Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Illustrious reporter lurking on A4F? Brandarama shipping checks, makes it's debut, new links and more...

Hello everyone!

It's May, and boy do I have a lot to say! *rhyming* Read on as you discover new I-Deal links; my freebie blog now having a domain; Wozniack hiring someone to do an Adwords job; a reporter lurking on A4F? Brandarama FINALLY paid a member, and much much more!

*hot new networks*

FreebiesGifts-- Free greens, bonuses, and $5.00 free for placing their banner in your sig!

FreebiePop-- Add their banner to your trade thread and earn 2 entries for the $100.00 raffle! Featured free green site: Sign up now!

Referral Riot-- May referral race 1st place winner chooses between GPS Navigator, 8MP Digital Camera or an IPOD Touch. 2nd place has the option of an iPod shuffle(4GB), 8 inch digital picture frame or a Nintendo DS Lite. Click here for more details:

Well, it's a new day and a new blog. It's still a time of change, and you may have noticed DIYfreebies replaced "Because I am the coolest..." on the header to reflect, this blog's second home. The domain was purchased a week ago. It nearly became or was my pick, however, both domains were registered. The next best thing was, which can be typed as and still point you to my blogspot. The interview titles now begin with 'In the spotlight' instead of 'Interview #:' I added a playlist using the content blocks feature. It's powered by, and my username is wozniack if you have an account there and want to add me. Change doesn't have to be hard, so why not make this fun?

I'm happy with the direction of this blog, and it's ability to persist this long. I intend to keep writing to see where all this leads. Each entry is an adventure, and I'm hoping you all are enjoying the ride! I wasn't going to say anything, but I guess I will... A few weeks ago I noticed a "person of interest" viewed my A4F profile. You know how a username so striking jumps out at you? This was no ordinary name. It was the first and last name of a supposed reporter from a primetime show. For privacy reasons I will not disclose the televised broadcast. There are possibly other people in the world with this person's name, but it's not super common. I sound crazy, but this user signed up on the SAME night he viewed my profile. Not to mention after signing up he goes straight to my profile, then leaves after being logged in for only 11 minutes. Why create an account to view someone's profile, and log out? Throughout the 11 minute duration, I refreshed his profile to see his whereabouts; "viewing board index." His join date: 26-April 09. He returned on the 27th, but hasn't been back since. I'm not sure if he viewed my profile again or not.
Remember the Freebies in the News story I covered? It hit me all of a sudden that if this was a reporter/journalist he may know me through my blog. Freebies have been in the news, so it's no surprise if I am of interest to him. Two nights prior to him viewing my profile, I actuated my campaign ad with Adwords, creating over 200+ keywords. I don't know if Adwords helped pull in traffic and that's how he found me, or if it's through A4F. Though it may be happenstance, which he found my username, lol. Either way, I don't mind. If someone wants to interview me, that's fine. I'm open to discussion.

Adwords has been somewhat of a problem. Even though my ad is up and running, I feel I messed up... If anyone knows Adwords and wouldn't mind tweaking my ad, I am willing to pay for your services. The keywords are done, it's getting my blog to correspond with my ad content. Just when I think I have it, it fails. Then I get frustrated and read further pages of tutorials, and again, the same results. It's also time consuming trying to fix my mistakes and rereading details. Back in the day I submitted my sites to and I went to, but they're no longer in operation. Next I tried Presto! I was able to submit to 20 search engines simultaneously. is having a special where you get $20.00 in free advertising with I signed up, got my $20.00 in free advertising, and guess what? I already have EIGHT clicks! It's like Adwords where you make the little ad box. If I get more clicks I might stay. It will be useful until I straighten out my Adwords campaign.

How my ad box appears on search engines.

Screenshots of my Bidadvertiser account.

It's at $5.00 a day, is that too much? Should it be set to $2.00 a day? This is for people who know Adwords. So if you don't, don't feel bad. :)

Check out where my clicks originated. I think choosing "all countries" was a good idea as I had more clicks.

If you have a site, I highly recommend free submission service w/free $20.00 advertising on Bidadvertiser. Since it helped me, I'm posting it here. I'm accepting PMs from all applicants interested in my Adwords job, haha. Depending on the amount of work, pay will be negotiated towards the end of the task. There isn't much to it having done the keywords, so it's in the neighbourhood of $25.00-$50.00. All questions should be PMed; I check them faster than comments.

Let's get cracking! I couldn't explain the Brandarama shipping delay anymore than I already have. Since the end of January when they introduced us to Mpell until now, we've been playing the waiting game. It wasn't until 2 days ago that manofice received a check from ARG!! Things to note: his status changed to "shipped", it came UPS certified, CTS dates are non existent, and I think it was for less than $1,200.00-$1,500.00. With that information we can gage when ours might be in the mail. On previous Brandarama gifts, my status didn't show "shipped" until I got it, or the day before it arrived. So maybe some of our checks have shipped, but our accounts are not updated yet. Forget about CTS dates, they're a thing of the past. As for the value of his check, perhaps they're sending $1,500.00 and under before reaching $4,500.00+? The question now is when more checks will come. They have a new domain, too.". I'm still sticking to my guns. After this I won't be doing Brandarama anymore. To get me back they would have to move mountains in prize fulfillment. For such a stalwart company swimming in mounds of money, they need to work on paying their advertisers and stay on top of members' accounts this time. I'm sure they are backed up, but they need to implement a better system. That's just my take.

I don't want to get my hopes up, but this certainly yields a good outcome. I will still post Brandarama links and discuss them, btw. I waited to see what their next move was before doing so. After all the discomfiture who has wanted to do another Brandarama site? Not me. I just want us to get paid and be done with it. Until I hear more, here's to hoping we see checks this week and/or next week!

Acquisis updates... Not much since I last reported. People are still receiving payments, which is good. It's sad when a company you get good vibes from like Acquisis is on a "once per lifetime" basis. *sigh* They slipped up, shipping someone somebody else's check. Another one got lost, but that was FedEx's fault. The $500.00 gcs seem to ship faster, so I hope mine comes within 2-3 months. If not, oh well. Speaking of gifts, I want to vent about prize fulfillment. I hate how on DIY sites you see a promotion for a high-priced gift, and end up getting shafted.

Take this for example.

The Palm Treo is advertised for $700.00 value, but on physical gifts they may lowball. You're better off doing a site that offers gift cards in lieu of a physical item to avoid the risk. I only did it because at the time they were shipping $700.00 in Visas, and it was the only 8 offer/$700.00 deal out there. Not to mention I already completed ChristmasOnUs, 8 offers/$750.00 profit. So now I don't know what I'll get. I just pray I'm not like the guy that wound up with a $350.00 value phone, which was an older model at that, lol. He did, the one I did. Ugh. They can rightfully get away with it since both the phone and price are listed. And by default, they call the shots. We don't. They sped up their shipping times again to 3 weeks on specific gifts once processed. I mailed my forms last Monday, and am still waiting to be processed. If I'm not processed this week hopefully it will be next. My deadline is June 12th! I have new I-Deal links under *links 'n such* for you guys. Them and Acquisis are our saviour right now, and someday Brandarama? We'll see.

Next comes a letter from last months anonymous member. If you don't remember the first letter, scroll down. It's there. He warned me about the duplicitous Canadian company. Unfortunately for them I knew their tricks! They weren't getting me too.

"hi woz,

i am keeping you posted about the canadian DIY site b/c you asked in your blog. =)

ok so there is basically no update. i received no further e-mails from them, i believe i sent them one last, and got no response. i did file their e-mails into a folder saved for later (read: prosecution) just in case. those e-mails are ridiculous and make no sense. the customer is chronologically correct, but they are not. it makes them look ridiculous.

wondering how many people i should report them too, if at all. i feel like, what i have is so damaging, i could threaten to shut them down! lol

oh yea and p.s. i havent received my "gift" from them, in case you didnt figure that out. ha

thats it for now. ttyl.


Not responding to e-mails... This indicates legal action. I hate that it boils down to that, and there is no other option. Can't we just get our gift(s)? Any word on them is valued. We appreciate it. Thank you, anonymous! I wish you luck on obtaining your gifts.

*links 'n such*

I-Deal-- - 12 offers, 2 refs/42" plasma - 8 offers, no refs/$400.00 value Acer Aspire One laptop - 8 offers, no refs/iPhone 3G - 8 offers, no refs/XBox 360 + Gears of War 2 bundle - 12 offers, 2 refs/Macbook - 12 offers, 2 refs/laptop of your choice - 8 offers, no refs/console and game of your choice - 8 offers, no refs/green iPhone 3G - 8 offers, no refs/Samsung Behond phone in colour of your choice - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 gc of your choice - 12 offers, 2 refs/laptop of your choice + $250.00 Best Buy gc - 4 offers, no refs/Motorola Renew phone - 8 offers, no refs/GPS navigation system of your choice - 4 offers, no refs/iPod shuffle - 12 offers, 2 refs/laptop of your choice - 8 offers, no refs/iPod touch + $100.00 iTunes gc - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Apple gc - 10 offers, 1 ref/Mac Mini - 12 offers, 2 refs/Dell Adamo laptop - 12 offers, 2 refs/Dell Adamo laptop - 12 offers, 2 refs/laptop of your choice - 6 offers, no refs/$250.00 restaurant gc of your choice - 6 offers, no refs/$150.00 restaurant gc - 4 offers, no refs/$100.00 Visa

Canada-- - 6 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Rona gc - 6 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Canadian Tire gc - 6 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Jean Coutu gc - 6 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Visa

FYI, several of the I-Deal links navigate to the same prize, but the referral links are different which is why I added them. On the domain the last 3 links aren't great, but I added them for my reference. I might have more links soon, so check back in!

That's all for now. I hope we get our checks soon, and anonymous works out their issue with the Canadian company. 2009 has been bumpy, but perhaps that will change since everything else seems to be. is the best domain on da web! It's perfect for me, and easy to remember. I couldn't be happier with it. It was meant to be. ;)

I'm over and out...



Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz offers, DealZingo payments and account issues, new DIY network, and more!

Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes and possible computer glitches, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz gift sites and...


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