Clovers and luck splash green on this month's blog; Brad Powers' new company, and former ARG workers in question; I-Deal dropping massive referrals from an aircraft; the 2010 Leadscon conference in New York City; lucky link list. Go ahead. Fill your mugs, and join in the parade...
While reading The Wall Street Journal a thought occurred to me; "Why are Caivis using the old Brandarama address for their gift program?" Then, I noticed the difference. The former ARG office was at "104 West 27th Street", and Caivis is at "105 E. 34th Street Ste 144." The 104 and 105 numbers confused me. So they are at separate locations. Still, that doesn't change the fact that two former ARG workers are filing papers beside Steinberg. Could it be that they're needed to oversee the management of the gift program in addition to their own jobs? Remember, we never found out WHY they are working for him. He kept them around for a reason, and I'd like to know. I won't stop questioning it until there is an answer.
Oh, and take a look at this. Click to enlarge.
Why wasn't the Active Response Group logo removed? They rectified the address, so why not put their own? Is it supposed to signify their business transaction with ARG? I really would like to get to the bottom of all this. Too many flags waving in the wind. And there's Brad Powers... He now works for Atrinsic, Inc., a provider of digital advertising and marketing services. His berth is of lower ranking since he isn't listed with the top execs of the corporation. A ghosted job title was all I had to work with, and nothing came of it. Makes me wonder if he purposely hid it from us, lol. You know, I wouldn't doubt it if he saw my Brandarama ranting and raving in this blog. Molly from I-Deal posted on FiPG, and I KNOW I-Deal reads at A4F. That doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't bother them either. I think it would help them to know how their members feel about their gift program. If members are fed up they will stop pursuing their sites, and they kiss their prospects good-bye. Do not forget deleterious claims via word-of-mouth also can injure them. I have seen I-Deal DQ people with no logical explanation. You would think networks wouldn't want to hurt their reps by paying those who have went by the book. Keep in mind I still love I-Deal, and they DO pay. But I feel there is room for improvement since they tell everybody they are "legitimate." Live up to what you say! Don't decline someone without reason, then reward somebody else.
We know Brad made a boo boo, and I'm not harping on it anymore. With the good you take the bad, and what I mean by that is, we had just as many lovey-dovey moments with Brandarama. Afternoon telephone conversations with CS; the joy we felt when signing for our gifts, etc. Unfortunately, that ended and led to our dissatisfaction over Mpell letters in our mailboxes. Not a desirable reward, lol. I won't ever acclaim Brad's chess move, because I think it was the wrong one. By now, you all know my thoughts on the Brandarama/Mpell saga. However, I think we all learned something, and that's good. A negative experience doesn't have to be just that, you can take from it, and apply it to a situation down the line, whatever that may be. As for Brad, he should stay retired from gift programs. It wouldn't be right if he started one up again, nor would people trust him. He mixed too much produce in the blender, then fled when the lid popped off. Strawberries, bananas, blueberries, blackberries, mangoes, carrots, tomatoes... Uhh, what were you thinking, Brad?! Bad powers. Sorry, couldn't resist. *wink*
Let's entertain the thought of Brad being lifelong pals with Steinberg. They attend Yankees games, and eat hot dogs downtown while discussing work, marriage, kids, and everything else. Brad confides in David one night, calling him to say he cannot deal with the pressures of ARG, and pleads for his help. He then rescues Brad by buying the assets of ARG. Brad says, "You are my calculator. I can always count on you!" David, "For you, Brad, I would do anything. *pats him on the back*" Haha! What if they ARE friends? Isn't it possible given his measureless supply of contacts in the industry? If so, he might be advising the two former ARG workers under Steinberg. Now, that would be something, eh? If we knew their activities in and out of the workplace we would know if there is cause for alarm. Judging by Steinberg's acquisitions over the years it's safe to say he isn't broke. And why set up the gift program to ruin it with deception? Doesn't make sense that he would, especially with people timid about touching his sites because of Brandarama...
Atrinsic, Inc. will be attending the annual LeadsCon conference and expo in NYC this summer. Since its inception in 2008, LeadsCon is devoted to helping people pullulate their effectiveness in the online lead generation and customer acquisition industry. Doors open for companies and kin to evince their thought leadership, and expand their relationships. It began at the Palms Resort Casino and Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event housed 600 people the first year before towering over that number the following year with 1400 attendees. The most prestigious conference is held in New York City, NY, the epicenter of advertising, where the larger platform steps-up the industry's cachet. People travel near and far for the experience and social exchange.
Now let's get inside LeadsCon...
The exhibit hall:
LeadsCon founder, Jay Weintraub.
Everybody watch this. lmao @ 1:35-2:10...
Orange Peeling contest by Vantage Pointe. Scott Mitchell with Intella won an ipod touch by peeling an entire orange in under 7 seconds. So cool!!
Larry Chiang of Business Week interviews Dave McClure of Founders Fund at LeadsCon.
"CAIVIS Acquisition Corp" is on 2010's attendance list! Ring ring ring. Brad may have told Steinberg about LeadsCon, because it's the same event he just went to! Or maybe I'm wrong and he discovered it on his own, but it's interesting. Until July the list will continue to grow, and I'll be watching for Atrinsic, Inc. to be added. Atrinsic and Caivis meet again, hm. My gut is telling me they're working together in some fashion. Atrinsic, Inc. was at this year's Vegas show, and guess who appeared?
Zoey Zaremba, the former ARG worker who now works for Caivis, Inc.
Alberto Moraes, the Assistant Sales Manager at Nuitech. Further down is David Morgan, Vice President of Adteractive.
Danielle Raybuck, Sales Manager at Nuitech.
Click to enlarge images below.
Las Vegas attendance list:
NYC attendance list:
Links to lists:
Las Vegas list:
NYC list:
Bear in mind that the NYC show isn't until July, so those on the list haven't went yet. Look! Bluekeel, LLC. is just above Caivis; I wrote about them last March. What do you think? I say we eyeball this list to see if Steinberg is going. If so, I wonder what he and Mr. Powers will discuss? If Brad is giving him pointers with the gift program that's okay, but I hope there isn't a devious plan. I don't know whether to worry about this or not. If someone could go to LeadsCon that'd be great, lol. Something might be up with these two...
No news on the jewelry store. My e-mail and phone calls both went unanswered. I tried calling, but no pick up. Could it be they aren't as chatty like I-Deal with no phone support? The number I dialed may not be connected to Bryant St. anymore, and Owen Glass Collection have possibly moved, leaving Popular Media in it's place. Tell me this. Am I losing the plot? Have I went overboard? We must investigate networks and their actions, but should we investigate everything? I really think so. Think of what we could miss if we didn't! I just wonder if I'm taking it too far sometimes, like with the Popular Media/RewardStream investigation, and linking Popular Media to a jewelry store. The address was the same though, so I thought it noteworthy. Each month I write a screenplay, then my movie is published to this blog. I love entertaining my audience, but it isn't always easy. The freebie world can be torpid, making it difficult to find content. During my struggle I mull over my ideas, then think of how our networks are advancing in present time. Are they stronger, or nearly moribund? It helps to ponder that, because I'm able to gage what might happen in the future. Take Acquisis for example. They're paying pursuers of their Big-Brand Giveaway domains, but lack that ability on their plain, Acquisis sites.
I-Deal takes off in flight to drop referrals on us through an opening panel of their aircraft. It's worse than a fuel leak!! $500.00 gc deals w/2 refs. What gives? It's like all the 8 offer/$500.00 gifts are food-oriented. Does I-Deal want us fat? lol. I guess I could wear baggy clothing while the pizza gift cards roll in. Or the best move is sticking with Big-Brand Giveaway, ConsumerGain, and Nuitech.
Nuitech is on a one site per DBA per year basis now. Taken from their terms,
"Only one gift is permitted from ::DBA here:: per person and/or household for one year after your registration date."
Well, at least we can do more than one. I'm okay with this rule. Nuitech is our third option for DIY networks!
Let the luck of the Irish be with you...
*lucky link list*
Canada-- - 6 offers, 2 refs/$500.00 Best Buy gc
Nuitech-- - 6 offers, no refs/$250.00 Red Lobster gc - 6 offers, no refs/$100.00 Visa + football jersey - 7 offers, no ref/$500.00 gc to Babies 'R Us - 7 offers, no refs/$500.00 Wal-Mart gc
Member Source Media (ConsumerGain)–- - offers unknown/$500.00 Wal-Mart gc - offers unknown/$500.00 Victoria's Secret gc - offers unknown/$500.00 merchant gc of your choice
producttestpanel-- - offers unknown/designer handbag deal - offers unknown/54" plasma deal
Received my freebie tax forms 3 weeks ago. Oh joy. I must be special, because they didn't forget me! Easter arrives April 4th. Makes me happy since it's my fav seasonal candy. Unwrapping the cellophane sugar-packed basket I anticipated most as a kid. Egg hunts were great too, though I wasn't the best hunter. After school, my plastic eggs were scattered throughout the house; 2 hours later I went on a hunt. Again, I wasn't the best hunter, and who found them was my irritated mom. They were under the coffee table, in plants, stuffed into sofa cushions-- every place you could possibly imagine. She made me collect them all, even the dyed one's. Yeah, I hid them too, lol... That's eggactly how my story goes (pun intended).
Did you know we've almost reached our 2-year anniversary? This blog keeps going and going... We have accomplished so much since June 16th, the first post. My blog wasn't supposed to be a series of endless posts, rather an outlet for sharing my opinions and helping others. But with each word my desire to write increased. Sadly, content ran dry this month so there wasn't a lot to tell. I'm hoping for an abundant April. Anyway, I wanted to add this, and I wish everyone a wonderful holiday. When I write again St. Patrick's Day, and Easter will have come to a halt. All freebie questions can be asked here or PMed/e-mailed.
Until we meet again...
i'm not sure how any of this works, but i've recently finished an ipad offer from who seem to be affiliated with direct survey i found the person who registered the site and she seems to be the registrant, technical contact, administrative contact, and billing contact. after phoning the number it's just a series of screeching beeps. i'm sending a packet with verification to the canadian address, but like i said this is the first i've ever tried something like this. any advice would be helpful.
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