Wednesday, July 04, 2012

July 4th celebration blog begins with Faraji Pvt Consulting and the mystery surrounding CRS; members tell us their I-Deal stories-- what was their outcome? LeaderDirect responds to site questions; 4th of July link list and more!

I want to discuss Consumers Reward Solutions and the gift sites in England, Hong Kong, and India. It seems as if Consumers Reward Solutions have lost the battle with India, Hong Kong and England taking over their land. At least we can assume that since there is no mention of their name, only the promotions of the England, Hong Kong and India sites. Our quest for the truth begins by examining the whois report and screen shots below.


gift site:

contact page:


The address for this site is in India. The whois shows "United Web Surveys" as the registrant, which was also the registrant for old CRS sites we compared in the past. And "United Web Surveys" was also on CRS's check status pages. I will now share my correspondence with a member as it gives confirmation of a payment report, as well as provides new information on the India sites.

Member's initial message to me on the DIYfreebies forum:



This is member from and I have some info on the CRS sites run from the supposed Las Vegas address. Please email me @ so I can fill you in."

My reply:

"from: to: member , date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 5:58 PM subject: CRS information... mailed-by:

Hi there!

Sorry I missed your message, I hadn't logged in to the DIYfreebies forum in over a month and just now read it.

What information do you have for me? I've been wondering what has been going on with them as I have not heard back from those who were expecting payment.




"from: member to: date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 6:42 PM subject: RE: CRS information... mailed-by:


They are based in India and the parent company is called Faraji Pvt Consulting. I have 2 working numbers as well as a Skype number for them but they are on my other computer. I'll email them to you a little while."

Second e-mail from member:

"from: member to: date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 8:37 PM subject: RE: CRS information... mailed-by:

Here is the info...

these links have the phone numbers...

Let me know what else you would like to know..."

My reply:

"from: to: member date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 4:22 PM subject: Re: CRS information... mailed-by:


In my past research I found "Revenue Path E-Consulting Pvt Ltd" in the registrant info for a CRS site. More on that in my old blog: -- I then connected Revenue Path E-Consulting to Faraji Pvt Consulting by tying the addresses together:

At the time though, I didn't understand why the gift sites' Canadian addresses changed to Hong Kong, England and India locations. Since I couldn't gather anymore information, I focused on other things and stopped investigating the addresses. It wasn't until Dave's dismissal that I started wondering about the other locations and what that meant for CRS. I sent the HR Manager at Faraji Pvt Consulting an e-mail an hour ago, but I'm not expecting a prompt reply; its past two in the morning over there. I had inquired about their company and asked him about the gift sites and addresses. If he doesn't respond, I'm sure I can get through to someone.

linkedin shows that FEC (Faraji E-Consulting Pvt. Ltd.) are headquartered in Chicago, IL. Hm, perhaps CRS members can send their documentation there as well? I know the guy over the phone gave our anonymous source a Las Vegas, Nevada address to use, but if you think about it, with I-Deal we mail our paperwork off to different locations depending on the DBA. So if the Las Vegas, Nevada address isn't good, what about the Chicago, IL location? Since the guy gave us the Las Vegas, Nevada address though, I guess I will trust that location until a negative report comes back. So far I haven't heard anything.

FEC headquarters:

Wells St Suite 402
Chicago, IL 60607

linkedin page:

I think "CRS" are pretty much over, and its just Faraji Pvt Consulting pulling the strings. It's like everything that had Canada connected to it is now gone. I don't know if it's a good idea for us to call them FEC instead of CRS from here on out, because people have known them by CRS for years. Although, it wasn't hard to remember that YFDirect was also Netblue, hmm...

I want to thank you for sharing this with me. I guess you dialed the numbers yourself? If so, did they answer any questions pertaining to "CRS" or their gift sites? That is, if you asked them about that. I will continue to use this information to get further with CRS/FEC. Thanks. :)

Kind Regards,



"from: member to: date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 4:26 PM subject: RE: CRS information... mailed-by:

I actually got a laptop out of them after alot of calling of India. It was a Macbook Pro. As for the Las Vegas and Chicago addresses, they are just UPS boxes that probably never get checked."

My reply:

"from: to: member date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 4:33 PM subject: Re: CRS information... mailed-by:

How long ago was it that you got the laptop, don't mind me asking? I was just wondering as there haven't been any recent payment reports. So you had to call India to get your laptop? I assume the site you did had one of the three addresses (Hong Kong, England, India), correct? If so, how much had the approval process changed to get your gift? I was just curious as to how much it changed if at all.

Thanks again,



"from: member to: date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:27 PM subject: RE: CRS information... mailed-by:

This was a few weeks ago and I used a phone card to Call India. I believe the address was the India one but the gift I did is gone. The process was lengthy because I gave up for a while. I did have to email the 13 email confirmations to prove signup but no mention was made of the cancellation policy in the terms."

My reply:

"from: to: member date: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 5:31 PM subject: Re: CRS information... mailed-by:

So you did not have to keep offers for an X amount of days since no cancellation limitation was present in the terms? I wanted to try one of the India sites but did not know if the company behind them were paying. I might give them a whirl.



"from: member to: date: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 6:45 PM subject: RE: CRS information... mailed-by:

It was in the terms but I didn't keep anything for 30 days and they never asked."

My reply:

from: to: member date: Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 4:58 PM subject: Re: CRS information... mailed-by:


Is it alright by you if I relayed to my blog readers that you were paid on one of the India sites? I'd like them to know that there is a payment report for the India sites. I promise to make you anonymous, so no one will know your name. I'd just like it to be known so that they don't think they are scams.




"from: member to: "" date: Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 5:23 PM subject: RE: CRS information... mailed-by:

They still are very scammy as I signed up for a 17 inch and they sent me a 13 inch and refused to fix it. So, I would relay the #'s and such but wouldn't go as far as recommending it."

The parent company for the India sites is Faraji e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd. I suspect they are also the parent company for the England and Hong Kong sites, however, I cannot confirm that at this time. But let's go over their gift program real quick. CRS lowballed members on checks and "physical" gifts, though not many physical gifts were shipped at the time. Not that that means anything, but there is a pattern with both companies. Same scenario with Product Test Panel; PTP told someone that substituting a MacBook Air for a white MacBook would be no problem. However, they sent the member a late 2010 model of the MacBook Air that retailed for $834.00, which was less than the white MacBook that the member originally signed up for. So Faraji e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd. are just as guilty for lowballing as CRS and PTP. Not a good way to introduce a company, but I must inform everyone about this matter.

After my back-and-forth correspondence with this member, my focus was on Faraji e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd and Consumers Reward Solutions. Faraji e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd. may be the parent company for the India sites, but what happened to "Consumers Reward Solutions"? Like a grisly crime scene, there are leads to follow and evidence is left behind, but no real trace of anything links to the victim. It's up to me to find out what happened. The next step was contacting those at, and in connection to, Faraji e-Consulting, and so I did. Please read what I sent them.

My e-mail:

"from: to:,, date: Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:34 PM subject: Question about your company, ModernAd Media... mailed-by:


I was hoping you could answer a few questions. In my research I found this site: - Is ModernAd Media, LLC. a subsidiary of Faraji E-Consulting Pvt Ltd.? I sent the HR Manager at Faraji E-Consulting Pvt Ltd. an e-mail but received no response, so I thought that if there was a tie between ModernAd Media and Faraji e-Consulting Pvt I could get some answers. Please see my initial message to Faraji e-Consulting Pvt as it fully explains what I need to know.

Message to Faraji e-Consulting Pvt:


to les.abraham


I had a question regarding the gift sites your company is promoting. This is one of them: - Could you tell me how long your company has offered these rewards through a gift program? I ask because the addresses on these sites changed to locations in Hong Kong, England and India. The addresses on these sites once were Canadian locations, and were managed by a Canadian company. In March of last year I myself received a reward in for the form of a $3,000.00 check from Consumers Reward Solutions, the Canadian company. According to an anonymous source, I was told that the company had changed drastically with new staff members, and the employment of a third-party company to handle customer service. Would your company, Faraji E-Consulting Pvt Ltd, be the third-party company or are you the parent company for Consumers Rewards Solutions?

I have never spoken directly to anyone at Faraji E-Consulting Pvt Ltd, nor have I communicated with the individuals my anonymous source spoke to who updated them on Consumer Rewards Solutions's status. Could you please tell me what Faraji E-Consulting Pvt's role is in all this? I'd appreciate it as any information you provide may clear up some of the confusion surrounding these changes.



Consumers Reward Solutions is/was a gift program based in Canada. After the company's major changes, their sites' locations changed to England, India, and Hong Kong. What happened to "Consumers Reward Solutions"? Did somebody buy them out? Were they always called "Faraji E-Consulting Pvt. Ltd." and "Consumers Reward Solutions" was just a sub-company that operated out of Canada? Or did they fire their ex-employees, and hire new people and change their name? If so, why such a drastic change?

Any help in this matter is appreciated. Thank you for your time.


The first e-mail was sent to Faraji e-Consulting and is included in the above message. Nearly two weeks passed since that e-mail was sent and there was no response. So I took a day's afternoon to research and write e-mails. Not knowing how CRS "ended" ate at me, especially knowing that there are some still out there who hadn't got paid. My onerous duties that afternoon, and the rest of the week, proved fruitless. But all hope was not lost because I gained knowledge of the new company, and had more addresses and sub-companies to work with. In all my years of doing this I can say that any information is golden. I have worked with much less to crack bigger cases. You know, maybe Dave wasn't lying about the "Canadian vs. American" issues. Perhaps another country (India, England, Hong Kong) was the solution to the currency problem. Perhaps CRS felt they could succeed in another country as they could not in Canada. Ah, if only I could talk to Dave... I'd love to know why CRS let him go. Knowing that may solve a big piece of the puzzle. The company would have had to give him a reason for firing him.

In addition to the gift site address, I picked up four more addresses for Faraji e-Consulting as well as five others for two sub-companies. We'll start with the Faraji e-Consulting addresses.

Faraji e-Consulting addresses:

Wells St. STE# 402
Chicago, IL 60607 - (company headquarters)

Level 6, Pentagon P-2
Magarpatta City, Hadapsar,
pune, MH 411013 - (gift site address)

516, 5th Floor, South Block Sacred World
Wanowarie, Pune 411040, Maharashtra

1st Floor, Aditya Towers, Lulla Nagar
Pune, Maharashtra 411040 INDIA

648 Montgomery St
Gary, IN 46403

Results from my 516 Sacred World search...

I formed a connection between Faraji e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd. and Revenue Path e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd. Given the information above, both companies are joined by the same address. Now look at the whois report below.


Examine that report for a minute then view the following...

The connection here is Sarita Somani, and Faraji e-Consulting also go by FEC. These are their web sites: - Now please keep the e-mail,, in the whois report for, in your mind while viewing the screen shot below.


Above is a screen shot taken of an ad for Faraji e-Consulting that was placed on a job site. Study the ad. We know that "" is a Faraji e-Consulting e-mail address. The ad states, "Elysium3 is Now part of Modern Ad Media." Is that right? That is confirmation that Elysium3, LLC., an advertising agency affiliated with Faraji e-Consulting, is part of ModernAd Media, LLC., a Florida-based advertising agency. So not only are Faraji e-Consulting connected to Revenue Path e-Consulting and Elysium3, now they're tied into ModernAd Media. Based on this information, I would say that Revenue Path e-Consulting and Elysium3 are subsidiaries of Faraji e-Consulting. ModernAd Media may be as well, but I'd like more information on them so I can confirm that.

Addresses for Revenue Path e-Consulting, Elysium3, and ModernAd Media are below.

Revenue Path e-Consulting:

516, 5th Floor, South Block Sacred World
Wanowarie, Pune 411040, Maharashtra

IDE Ioannou Court Office No. 203 13 & 15 Gr Afxentiou Str
Mesa Yeitonia, Limassol 4N CY- 4003


516, 5th Floor, South Block Sacred World
Wanowarie, Pune 411040, Maharashtra

ModernAd Media:

2200 S.W. 10th Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 - (corporate office and call center)

2 N Cascade Ave
Colorado Springs, CO - (remote office)

516, 5th Floor, South Block Sacred World
Wanowarie, Pune 411040, Maharashtra

5030 Champion Blvd Suite #154
Boca Raton, FL 33496

2701 NW Boca Raton Blvd #111
Boca Raton, FL 33431

October's blog concluded that YesSurveyMedia, Power Lead Media, Online Gift Shack, and United Web Survey were CRS. Revenue Path E-Consulting was the technical contact for, and United Web Survey was the site name. October's blog: "A night of tricks and treats, Part 1.../" - If you read it, you'll see that CRS were in charge of the India, England and Hong Kong sites. So some major decision was made sometime thereafter for Faraji e-Consulting to take over. I just cannot say what that is because I don't know! But that won't stop me. I am committed to finding out exactly what happened, because there are people who're waiting on payments from "CRS." For those who weren't paid, you, along with anyone who has done an India site recently, please call the numbers below. For those waiting on "CRS" payments, try the Las Vegas, Nevada address if the phone numbers don't work.

Faraji e-Consulting's phone numbers:

+(91)-(20)-40072689 - +(91)-(20)-26806969

Las Vegas, Nevada address:

7251 West Lake Mead Boulevard Suite 300
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128

Write up on Faraji e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd.:

Faraji e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd., an internet marketing company since 2003, operates out of the Pune area of India. Faraji e-Consulting brings years of industry specialization and experience to their customers. The company's primary purpose is to increase the profitability of their customers' organization by connecting them with ideal net consumers. Their state-of-the-art targeting apparatus allows them to deliver messages to members who are interested in their customers' market. Although they operate out of India, Faraji e-Consulting is headquartered in Chicago, IL. Through Elysium3, LLC. and Revenue Path e-Consulting Pvt, Ltd., both advertising agencies under Faraji e-Consulting, Faraji e-Consulting also offers their services. To this day, Faraji e-Consulting is still a respected, effective, and consistently successful full-service online marketing business.

What do you do if you're approved for an offer you've already done? Can you still complete your offers on a gift site that is torn down? Read these members' I-Deal stories to learn what to do in these situations.

Member #1:

"i think i screwed myself over on the ideal site. i did an offer THEN i thought to look back at a site i thought i did in september but it was october and i did an offer today that i did back then and it approved back then. i remember it not approving, actually i think it rejected me but it got approved anyway. oh well. there is another $1k gift on that site for 10 offers, i will sign up to that the same way since there is no registration page. i am low on offers anyway, need to wait but will reserve my spot tonight in case i can complete it over 60 days. oh well. if i was not so busy i could have thought of that first before doing the offer. good luck to you"

Member #1's second PM:

"hey woz,

i got approved! for ideal 10 offers $1000 link you gave to me. thank you thank you thank you! and a visa guaranteed. i dont believe it. yay. thanks again

oh and the other account i could not finish because i repeated an offer, they do not check that they only check the account you are seeking approval for with a redemption certificate. this stupid site.. i recommend all members only click on offers they know they will sign up for right then and there. do not click on anything else lol. their crediting system will give you credit for some offers by mistake. that is what happened to me. i only did an offer once but i got credited twice because of the glitch. so it made me look like i repeated the offer on two accounts. i did another offer to meet my req. on the first account and that didn't credit."

My reply:

"I should share your experience with my members so they don't go through what you went through. But only if that's alright by you that is. I myself am guilty of clicking offers that I do not fully intend to sign up for!



Member #1's reply:

"it is hard because you want to click on offers to check them out, but if you click around the site, say you attempt to sign up and your CC gets denied, you still might get credit. i have a new organizational system now where i am printing my account pages and circling what credited, then label the account what month i did them. after 6 months (183 days someone said who asked ideal) i throw them away. **and** i will go back to those URLs before i complete a new site to check if any offers credited since i printed the account page, and make sure not to click on those offers."

The moral to this story is you should only click offers you are going to do. If you don't, you may receive credit for an offer you once did, resulting in what looks like suspicious activity (offer repeats) on your account.

Member #2:

"I signed up for a $2500 ideal 12 offer 2 referral site shown at this link: I completed all 12 offers and referred 2 people that have signed up under my referral link however have not yet completed the 12 offers. I just found out today that Ideal abruptly took down the site without warning forbidding my referrals to complete the required offers. Now I am stranded here, having completed all of the offers but can in no way finish the site because my referrals cannot complete any of the offers in the 'silver' group as it comes up as expired. I am still within the 60 days and everyone in my situation has signed up before the changes occurred.

Have you ever heard of a situation like this? I emailed ideal customer support. I have been in a situation whee they changed the gift but I was grandfathered in the original gift because I signed up before the changes. This is a different situation though because the site was taken down and the site requires referrals. This whole situation just seems completely unfair and scammy to me."

My reply:

"Did I-Deal respond to your e-mail? Did you get this matter resolved? If not, I will try to assist you with this problem. I-Deal has portals for members to go through in order to complete their sites and check statuses once a site is torn down. I know this because they've supplied members with portal links in the past after they have torn down a site. Now whether or not they have one for the site you did is unknown. I do not know how long they keep these portal links, as I call them, accessible to members once a site is taken down. But since everything is good on your end (you're within the 60-day period; referrals have signed up), they have to find a way to work with you on this. I assumed that even if they tore a site down, they would leave it up until all members under the site had completed it, or their 60 days was up. That's how it should be.

Please let me know if your issue was resolved.



Member #2's reply:

"Hi, thanks for the responses. After a few complaints they have recently switched the site to the same requirement but are now offering a $100 check instead of the $2500. This solves my problem and I can now finish. Thank you for your help!"

If this happens contact customer support at once. If you are still in your 60-day period and registered before any changes were made to the site, I-Deal must let you and/or your referrals complete your/their offers.

The last time I communicated with LeaderDirect was back in April, so I sent them an e-mail. Below is their reply.

My e-mail:

"From: Date: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 11:05 AM Subject: Re: LeaderDirect/ offer... To:


I had sent an e-mail to customer support in April, asking if LeaderDirect's gift site,, was functioning properly. Would you happen to know if it is now? Also, I had a question regarding your gift program's cancellation limitation.



LeaderDirect's reply:

"From: Date: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 3:53 PM Subject: RE: LeaderDirect/ offer... To:

Hi, me.

Thanks for your email.

Unfortunately, at this time our offer is no longer available. There are not enough advertisers willing to participate at this point in time, so we do not have enough offers to choose from in order to award the laptop.

If you’d like to check back with us in 3 months, we are hoping to have the offer live again by then. But for now it is not available.

Best regards,

Customer Care


Okay, I'll check back with them in September. They were up-front about what has been going on, which says a lot to me about their company. And they never dodged my e-mails. LeaderDirect, however, will be regarded has an inactive network until their gift sites are updated.

Last month I received a $25.00 amazon certificate from International Insights, a marketing research and consulting company out of Santa Fe Springs, CA. Then I got a $10.00 money load to my Payoneer Mastercard through Survey Scout Research. Once your account reaches ten dollars, you can cash out on an amazon code or Mastercard load. Your money builds up fast, and the more you earn, the more you redeem! I also cashed out on another $25.00 Tango Card from Toluna, and am about to redeem my points for a $40.00 virtual Visa. Virtual Visas are a new prize on Toluna. I am quite excited. My secret to success with them is to take surveys everyday, and qualify for as many as you can. Last but not least, MyPoints rewarded me with a $50.00 Wal-Mart gift card. If anyone would like invites to these panels, please let me know!

*July 4th link list*

Amped Media-- - offers unknown/$1,000.00 McDonald's gc - offers unknown/$1,000.00 IKEA gc

I-Deal-- - 8 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 gc to the restaurant of your choice - 10 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Visa gc - 10 offers, 1 ref/$500.00 Bose gc

Nuitech-- - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Simon Malls gift card (Visa gc) - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 Coach gc - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 DSW gc - 8 offers, no refs/$500.00 UFC e-gift card

producttestpanel-- - 10 offers, no refs/$1,000.00 Southwest Airlines voucher + misc. gifts[=AFID=]&add_offerid=928142& 13 offers, 3 refs/$1000.00 Wal-Mart gc + misc. gifts 13 offers, 3 refs/$500.00 Pizza Hut gc + misc. gifts

My blog is officially OVER four-years-old... I almost cannot believe it but it's true. Now I am celebrating again, because it's the 4th of July! I'm spending the holiday with my family, and I'm looking forward to rest of the summer. I wish everyone a Happy 4th of July! Please stay safe and enjoy today's events with your loved ones.

Take care,



Abhinav Puri on February 15, 2018 at 9:03 AM said...

Nice Article. Thanks to share. visit:

Abhinav Puri on February 15, 2018 at 9:04 AM said...
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Freejobalert on May 28, 2019 at 6:02 AM said...
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Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz offers, DealZingo payments and account issues, new DIY network, and more!

Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes and possible computer glitches, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz gift sites and...


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