Monday, May 02, 2011

May showers us with CRS rule update and disqualification letter, ZOOZ Solutions, Ltd. and CRS name problem, link list...

May showers us with rain and bolts of lighting this vile month! CRS delivers cease and desist order to blogger, and sends out disqualification letters; company finds flaw with "Consumer(s)RewardSolutions"; ZOOZ Solutions, Ltd. and customer loyalty program introduced; link list. Stormy weather ahead, wear your raincoats!Lawyers sent a cease and desist order to bargain blogger Melanie Kyle. Ms. Kyle taught a number of "DIY classes" for a check in the amount of $2,400.00, the value of an advertised...
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Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz offers, DealZingo payments and account issues, new DIY network, and more!

Ring in the new year with RewardZone USA gift site changes and possible computer glitches, Inquire Network's GiftCardQuiz gift sites and...


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