Hello. *taps microphone* Testing one, two... Ah, there we go. Tonight's assemblage is to celebrate this blog, and to retrospect to our stand-out moments. The most unforgettable moment for me is launching my first official investigation: Popular Media LLC’s chronicle exposed, Part 1. Nuitech on the rise, ARG’s last overture, new links… No connection was ever made between PopularMedia, LLC. and RewardStream, Inc., but it made me an adept investigator. Constant research, examinations, and comparisons uncomplicated the variances in my findings. As for my annual favourite: Labor Day of love with RewardStream, Inc. and Rich Simons, Harpo Studios shock FWM Labs with stiff suit, Acquisis gifts, Nuitech + I-Deal links… It was my best work between June 2009-June 2010, IMO. The task of selecting an especial entry is increasingly difficult every time. More favs include the "New year of freebies..." post from January, and "Springtime sizzles..." from April. The annual highlights: Naming "The Canadian Company" RewardStream. We needed to know to get ahead with them. Ferreting out the facts on new networks, and tying the Big-Brand Giveaway domains to Acquisis. Then, blazoning InPhonic's rebate scam that was left under the rug for too long.
I'm privileged to still be writing. It truly is rewarding helping those who cannot tackle this hailstorm alone. So much corruption, and whitewashing from depraved companies sickens me. When will it end? Probably never. We live in a sinful world, and where there's money, there's evil. This is our refuge, far far away from the injustices that ravage the industry, and leave us hopeless. Under this roof, we are united. Home is where the blog is. *w*
The company that manages the ever-so-popular rewardscenter.net domains paid two members; a man who shared his roommate's experience with rewardcenter.net, and someone I questioned on Twitter. With my proof, I can aver that Channel Clarity are legitimate. I'm providing screen shots to validate these claims, and I'll type up their requirements.
Click to enlarge screen shots.
My response,
I have searched endlessly for someone to say if they've gotten anything from a rewardscenter site. I actually know a lot about the company behind these sites, but wasn't sure if they ran a legitimate gift program. Congrats to your friend, and yes, please do report your progress as well.
Thanks for sharing!
source: http://prop-w-a-mtc02.evip.aol.com/story/2010/04/21/free-ipad-i-thought-this-was-a-scam-but-i-guess-not/
My question to sprink28141:
Their answer:
I'm eagerly awaiting socjojo808's response. I hope their experience was as smooth as their chum Scotty's was. With the plight RewardStream's members have shown us--and the ignominious scam pulled by yours truly, David Steinberg--an uplifting story is what we needed. This is refreshing. Bring us more of these... sprink28141 was a member who received payment from Channel Clarity. I wasn't bargaining on an answer from a spammer until I read their tweet. It said, "Yes, but you have to sign up for other offers. Great deal if you want other offers." "Yes" sold me. Offers are part of it, but knowing they pay counts. Next, we'll get conversant with their terms. I'm e-mailing them with a few questions about their gift program. The most pressing question is, "How many sites can I do?" Some are 1-2 per lifetime, whereas others are limitless depending on the DBA and/or gift site. I'll find out...
Channel Clarity-- All offers must be completed within 60 days, and the rest of the program requirements must be satisfied within 180 days of your sign up date. You must not cancel your participation in more than two trial offers within 30 days of your trial offer initial transaction date. To remain eligible, you must use the same personal contact information that you provided during registration when making purchases. You may be required to provide receipt copies, order confirmations and other relevant documents to verify your transactions with sponsors and failure to produce these documents when requested may result in you not receiving credit for that trial offer. Additionally, they reserve the right to request proof of identity such as a copy of your driver’s license/state I.D., passport or other government issued identification. Once all requirements are fulfilled, your account will be updated accordingly and you will receive a gift redemption voucher to print, complete and mail for your reward. Upon receipt of your documentation and gift voucher, it will take 6 to 8 weeks for shipment.
Does this look familiar? It certainly does to me! I don't think Channel Clarity are Nuitech, they just copied their terms. It's interesting to note the similarities anyhow. They even give definitions at the bottom, lol. See below.
Channel Clarity's T&C:
policy url: http://www.rewardscenter.net/privacy.php
Nuitech's T&C:
policy url: http://onlinerewardcenter.com/info.htm?tp=privacy&promo_name=2507name&catalog_id=13681&gift=71
Regardless, I am thrilled about Channel Clarity. No negative reports, only proofs of payment. Brock Flagstad and co are stand-up ladies and gents. Not that that means anything, but you feel better hearing someone's good rapport with their clients. Like Mr. Flagstad, I felt the same about David Steinberg, and that his annals were flawless. However, my suspicions took hold as I dug deeper into the ground, pulling up deception by the roots. Then I put two and two together and it all made sense! Although I like Brock Flagstad, I don't trust anyone in this business. The publishers responsible for the interviews and articles, which extol these CEOs and Presidents, cannot be aware of their artifice, if any exists. Would they honestly be so leery of their interviewees or subject matter that they would investigate? I doubt it. That's exactly the problem, because I fell for it and I'm sure others who read meritorious deeds of Mr. Steinberg will as well. The lines of morality and wrongdoing are asymmetrical, and I wish it weren't like that. Paint a pretty picture for those who use rectitude of judgment.
I don't believe for one second that the rebate program was a deteriorating undertaking; it was a premeditated, mismanaged operation that was out of control, and I'm sorry to those that went unrewarded. I just wish an equal amount of bad press was publicized on the evil-eyed hawks in the sky. As you can see, this is something I am very sensitive about. Unevenness rubs me wrong, but it's really no ones fault if a person's actions are undetected. I'm not blaming the authors at all. Just how the evildoer spreads his wings and flies away after the destruction, then gets crowned for it. That's how it happens in the end, unfortunately.
While on the subject of uneven morality and wrongdoing, there is progress on RewardStream. Word is spreading, and more members are limning their experiences in great detail. It's sad to see so many cheerless posts. One said he would complain in a group effort to take them down, which is what I'm pushing. A convergence of everyone involved will strengthen our attack on them. Whoever is behind this needs to be stopped. Since May's entry, I have contacted the media pundits in power and searched day-and-night for more victims. My plan is going as it should, and hopefully our trap catches them in no time. I'm proud of our progress so far, and everybody's determination to bring them down. This is what I call a group effort! One of my greatest fears with these "investigations" is finding nothing out. At least we're working toward a common goal, and we unveiled Channel Clarity's legitimacy. Finding info on Redsail Media has been tough, but I'm more confident than I have been in months. I'll find them out eventually.
On the subject of progression, Andrew Day of Day Online Solutions instructed me to remove his address via e-mail. I promptly did so, and explained that it was posted for site comparisons. You know how we always compare the terms of one site to another? Well, addresses are a big part of the process. We settled the matter, and Mr. Day kindly unraveled the mystery behind those absoluterewards domains.
Since he explained it better than I ever will, here is his reply:
"The offers are safe, but they are just surveys, thats it. There are no longer "rewards" or anything you can receive from doing our surveys. There are offers within the middle of our surveys, but those are third-party surveys that have nothing to do with us if someone were to register/buy/signup to something.
Yes I remember Brandarama (Active Response Group), and lost a lot with them as I was promoting their offers on my network.
We do run a legitimate GPT (get paid to) site called PrizeLive.com if you'd like to check that out / post about it.
No worries about the address, and thanks for removing it.
There you have it. Straight from the source. At the sight of the pin number and survey bafflement, we all knew there weren't rewards. But this confirms there are none, so we can move on. I encourage anyone looking to do a GPT site to check out PrizeLive.com. They do pay. Thank you, Mr. Day, for clearing things up, and I'm personally sorry about your Brandarama experience!
Another big moment of the night...
A message from ARG insider,
"FYI: Word on the street is that Caivis and Atrinsic are both shutting down their Promotional Lead-Generation (Freebie Site) divisions. Caivis laid off a few people not too long ago and rumor has it more layoffs may be on the way. On Tuesday (5/25) Atrinsic laid off basically every person in their Lead-Gen division (~30 people in their Canadian office and ~20 in their New York office.) You heard it here first."
Good to know. Thank you, ARG insider. You are our news reporter, lol. *w* How many more layoffs have there been? And exactly when is Caivis' lead-generation division shutting down for good? Is there a set date? Sorry for the onslaught of questions, this is just so interesting to me!
It had been 7 months since I completed a freebie site, so imagine my excitement when I met my rewards! Thank goodness someone signed for my Visa. I wasn't there when it came. It was a $500.00 Visa from I-Deal.
Next is my $400.00 check from ConsumerGain.
I-Deal are sending me a $250.00 bonus. I hope it comes because an 8 offer, $750.00 deal is pretty sweet. Especially with the scarcity of non-referral sites.
*links 'n such*
http://www.grandsavingscenter.com/?config=6989&src=WC-87054aaa:241212: - 12 offers, 2 refs/$1,000.00 Target gc
Member Media Source (ConsumerGain)--
http://pickthegift.net/G/landing?campaignId=2106&subcid=1717#cid=2106#sid=70#vid=877 - offers unknown/$500.00 check
http://pickthegift.net/G/landing?campaignId=2302&subcid=CD226#cid=2302#sid=105#vid=817 - offers unknown/$500.00 check
http://giftsonus.net/G/landing?campaignId=2336&subcid=CD226#cid=2336#sid=105#vid=832 - offers unknown/$500.00 check
http://pickthegift.net/G/landing?campaignId=2104&subcid=1717-#cid=2104#sid=70#vid=858 - offers unknown/$500.00 check
Channel Clarity--
http://www.rewardscenter.net/index.php?foid=9&rid=14329&rsid=46132 - 12 offers, no refs/Apple iPad Not the best deal, but I added it here anyway. It was 8 offers when I signed up.
http://www.rewardscenter.net/?foid=5&aID - 8 offers, no refs/$250.00 supermarket gc of your choice
(Big-Brand Giveaway)--
http://www.bigbrandgiveaway.com/?proid=13011499&gotoid=1848&parid=82&camid=2264&creid=7669&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$500.00 check
http://www.toprewardsnow.com/?proid=13011490&gotoid=1801&parid=82&camid=2132&creid=7379&subid=&email= - offers unknown/$1,500.00 check
http://getyourgolfclubs.com/taylormade/?lid=::add-6392_taylormade_CD226&add_offerid=2886267&addomain=avcounter10.com&addomain_id=67 – offers unknown/$500.00 Visa + misc. gifts
http://chooseyourcolor.com/hpmini/?lid=::add-6392_hpmini_&add_offerid=7792769&addomain=grz67.com&addomain_id=2 - offers unknown/HP Mini 5101 Netbook laptop + misc. gifts
This concludes tonight's celebration. I had a great time, and I'm hoping you did too. You'll be happy to know that I renewed the web host, so DIYfreebies.com survives another year. So much to rejoice about! My focus now is Redsail Media, and scouting out more sites for us. Things will get better eventually. It takes time to cross the river. Thanks to all my readers for supporting this blog, and I will see you again next month...
Bye for now,
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