Saturday, March 07, 2009

Spring into March Madness! Subscriberbase Holdings, Inc. saga, Mpell shipping early April?, new links...

Welcome to the March Madness celebration!! We will discuss Mpell updates, Acquisis shipments, Subscriberbase Holdings Inc., new links, etc. Time to march into March with four-leaf clovers and shamrocks, leprechauns, St. Patrick's Day, luck, green clothing, pinching, $$$, Lucky Charms, green... All the things that remind us of March.

*hot new networks*

Check out these pots of gold!

Freebies4me-- Every 10 referrals nets you a $100.00, $75.00, and $100.00 bonuses: [url=""][/url]

Referralriot-- Referral race until the end of March! Get in line while you can. First place winner receives $150.00!

YourHugeRewards-- Having weekly and monthly races. Monthly first place winners receive $500.00, second place $200.00, and third place $100.00! [url=""][/url]

As we near our Mpell payouts, how is everyone in the present? I have sanguine expectations. Worst case scenario, after 6-8 weeks of waiting, it's protracted. Someone spoke with CS who said our checks would be fulfilled early April; time will tell. With so many of us waiting the likelihood of it dragging out is great. However, I am sure some of us will receive ours faster than others. My paperwork was processed, btw! This will be the most prodigious check I have ever received freebiewise IF they don't ship multiples. Assuming they won't, I should net $4,500.00 on one check. Believe it or not some users had over 16 certificates, and one guy 25! I had 8 certificates with two of them being 1K gifts, the rest were $500.00s and $250.00s.

"From: "Sylvia Magana"
Subject: Re: Account status...
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 10:49:32 -0800

Dear me,

We have received and approved your 8 certificates. They are being processed. Please remember the certificate states to allow 8-10 weeks to receive your gift. We appreciate your patience.
Thank you!


Mpell Solutions Customer Service
(800) 450-1575"

Mpell has been awesome via telephone and e-mail!! Given the amount of work on their hands you must be patient. Cleaning up Brandarama's mess is no picnic! I've waited two years, what's two months? Possibly less... Sure, something catastrophic could happen, but why think that way? With DIY you must be willing to run the risk of uncertainty as you rely on the company's word, which isn't always safe. Holding power they can alter terms, lowball (on payouts), bump requirements, DQ, put holds on accounts as well as anything else they decide. Our defense is researching these companies and asking them questions directly. This helps us determine if they are good at the moment. People lost faith in Brandarama after receiving the news, but this isn't the first time a network broke asunder.

Old entry on Adteractive is an example of how companies crumble:

Financial woes can play a role, but it's often something else. In this instance Brandarama just fell behind and Mpell is picking up the pieces.

Acquisis is on the up and up! People are receiving gifts. I am FINALLY approved after 5 months!! It's fun seeing the prizes roll in... Though I feel for those having crediting issues since it took me an age. I seemed to get in one of the last mass credits. My mom wants to start DIYs ever since I e-mailed her links. We discussed w9s and tax season the other night. A portion of our convo: Me, "What do you think about tax evasion?" Her, "Oh, I love it!" Me, "I am not putting you in my blog!" Psst, we cannot let the IRS find out! She was kidding of course, haha... We had a good laugh. I love helping people get involved in freebies that have an interest. I've recruited some off and various sell/trade forums. One forum I'm quite fond of I have helped with suggestions and traded with an admin. They need A LOT of traffic as there aren't many members on board. I won't release the name of this forum since it may overstep the boundaries of A4F, but it instantly became my second favourite stop. Also, a member of A4F is a mod there! I'm not releasing that information either. It's top secret, lol... He revealed himself to me and another A4Fer since he recognized us. It was like a reunion. It's forbidden to link to another forum here, and I am certain FiPG has been mentioned, however, I don't want to risk getting in trouble chatting away about another destination on the web. ^^

I WILL talk about Subscriberbase Holdings, Inc. though. Subscriberbase Holdings Inc. is a direct marketing firm that manages producttestpanel as well as a host of other sites including AdDrive. We all know the negative blows networks take from complainers about their abortive ventures. But when is it crossing the line, and should these corporations be allowed to sue in excess of $500,000? Before I state my opinion check out these links.

I hate these kind of sites. They open a window of opportunity for censure and slander, which inevitably leads to contention, and nearly all the purported facts are either based on assumption or the complainer's inability to be successful with the site. I understand speaking out about a bad experience to warn others, but harassing these powerhouses via telephone and posting videos on the internet is a big no-no. In the midst of my findings, several people shared articles they found in their blogspots and everywhere else on complaints, and many of those contained personal information which wasn't theirs, i.e. the lawsuit between complainer and the corporation; the complainer's phone number and address. Why spread it around when it's already on the internet? Lastly, if you aren't the complainer how do you know the network is a "hoax", which you affirm in every sentence? I'm sorry guys, this is how I am when I'm on a soapbox. Anyone who knows me well can confirm my thoughts on assumptions. I'm one of those who likes to try something out for myself despite the bad press, just give it a chance.

The first link concerns a phone call between a complainer and the COO (chief operating officer), Brian N. Benenhaley, of SubscriberBase, Inc. Basically, the complainer was spammed a ridiculous number of times (like none of us have been? :lol:) and just SO had to call them up and whine. Then after needling him for 900 hours on the phone he produces an immature page on, poking fun at a guy by the name of William Waggoner, further attacking Brian, and spewing forth more falsities. *sigh* There is an audio recording of their phone call that is down, but I will update this if I find it.

The second link is from an article sharer that posted it on their blogspot. In it, a woman who was threatened with a million dollar lawsuit posted "scam videos" and links further defaming them...Hardly something I would do in that predicament, lol, but whatever. Later, she found the blogspot and requested removal of the source. For A4F's and my protection those videos won't be posted, and I want no part of it. In NO way do I support spam either. I'm just pointing out the lack of common sense when it comes to 99% of these complaints.

My take...

If a corporation's reputation is hurt wrongfully, then yes, they should take legal action. And if they don't spam, who will? This also applies to telemarketers, workers at kill shelters for animals, or other less pleasing jobs. The animal shelter is an argument in itself. It's heartwrenching that dogs and cats are euthanized at the hands of these workers. Do I like it? Of course not. However, overpopulation is an epidemic throughout the United States, and decreasing that number makes a better environment. That's just how it is. The same with telemarketers. Their job is to solicit us for products and services we may, but often do not want. Many forms of direct marketing exist; mail, e-mail, telemarketing, voicemail marketing, direct selling, broadcast faxing, couponing, amongst others... Telemarketing is also used by political parties and charity organizations for donations. Ever participate in a conducted "online survey"? Marketing research companies survey consumers to learn if they experience dissatisfaction with a particular product or brand. An annoyance, yes. But it still serves a purpose.

I like Tide's slogan, "It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it", lol. Wasn't that Tide? Point is, if these individuals don't do the dirty work, who will? I must add that I have 3 cats and a dog... The thought of animals put to sleep makes me cringe.

The End.

P.S.-- I forgot to mention the links have been nonworky off and on, so if you want them PM me or just IM.

It must have been entertaining to read a wozniack rant... I'm always quiet and laid back, stuffing my thoughts inside. I gotta do this more often!!

*links 'n such*
















[url=""][/url] - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Visa

[url=""][/url] - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Visa

[url=""][/url] - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Visa

On the Acquisis links I found a bunch, but they have bumped the requirements on a lot of their sites. There was a 4 offer/$100.00 Visa, but that's not good. A funny thing happened... I got mixed up in a previous entry, mistaking an Acquisis site for I-Deal and posted it where the I-Deal links were. Well, while researching I found [url=""][/url], and said, "Wait a minute... If this is Acquisis why is it in my I-Deal links?! Is there a connection between these two companies?! :D" I got excited. I thought the two were affiliated! lol. It wasn't until I compared the T&C of both sites and found the differences. You gotta admit the templates are alike. Anyway, I placed the Acquisis link where it belongs.

Will return with new Acquisis links!! I have them saved in a text file, but they're on my external. Also, what does everyone think about periodic interviews in this blog? I would select someone of interest be it a A4F 2K8 winner or whoever to sit down and talk. I like the idea, but want to hear from you. Speaking of awards, I can't get over how fantastic my banner looks!! Thanks A4F and those who voted! :)

That's all for now... Will return!



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Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes and possible computer glitches, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz gift sites and...


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