualify. Upon completion of all Program Requirements, your gift will be shipped to the shipping address you provided. Limit one gift per household per year. Void where prohibited."
americanprizepanel.com's front page:
"SUMMARY OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. To receive the reward you must: 1) be a U.S. resident at least 18 years of age or older; 2) Register with valid information; 3) Complete the user surveys; 4) Complete the following reward offers: 2 Silver, 2 Gold, and 2 Platinum offers (Available reward offers will vary. Some reward offers require a purchase. Credit card offers may require you to activate the card by making a purchase, transferring a balance or taking a cash advance. 5) Follow the redemption instructions. All program requirements must be completed within 120 days of the date of registration. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Limit of one (1) gift per household. No cash redemption value. Please read the Program Rules for complete program details. Your information will be shared with our marketing partners. Please read the Privacy Policy for more details."
gift site: http://www.americanprizepanel.com/aseg-144?trkSessID=94050823
Now I'll copy and paste from Nuitech's terms for comparison:
"For this promotion, Survey - Do you play Angry Birds? - iPod Touch or iTunes Gift Cards, you must complete a total of 8 offers as follows: Page 1 (Silver) - complete any 2 offers; Page 2 (Gold) - complete any 2 offers; Page 3 (Platinum) - complete any 4 offers to get your gift.
To “complete” each Sponsor Offer, you must complete the exact number of Sponsor Offer Requirements as indicated on the Site, the Sponsor must report to us that you have successfully completed their offer (Sponsor notification typically takes 4 weeks), and you must not exceed the Cancellation Limitation set forth below.
You must complete the required number of Sponsor Offers within 60 days following the Program Sign-up Date, and all the steps in the Program Requirements (including the mailing-in of your Gift Redemption Voucher) must be completed within 180 days of your Program Sign-up Date. To remain eligible and qualify for program offers, you must use the same personal contact information that you provided during registration when making purchases."
"CANCELLATION LIMITATION: You will not be eligible to receive a Gift in this Promotion if, within 30 days of your Sponsor Offer Initial Transaction Date, you cancel your participation in more than two Sponsor Offers you have completed as a part of the Program Requirements. If you were invited by a Refer-a-Friend Offer, you can't cancel your participation in any Sponsor Offers within 30 days of your Sponsor Offer Initial Transaction Date (the “Cancellation Limitation”).
Refer-a-Friend Offers – If presented with Refer-a-Friend offers, you may choose to invite friend(s) who must complete the required number of Sponsor Offers as stated in the Refer-a-Friend email sent to your friend(s) which in turn will generate a Sponsor Offer completion towards your Gift. Refer-a-Friend Offers may require multiple friends to complete the required number of Sponsor Offers in order to generate a Sponsor Offer completion as stated on the Silver, Gold, and Platinum Refer-a-Friend Offer pages."
gift site: http://www.consumerincentiverewards.com/rd_p?p=306558&c=50068-cirangrybirdssurvey_728_hibrand&a=%SUBID%
I only selected the important sections of Nuitech's terms for our review. As you can see, americanprizepanel.com has a cancellation limitation and Refer-a-Friend program like Nuitech. Their requirements for the Refer-a-Friend program aren't listed, so I cannot fully scrutinize it. But let's look at the rest. Nuitech gives members 60 days for offer completion, and 180 days to satisfy all other requirements. With americanprizepanel.com, the program requirements must be completed within 120 days of registration. The print doesn't state a 30/60-day offer completion time limit, it just says 120 days for "all program requirements", hm. Although the terms of both companies are different, they are a lot alike. americanprizepanel.com may not be affiliated with the aforementioned companies; these companies may serve as only the motivator for the erected gift program. Kind of how Nuitech were influential in Channel Clarity's company terms. What happened to them anyway?
I have the old screen shots of Channel Clarity's policy and front page. Channel Clarity is still a working company. Their gift sites are down, but their policy page remains in tact: http://www.rewardscenter.net/privacy.php Check out the comparison shots between them and Nuitech in this entry, "Anniversary gala..." My post also delivered two payment reports. Channel Clarity is more like Nuitech despite americanprizepanel.com having a Refer-a-Friend program. Channel Clarity has a cancellation limitation, and members are given 60 days to complete offers and 180 days to satisfy all program requirements. Of course, Nuitech also has 30-day rule sites, so I guess that is one of the few differences. Channel Clarity's terms: http://www.rewardscenter.net/terms.php
The point in dredging up Channel Clarity is to show that a company can copy another without being connected. Channel Clarity and Nuitech aren't one, but share many of the same qualities. americanprizepanel.com show lesser qualities by having a 120-day rule instead of making it 180 days. But does having a Refer-a-Friend program make up for the 180-day rule americanprizepanel.com doesn't have? Does this mean americanprizepanel.com has just in much in common with Nuitech? Well, one thing is for certain, Channel Clarity and Nuitech both offer ways to contact them while americanprizepanel.com does not. The lack of a status page, and offer buttons make it impossible to finish their gift sites, too. Its fair to say Channel Clarity has more of a likeness to Nuitech than americanprizepanel.com.
Speaking of Nuitech, our anonymous member from January wrote in again. There had been complications with their Nuitech gift. In case your mind is unclear, you may want to read this first: "Ringing in the New Year..." This member shared some information with me that may be helpful to all of you, so I will pass it on.
member, "from member
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 6:38 PM
subject Nuitech verdict finally in....
mailed-by xxxx.com
hide details Feb 11 (12 days ago)
Hello and Woooo HOOOO,
Well I am happy to finally be able to tell you I just got the "approval" from Nutiech today! They really did run me thru the ringer! After in sent in my verification paperwork they sent another email stating I had to supply them with additional stuff. I was calling back sponsor offers and requesting they email this and that with dates etc. It was a bit much. When I called them to discuss all this "extra" information the woman said to me, "you have done gifts with us in the past right ?" To which I replied, "yes, but I have never had such an issue providing paperwork!" She then stated that she had a new manager who was really cracking down if you will on the verifications due to people signing up and then just canceling everything. Seriously, do they think everyone is going to keep everything they try?!
Have a great weekend!
My response, "from wozniack
to member
date Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:12 PM
subject Re: Nuitech verdict finally in....
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Feb 15 (8 days ago)
Congratulations on the approval!! That is terrific. I wanted to do them, even with the old rules now in place, but it seems like too much of a hassle. Acquisis was bad enough even though they paid me last year. So the additional requirements were to collect more information from the sponsors? Offer confirmations wouldn't suffice? Would you mind sharing with me the e-mail Nuitech sent you regarding this extra information. I'd like to see it. I understand their need to "crack down" on members breaking the cancellation limitation, but they should have a better way of doing it. Would you mind if I shared these details with members in my upcoming entry? I'm sure they'd like to know what they're getting themselves into. Some sponsors don't get back to you, or can't be reached. I know this first-hand as I tried contacting one on a referral site a long time ago. So if that happened to a member, they might have to do a replacement on an offer they couldn't obtain "extra information" from.
member, "from member
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 10:41 PM
subject RE: Nuitech verdict finally in....
mailed-by xxxx.com
hide details Feb 21 (2 days ago)
Sorry for the delay in getting this to you....
Dear XXXX,
We will need to see the initial charge from Childrens Book of the Month
Club. We will also need 2 of the following:
*First charge from Equifax
*Second charge from Credit Report.com
*Proof of cancellation or current membership from Disney
*Second charge from Rapid Reading
If you have any questions please call the Verification Department at
(954)653-9350 or fax the missing information to 954-653-9031 Attention
Verification Department. Our Customer Service hours are Monday-Friday
8:30 - 5:00 pm EST.
Please do not reply to this email as the account this is sent from is
not monitored for incoming mail and you will not receive a reply.
Please use the contact form provided at our website.
Thank you,
When I called them to discuss these I stated that Equifax never had a "first" charge because the first 30 days are free. In other words..can't cancel on day 30. For Credit Report the first 7 days were free then I was charged for the next 30. Well since my original auto-cancel email never arrived in my inbox, when I called to request it again it was a Jan date verses a Dec date. Again....these are automated and then ABSOLUTELY will not manually email or fax or snail mail anything showing your actual cancellation date. They will only confirm verbally. So Nuitech was wanting a charge for the Jan date.... Disney can only mail you a letter so that took 2 weeks after my third phone call to them requesting it. And lastly, for Rapid Reading I had to call them and they did send me an email stating that I was offered and 10 day trial extension and then called back to cancel....otherwise even though I was withing the Rapid Reading cancellation limitation..I would not have been for Nuitech. This one was a stretch in my opinion, but I was able to get them to provide me with the proper documentation. Whewww!
Made it by the skin of my teeth! I have yet to check out that link you referred to ...hopefully tomorrow :)
My response, "from wozniack
to member
date Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 7:44 PM
subject Re: Nuitech verdict finally in....
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 7:44 PM (6 hours ago)
Thanks for sharing their response with me. What a pain this must have been! Nuitech now makes members run marathons, and the race to the finish line is very stressful. I wouldn't want to go through all that unless the payout ratio was really good. I'm so happy you qualified for your gift!
Would it be alright if I shared our recent correspondence with members so they'll have an idea of what Nuitech are like now? I've had a lot of people asking about them since they haven't done them in a while, and there are the newcomers who I wouldn't want trapped in this complicated web unless they fully understood what was in store. I will refer to you as the anonymous member from 2 months ago; most people will read the old entry to see how your problem started. And this new info can be a follow up to that, as well as serve as an eyeopener for members who are thinking about doing Nuitech. I'm not keeping others away from Nuitech, I just want them to be aware of what is going on. I wouldn't want them to have the trouble you had, and not know how to go about it!
member, "from member
to diyfreebies@gmail.com
date Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 8:20 PM
subject RE: Nuitech verdict finally in....
mailed-by xxxx.com
hide details 8:20 PM (5 hours ago)
Hi Woz,
That all looks good to me! I will do them again at some point but it is good to let people know they need to keep or be sure to get EVERY piece of documentation including screen shots and terms and conditions. I want others to have a good experience as well.
Nuitech aren't wrong for tightening the verification process, they should. But it has become increasingly difficult for members to get their gifts. My concern is if a member can't get the additional information from the sponsor, and they are DQ'ed as a result. That wouldn't be fair, and Nuitech should remove those type of offers. This reminds me when Acquisis denied a member credit for stamps.com, but the member wasn't able to supply a charge for that offer since the first month was free. Members are at the mercy of the company when this happens. There should be an "offer screening" before they allow the offers on the pages. We need a to know which sponsors provide this additional information, and which ones do not before we complete any offers. For Nuitech--or any other DIY network--to find that out, they would have to ask the sponsor questions and/or hire a tester to report back. The problem is most DIY companies won't waste their time, they'd rather the member deal with the offers they sign up for.
We can apply this member's experience to our own by saving every ounce of information. Wouldn't want anyone caught in something they couldn't get themselves out of. Nuitech are a legitimate company that requires an extra push to succeed. Thanks, anonymous, for enlightening us once more. So great hearing the good news about your gift.
*links 'n such*
http://www3.gizmodepot.us.com/?config=7349 - 8 offers, no refs/PS3 Move + Sports Champions bundle
http://www3.gizmodepot.us.com/?config=7385 - 8 offers, no refs/Nintendo 3DS
http://myrewardsvault.com/LP/prom-189961/c6862d63b1.php?a=1711-NB&clickid=0001Rr4tVAH11M.nnS76wE16io000000&ce_cid=0001Rr4tVAH11M.nnS76wE16io000000&dp=150752#back - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Sunglass Hut gc
http://myrewardsvault.com/LP/prom-190420/0e999d31b2.php?a=1651-MB&clickid=0001TD4tVPAj1M.nnS76wE16RP000000&ce_cid=0001TD4tVPAj1M.nnS76wE16RP000000&dp=25835 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Petco gc
http://www.ultimatefashiongifts.com/rd_p?p=302562&t=15899&c=txt_030&a=25662 - 6 offers, no refs/UGG boots (assorted colors)
http://myrewardsvault.com/LP/IKEA_250/?a=1651-MB&clickid=0000Bj4tVPAj1M.nnS76wE181z000000&ce_cid=0000Bj4tVPAj1M.nnS76wE181z000000&dp=25835 - 6 offers, no refs/$250.00 IKEA gc
http://myrewardsvault.com/LP/prom-188197/6c7de1f27f.php?a=1651-MB&clickid=0000Ad4tVgZN1M.nnS76wE189S000000&ce_cid=0000Ad4tVgZN1M.nnS76wE189S000000&dp=35710 - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Carnival Cruise Lines gc
We'll have a double blog this month. This is only the first half of March's content. So much info to get out there-- americanprizepanel.com, Nuitech, Consumer Gain, CRS, Ifficient! Please see the "More fun..." entry for the second half. Until then, I will produce the link list and answer your questions on DIY.
See you soon...
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