Before we begin, please read this entry on newgiftdepot.com/topbrandgifts.com: http://wozniack.blogspot.com/2013/06/diyfreebies-5th-annual-anniversary-blog.html -- We learnt that Product Test Panel and Nuitech did not manage these sites. We also discovered that the gift site address at 1350 E. Flamming Dr. pulled up results for 1350 E. Flamingo Rd. in Google, which proved to be a shopping center in Las Vegas, Nevada. Since I had NO way of contacting this company, I resorted to writing them a letter at the 1350 E. Flamming Dr address. Below is my letter typed out.

Enlarged photo: http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h405/diyfreebies/newgiftletter1_zps6f64eed7.jpg
"To whom it may concern,
I had just a few questions regarding your online promotions. The physical address associated with your web sites comes up as "1350 E. Flaming Rd" instead of the address for your company's web sites on Google. I wanted to know which address is the correct one for your company, Below is your company's address, which should come up on Google instead of the one on 1350 E. Flamingo Rd.
Your address:
1350 E. Flamming Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Any idea why the "1350 E. Flamingo Rd" location shows up in the Google results instead of your company's address? I ask because I do many online offers, and it helps to know where I need to send my forms. I contacted your company on newgiftdepot.com and topbrandgifts.com, which are your company's web sites. I sent e-mails inquiring about your address to the e-mail addresses provided on these web sites, but I never heard back from your company. Which is why I am writing to you as of now.
If you could please give me your company name and the correct address for your company, I would greatly appreciate it.
If I am in error and have the wrong company, please accept my apologizes and disregard this letter.
Thank you for your time.
My name"
I initially sent the letter so someone at the mystery company would get it. Now I'm posting it in case they stumble across this blog; the letter was returned. No point in me sending it to the 1350 E. Flamingo Rd address as that is a shopping center, and there is no suite number associated with the address. I might have something to go on in the newgiftdepot.com/yourtopbrands.com case. Check out the gift site results from an affiliate marketing site below.
Results for a RewardZone USA $1,000.00 Wal-Mart gift card site:
Enlarged photo: http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h405/diyfreebies/rzusaresult1_zps7317774e.jpg
Sometimes affiliate marketing sites abbreviate the name of a company's gift program on their link titles. This one is for RewardZone USA with "RZUSA" meaning RewardZone USA. Now look at the results below...

It says Freebie Direct for all 3 links. So I click the first link which takes me here...

Enlarged photo: http://s1108.photobucket.com/user/diyfreebies/media/freebiedirectresult2_zps54cab384.jpg.html
Notice the site to the very right? It says Top Brand Gifts! Could Freebie Direct be this DIY company's name? Or perhaps that is just the actual gift program name and the company name is something else? Either way, I'm excited. Its hard not to be after all this time. This gives me something else to examine anyway. I really hope Freebie Direct is them, because if I have a name to work with I might could get somewhere.
I have went through literally THOUSANDS of businesses with "RMM" in the company name with little luck in finding anything, so I'm staying close to home. I'm contacting businesses in or surrounding the Broomfield, Colorado area, the city for RMM Media, LLC. They're still releasing sites, which is bad because you can't contact them and they didn't pay a member. So I won't give up the search. But I have stopped investigating CRS and Consumer Gain since they aren't a risk. They have no sites and RMM Media are the bigger threat. In addition to someone not getting paid, I'd also like RMM Media's contact information because RewardZone USA requested it. If I can get it, I can help others who are owed money, and make RewardZone USA very happy. Speaking of RewardZone USA, I FINALLY did them, submitted my documents electronically, and am now waiting on my prize!!
My correspondence with a member that details my RewardZone USA experience:
Hi Woz,
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! The link to the $1000 Rewardzone is still good. You have to do 10 offers and no referrals.You need to complete at least 1 offer and get credited (all their offers usually credit instantly), then your incentive status page will appear and you can continue doing offers from there with no problem. It's better to do all offers at the same day, because it takes 1-2 weeks for them to send you a gift claim form, so if you take a month completing their site, then some offers will disappear from your account page while you are in the process of approval (they expire in 30 days after signup). Don't worry, you will see how fast they credit - in 1-3 min. Sign up again, as they do not record your signup date until you complete first offer and get credit.
My reply:
Do you think if I signed up for the site a third time, to get back in, my 30 days will start tonight? I signed up about two nights ago. I just registered on the site. So once I complete my first offer that should "lock me in" I guess, meaning my 30 days starts tonight, right? Nevermind, I just read your last sentence, "Sign up again, as they do not record your signup date until you complete first offer and get credit." Sorry! That is good to know. Think I will mention that in my blog for new people who sign up for a RewardZone site.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! For the I-Deal links, you're great! I feel like I owe you something for all your helpful information. :))
Going to work on a new spreadsheet for to record my RewardZone process. *also getting out pen and legal pad*
I'll let you know how this goes for me. Thanks again for all your help...
Of course, you don't owe me anything, but it would be great if you could complete 1 offer on this Trainn (I need just 1 more referral) for $25.
Please let me know if you can do it tonight.
Thank you!
My reply:
Quick question, if an offer doesn't instantly credit, about how long will it take for it to credit? About 5-7 days? 2 days? I did the Heartwood & Oak wine club but it is not showing up. However, my Freester.com offer is! Does RewardZone fulfill manual credit requests or no? Can't remember if they did or not.
I will try to do your offer once I have finished this site. I'm doing all my offers in one sitting so I get most out of the way and then I can just monitor the ones that have yet to credit. :)
Thanks again,
Wine club offer is a new and probably expensive one. Yes, they accept MCR and will credit your account manually if you send them a confirmation email. When I did this site, there were only free and $1 offers.
My reply:
One last question, about how often do the offer pages rotate, if at all?
Thanks again,
They add new offers every month. Why? Is there not enough offers for you?
My reply:
I am just stuck on the silver page, that's why I was asking. Maybe they will add a few new offers in a week or so.
I suggest you to start with the platinum page offers.
My reply:
I had already done my platinum offers, just did my last silver offer tonight! :) Do I click the "Contact Us" button on my status page and tell them I need to send them confirmations for the ones that did not show up? After that I assume I can click "Claim Incentive." There's a "featured" page? This site only shows Silver, Gold, and Platinum pages. I will ask them when I contact them.
Thanks again for all your help!!
How many offers credited on your account? Yes, contact them through that link and they will get back to you.
My reply:
5 offers credited, the other 5 did not. Not sure why so many did not post to my account but oh well... I contacted them, and I will let you know how they respond. Hopefully it all goes well.
What offers didnt credit for you? Can you list them?:
My reply
Videostripe, Heartwood & Oak Wine Club, Next Issue, Titanwhite, and Disney Movies Plus Tote Bag. I am still waiting on a confirmation from the Disney offer. I remember in the past though that the book and movie club confirmations didn't always show up right away. That one may take a little longer getting to my e-mail. The Titanwhite confirmation was in my spam, so I will keep an eye on my spam folder in case it goes there.
I dont think they will give you credits for so many offers. Since Videostripe is free offer and Disney movie club did not send you any email (although those offers usually credit in 1 min), why wouldnt you try some other free offers, such as CosmoBody and LifeLock? I would definitely give it a try. Good luck.
My reply:
I had already done Lifelock and Cosmobody on the Platinum page. :) I went on and did two make up offers since there was no order # or name shown in the confirmations for Next Issue and Videostripe, which they requested. One of the make up offers credited so that made me look better having 6 credits instead of 5. They went on and gave me manual credit for all 4 offers. I didn't have to push them or anything for the manual credit, they were so willing to give it to me!:
Anyway, they approved my offers, and I received my claim form from them today. I cannot turn everything in until my new license arrives in the mail; I had it renewed, so it may take a week or longer until I get it. But they confirmed that I had 60 days from today, the day they sent me the claim form, to turn everything in, so I should be OK. Its been about a week already on the I.D., too.
I'm pretty excited about my RewardZone site completion. I'll be getting a $1,000.00 Visa once I send everything back!! My amazon card from Credit Sesame showed up today, too, which I will be writing about in my blog. I finally finished my blog notes so I have enough material to put it all together. I also will discuss my participation in the National Consumer Panel (NCP). It took about 4 years of trying off and on to FINALLY get on the panel! I've had so much fun with my scanner, its been great: http://ncppanel.com/content/ncp/ncphome.html -- Have you ever been a part of the panel, or have you tried to get on with them?:
My experience was unlike this member's. Only half of my offers instantly credited, and I received my claim form the day after submitting my documentation. I think though that offers credit instantly IF they credit right after you do them. By observing numerous DIY companies, I think that their processing and shipping times vary throughout the year. For example. On a good month Product Test Panel may approve all premium offers within 2 to 3 weeks, but 2 months later they may take 3 to 4 weeks. Or maybe they ship gifts within 2 weeks but fail to do so the following month. This member is right though about doing your offers all in one sitting. With any site you should do them all at once to avoid any problems. The sooner you finish the site the better. I should point out though that on order confirmations RewardZone USA requires them to show your name, e-mail address, and order number. Some confirmations may show your name and/or e-mail but may lack an order number. Or some confirmations may barely have anything at all. Two of my confirmations only had my first name and nothing else showing other than my e-mail address in the to and from at the top, so I had to do 2 make up offers.
My exchange with RewardZone USA:
from: me
to: info@rewardzoneusa.com
date: Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 1:46 PM
subject: Order confirmations
mailed-by: gmail.com
I have 4 of the 5 confirmations ready to send to you. I even have screen shots, offer pics, and a UPS shipping confirmation from the Heartwood & Oak offer as additional proof. As for the 5th confirmation, I just contacted Disney and requested for them to send me one. If they do not, I will try them again over the telephone. Please let me know once you get the first 4 confirmations.
from: contact@rewardzoneusa.com
to: xxxx@xx.com
date: Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 12:47 PM
subject: #7445628774541953363-Offer completions
signed-by: jsmtp.net
Hi me,
As of the moment you have three of the required 6 platinum offers completed and are missing two silver offers.
If this is incorrect, please provide the confirmation for the missing offer(s) to us (info@rewardzoneusa.com). This order confirmation should show your name, email address and order number. Once we have this information, we will do our best to assist you.
For additional information, please refer our terms and conditions http://www.rewardzoneusa.com/ path.html?p=CampImg/1300/terms.htm
To check your incentive status, please log onto the member’s area here http://contact.rewardzoneusa.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fincentivestatus.aspx
Thank you,
The Reward Zone USA, LLC Team
from: me
date: Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 4:43 PM
subject: Silver offers
mailed-by: gmail.com
I did another Silver offer since the other one I did never sent me a confirmation. It is now showing up under my "Incentive Status." You should have the 4 confirmations I sent you earlier, too.
Please let me know if you need anything else.
from: contact@rewardzoneusa.com
to: xxxx@xx.com
date: Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:09 PM
subject: #7445628774541953070-Question about gift site
signed-by: jsmtp.net
Hi, Thanks for contacting Rewardzone!
Be advised, simply completing the survey does not qualify you for an incentive.
To qualify for the incentive, you must complete the requirements based on the type of incentive you signed up for. If the incentive is valued at $100 or less (a Tier 1 incentive) then you need to complete two (2) silver, (2) gold, and (1) platinum offer on the respective silver, gold, and platinum pages. If the incentive is valued at $100 or more (a Tier 2 incentive) then you need to complete two (2) silver, (2) gold, and (6) platinum offers on their respective pages. Offers may repeat between pages and the offer will count depending on the page you complete it (for example, an offer may show up on the silver and gold page, if you complete it on the silver, it will count as a silver offer). All offers must be completed within thirty calendar days in the Eastern Standard Time zone.
If something went wrong and you've completed the requirements or have another issue, we'd love to help you. Please respond with some additional information:
1. The e-mail address used and the approximate date you completed the requirements.
2. If you have completed an offer and it does not appear on your incentive status page, please forward the email order confirmation for the missing offer to us (info@rewardzoneusa.com). This order confirmation should show your name, email address and order number.
3. If you encountered a technical problem that has prevented you from completing the offers, please describe the steps taken prior to encountering the issue. Every detail you can give us will help us identify and fix the issue.
Once we have this information, we will do our best to assist you.
For additional information, please refer our terms and conditions http://www.rewardzoneusa.com/path.html?p=CampImg/1300/terms.htm
To check your incentive status, please log onto the member’s area here http://contact.rewardzoneusa.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fincentivestatus.aspx
Thank you,
The Reward Zone USA, LLC Team
from: me
date: Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:35 PM
subject: Offer pages
mailed-by: gmail.com
I did two more offers for the Platinum page and have received confirmations for them. I did these offers since the other two offers I did did not have an order number or anything in their confirmations. I will send them now and resend the others from yesterday for your review.
I sent them this e-mail after I sent them my order confirmations...
from: me
date: Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:44 PM
mailed-by: gmail.com
As of now, you should have all 6 confirmations, two of which are make up offers I did. I have 6 offers showing in my "Incentive Status." So I only need 4 of those 6 confirmations processed.
Please let me know if this works for you.
from: Reward Zone USA
to: me
date: Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 8:22 AM
subject: RE: Welcome to Videostripe
signed-by: jsmtp.net
We see that you have signed up for the required amount of offers to qualify for the incentive. We are in the process of verifying your offers and preparing the necessary documents for your claim. You will receive a follow-up email from us within 3 business days with further instructions and any necessary documentations.
Thank you,
The Reward Zone USA, LLC Team
from: Customer Service
reply-to: Customer Service
to: "xxxx@xx.com"
date: Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:19 AM
subject: Please e-sign RewardZone USA - Tier 2 Claim Form
mailed-by: echosign.com
signed-by: echosign.com
Customer Service Has Sent You RewardZone USA - Tier 2 Claim Form to e-sign
Customer Service (Fluent) says:
You are the winner of a RewardZone USA, LLC‘s Promotional Incentive. To claim your prize, click on the link below to complete and eSign the Prize Claim Form. Be sure to also send us proof of residence and/or Government Issued ID separately to info@rewardzoneusa.com
Once you eSign the Prize Claim Form, you’ll receive a final PDF copy by email. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery from the date you submit your paperwork. Be on the lookout for its arrival!
It only takes a few minutes to complete. Click on the link to get started.
Do not hesitate to contact us by email at info@rewardzoneusa.com or leave a voicemail at (xxx) xxx-xxxx if you have any questions.
The prize you have won is: $1,000 VISA gift card.
RewardZone USA, LLC
Click here to review and e-sign RewardZone USA - Tier 2 Claim Form.
With just one simple step, you can electronically sign this document. After you e-sign RewardZone USA - Tier 2 Claim Form, all parties will receive a final PDF copy by email.
Do you need to forward this to a party authorized to sign it? Click here
from: me
to: Reward Zone USA
date: Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:25 PM
subject: Re: Welcome to Videostripe
mailed-by: gmail.com
Thank you for sending me the claim form. So I have up to 60 days from the today to send back my claim form and I.D.? I ask because I just got my I.D. renewed and I have to wait up to 3 weeks to get it in the mail.
from: RewardZoneUSA Team
to: me
date: Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:54 PM
subject: RE: Welcome to Videostripe
signed-by: jsmtp.net
Yes. You have time. Please send a copy of the ID when it is renewed and we will issue your gift card.
Thank you.
from: me
to: RewardZoneUSA Team
date: Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 11:12 PM
subject: Re: Welcome to Videostripe
mailed-by: gmail.com
Just a few more questions... I also need to get my claim form notarized and send in a w9 form in addition to a copy of my photo I.D., correct? Also, am I required to mail in the forms or do I just scan them in and send them to you via e-mail? Once I send you the required documents, do I still have to click "Click Incentive" on my account page?
from: Reward Zone USA
to: me
date: Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 9:38 AM
subject: RE: Welcome to Videostripe
signed-by: jsmtp.net
That’s correct. Let us know if for some reason you need more time!
from: me
date: Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 12:35 AM
subject: Copy of my photo I.D. and w9 form
mailed-by: gmail.com
Here is a copy of my photo I.D. I scanned it with my smartphone. I included my w9 form which I printed, signed, and scanned in. I also printed my claim form. Just have to get it notarized!
from: RewardZoneUSA Team
to: me
cc: Rewardzone
date: Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 10:37 AM
subject: RE: Copy of my photo I.D. and w9 form
We have received your paperwork via Adobe EchoSign and your photo ID scan. You do not need to do anything else.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for the delivery of your prize.
The RewardZone USA, LLC Team
A member who contacted me earlier this year said they notarized their claim form, which is why I told RewardZone USA that I would notarize my form. Apparently, all they require is the claim form and photo I.D. I sent them a w9 as well, which they probably did need with my gift being over $600.00. But you don't have to get it notarized. The claim form is done in an instant. It is an electronic form that you fill out, sign, and date. Once that's accomplished, you submit the form and RewardZone USA has it within seconds! I loved watching my signature look like I was writing it with a pen while typing my name. Its a really cool form. What surprised me was them willing to give me more time to submit my paperwork and photo I.D. Most companies would have said, "Remember, you have 60 days from the time you receive the claim form to send everything back," and they would have meant it. I wasn't required to fill out the short "Claim Incentive" form on my status page either. They said I didn't need to do anything else, and that I'd receive my gift in 2-4 weeks!
A member had a question which I relayed to RewardZone USA
"from: me
date: Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 2:44 PM
subject: Quick question...
mailed-by: gmail.com
My friend wants to know if they could do another site next month if they did one in August of this year. Can they, or do they have to wait until next August or later?
Their question: "I just did a rewardzone in august so I gotta wait until next year. When they say once per calendar year I could do it in January, right?
Their reply:
"from: Reward Zone USA
to: me
date: Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 8:33 AM
subject: RE: Quick question...
signed-by: jsmtp.net
Hi me,
If they received an incentive last August, they’ll need to wait until next August for another one.
RewardZone, USA"
New RewardZone USA terms:
RewardZone USA- Offers must be completed within 30 days of registration. If you don’t complete the required number of offers in one session, you may do so by logging in to the "Incentive Status" page. After you have completed all of the required offers and confirmed your completion on Incentive Status, you can start the claims process by logging onto the Incentive Status and selecting “Claim My Incentive.” Upon qualification, you will be contacted via e-mail and/or U.S. mail with a claim form. The redemption form must be notarized, and you must provide a copy of your driver’s license or other government-issued ID. If your mailing address is different than the address you provided during registration or the address on your ID, you must provide proof of residence at the mailing address such as a utility bill, tax bill, voter ID or rent invoice. If your gift is valued at $600.00 or more, you must also fill out a w9 form. Once all documents are approved, your gift will ship within two to four weeks, sometimes sooner depending on their shipping schedule. You must claim your gift within 60 days of receiving the claim form or you forfeit your reward. You cannot participate in a promotion if you reside in Washington or Vermont, or are a resident of a state where incentivized promotions of this type are prohibited by law.
With RewardZone USA you have 30 days to complete your offers. You no longer have to do your offers within 1 calendar day, so they're easier to do. If anyone has any questions regarding RewardZone USA, please let me know. I-Deal has a new DBA called Loyalty Exclusives, Inc. Just thought I would mention it for those who didn't know! There are some really good sites out now if you look hard enough.

I'd like to shift gears for a little bit and talk about The Popcorn Factory, Credit Sesame, and the survey panels I belong to. Please move along to Part 2. of our wintery mix blog to learn how I earned $2,191.04 in just 6 months from these panels and points incentive programs.
See you there!
so nice and interesting post.
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